
The Ruin Town (3) New partner

Austin didn't bother to explain himself first. Instead he had combusken attack with a flamethrower to scare the Shiinotic away. This plan didn't work and instead angered the small group of Shiinotic and morelull. This forced them into battle. Austin quickly began to give commands to his Pokemon.

"Sylveon use hidden power and follow up with disarming voice. Noibat use hypervoice, togetic fairy wind to distract them. Combusken use flame charge then slash and follow up with a flamethrower." Austin yelled.

"Zororak use night slash, clefable use uproar." Lilly joined.

The rest joined in on the fight. Quickly the situation became chaotic but didn't last long. The fight was soon over as Austin's group had stronger power. Austin managed to take out the most. Although the group had taken out this group, the entire forest was infested with them. Austin sudden heard a roar within the battleground. He notice a small dark green figure with red eye struggling to stand up.

Austin pulled out his Pokédex to double check.

Name: Snivy (mutated), grass snake Pokemon

Height: 0.7 meters (slightly bigger than average)

Weight: 8.4kg

Sex: Male

Nature: Hardy

Abilities: Overgrow(unlocked): ups grass moves in a pinch. Enhances regeneration.

Berserk(unlocked) (rare)raises the Pokémon's Special Attack by one stage when its HP falls below 50%.

Description: It is very intelligent and calm. Being exposed to lots of sunlight makes its movements swifter. They photosynthesize by bathing their tails in sunlight. When they are not feeling well, their tails droop.

Austin was shocked a bit by snivy as its attack stat was much higher than it suppose to be. It's defense and special defense stats were also much higher than a regular Snivey. Austin didn't understand how it mutated he only felt that this 3 year old snivy was a mystery.

"Rooooooaaar!!" Snivy screeched loudly. Then it charged towards Austin. Both berserk and overgrowth were active. It was severely injured and this is something akin to a last stand.

Austin decided to capture it and then calm it down. This Pokemon so far fits with his criteria for a Pokemon with unlimited potential. It's just Austin doesn't know what makes it special. It is dark green but this happens with grass types. This Snivy packs a lot of strength in its body. He had Sylveon intercept it and push it back with quick attack. He then ordered it to use swift.

Sylveon hit Snivy and sent it flying and followed up with swift. The energy in its body was brought out and took the form of stars. These stars were sent flying towards Snivy. Austin through the pokeball and surprising managed to catch it. He decided to let it recover inside for a bit before calling it out.

Austin signaled for the rest of the group, who congratulated him on his new partner, to quickly find a place to hide. The longer they stay the more they will be affected with the spores. As the group moved all of a sudden several Shiinotic surrounded them. Several attacks was hurled at them in this ambush. Poison powder, sleep powder, paralysis powder, haze , fairy wind, leech seed, sweet sent, confuse ray.

Austin and the rest began to fight back trying to open a path ahead. Flamethrower, shadow ball, headbutt, hiddenpower, earthquake, ice beam. Were fired from his group. The situation got chaotic. Austin knew they had to do something quick. All of a sudden a powerful aura was felt to his left. Austin saw tony had released another Pokemon. It was an Arbok. It's size was bigger than normal. It seemed much stronger than all his Pokemon. Even Sylveon paled infront of it.

"This is my first partner, Arbok and also my strongest. I help it nurture it poison attribute to new heights. It's venom should scare this group giving us a chance to leave this forest. He called back his other Pokemon. Arbok old pal use smog, follow up with toxic, then sludge bomb and cover the area. Then finally use smokescreen." Tony said calmly.

Arbok did as it was told. Austin had togetic and Sylveon use barrier and light screen respectively. Combusken who just burnt one of the weaker Shiinotic to death was ordered to use fire blast at the direction they came from. Combusken began to store all its energy to use a full powered fireblast. This attack is boosted by blaze and hidden power.

It attacked at the same time a huge smog was exhaled from Arbok's mouth. At this moment the Combusken managed to incinerate a path open. It fell exhausted and Austin returned it to its pokeball. Austin then signaled the rest to prepare to escape. Arbok sprayed it toxic venom in the direction with the most Shiinotic. The group began to screech in pain. Some of the Pokémon fell to the poison.

Austin's group moved out while the arbok scared the chasers with sludge bombs. The group only sighed in relief when they exited the forest. Exhausted they looked for a near by cave and found one next to a pond. The group were exhausted and this also made Austin consider a good counter for fairy type like this Arbok. The group decided to rest for now and discuss further plans tomorrow.

Here you go guys. Dam planning this chapter was a lot of work. I do have a general idea but the details is what pains me sometimes. I have also solved my issue today. Tomorrow we will get to the new city. This chapter might be edited as I felt it was a little weak at the start

harem4lifecreators' thoughts