
Protecting the Crops

Austin and eevee enjoyed the day off from training and missions. Now that eevee mastered bite, foresight, refresh, it was now ready for an increase in strength. Austin bought legit Pokemon weights from the shop. They were way better than simply rock and cloth. The weights he bought were four thin leg weights and one belt wieght. Although they looked light each weight was a kilo and can be increased up to 5 kilo each.

Austin did this so eevee physique and stamina could be enhanced for drawn out battles. He also made a training plan for iron tail. He referenced the anime and the training guide in the computer room. Another move he wanted it to learn was work up. This move increases it attack and special attack stats. The last thing he wanted to awaken was eevee talent adaptability. This enhances the power of similar move types. Eevee is a normal type so its normal type move will see an increase in damage.

Austin registered for the farm district mission. He was on his way there to meet the team leader. The mission description was to patrol a section of the farm district also known as district 11.

Austin finally made it after a 20 minute train ride. The first person Austin met caused him to be petrified. It was good old Tobi from his first mission. He waved to him and brought him to meet the team leader named Fred.

He heard about this guy from both Jacob and Philip. He was a B-class trainer and even took Jacob out with him to complete a C-rank mission. If a higher rank trainer wants to share his mission with a lower rank one, that was the only way to get higher rank missions. Obviously other than increasing the trainers rank.

As Austin was looking around he saw more trainers than mentioned in the mission. Then another B-rank he was familiar with came. It was Maxwell the one who taught them for a week before the Ordeal. Maxwell noticed Austin and greeted him. Austin like usual responded briefly causing Maxwell to laugh. Even the gym leader was troubled by this kid's personality.

The two B-ranks began to gather there team. Austin also understood that they were same mission posted but for different sections of the farm. Austin was paired with Fred to patrol section B with 3 other d-ranks. Fred said loudly, "The night shift is just about done with their last walk through the fields. Once they're done, you and the others will go to your assigned fields while the farmers begin their work day. Remember you will work in pairs. Now come over so I can assign you your positions."

Right when Austin stepped forward he was recognized by the other trainers. "Hahaha this will probably be a successful mission now that the mission Demon is here." Fred laughed. Austin just nodded and remain silent waiting to get his assign region to patrol.

Austin received his assigned position but was really sad. He was somehow paired with Tobi of all people. This guy can out speak a radio channel, even if we included the commercials and music.

Tobi walked beside Austin and said," the berry field is the toughest place to check. Looks like the Fred has a lot of trust in you Hahaha. Oh I grabbed you your walkie-talkie here. We use this to contact Fred if there is something we can't handle."

Tobi continued, "So a couple of heads up unlike other guard mission, this one needs our Pokemon summoned." He the summoned two Pokemon, one was geodude. The other was surprising a kricketune. He continued, "The farming district is guaranteed wild Pokemon encounter. To them this place is an open buffet. "

Austin didn't ask any questions just summoned eevee and told it that the two Pokemon next to it are on their side. He also warned it to stay alert.

Tobi like the chatterbox he is continued," What do you know about District Eleven?" Without waiting for an answer he continued. "This district is divided into three sections, Section A is where the city state grows its vegetables and herbs. Section B is where we have our fruit orchards. Finally, Section C is where we keep our livestock."

Austin knew Pokemon were the source for meat as they don't have the common animals of earth in this world. He also question how they get there meet. The biggest question was which Pokemon served as chicken. As he could not remember a chicken Pokemon.

Tobi didn't even stop to breath and continued, "We keep large numbers of seven different species of Pokemon in Section C. We have two large herds of Tauros and Miltank for beef and milk respectively. We have a large flock of Mareep for lamb and wool. There are several flocks of Torchic for chicken. There is also a drove of Tepig for pork. Finally, we have several artificial lakes filled with schools of Magikarp for fish."

Austin blurted," Torchic as chicken?!"

Chicken? Ps. Made a slight error and replaced Tobi with Philip. Just corrected it. If any one spots a missed Philip please let me know.

harem4lifecreators' thoughts