
New Training (2)

"Ok boy get into a horse stance, and let be see your bodies condition." Old man Norris said.

"What's a horse stance old man?" Austin asked. He was a Pokémon otaku and lived in the state in his previous life. How was he supposed to know what a horse stance was?

"What! you don't even know the horse stance? Then how did you train?" Asked Norris in surprise.

"Old man, I basically started by running, pushups, sit-ups, squats and meditating. I then repeated everything with weights. I just kept adding weights till I reached my current amount of 60 pounds on each arm and 40 on each leg." Austin explained and began to show his weights.

The old man was stunned. He thought Austin was a martial enthusiast, but now it turns out that he just did the basic strengthening. Austin didn't mention his training where he also punched a wooden dummy. He felt that as a trainer the best way to fight is support his Pokemon. Why be an idiot who will run to his death. His Pokemon have more than enough fire power to destroy a mountain.

The old man then explained the horse stance and got Austin in this position. Austin felt it wasn't difficult. He had to take off his weights and balance himself in a stance as if he was riding a horse. The key of this exercise was to strengthen the core.

The old man was checking his pulse and feeling his muscles. After sometime Austin was still in good condition and wasn't the least bit annoyed. The old man finished his check up and told Austin to stop.

"Listen kid, your foundation is very strong. What amazes me is your core strength and breath. It didn't change throughout the exercise.

Your main issue is that your body isn't relaxed. Your mind isn't relaxed. You keep yourself preoccupied. How do you expect to learn calm mind or miracle eye if you aren't in a very chill state." Old Chuck Norris began to lecture in detail and even berated Austin for not taking care of himself.

"Wait old man so humans can really learn Pokemon moves?" Austin asked excitedly. Everything he had was theory. He did everything based on rumors and trial and error. He didn't even know how he learned hidden power.

"Off course we can. The so called human fighters are merely people who observed Pokemon moves and applied for human use. The martial arts society always used Pokemon moves as a lead. Over time the moves were constantly revised and evolved in a way where they belong to humans." Chuck Norris began to talk with passion and the dream of humans wanting to surpass Pokemon in strength.

The old man continued to say, "sadly the truth was that, no matter how strong humans were they could never surpass Pokemon. The moves always became supportive in a way and never gave destructive might. The strengthening at least came as a form of better healing, vision, sixth sense, and aura.

This changed after the cataclysm though. But if you wanna know more you gotta be a B-tank trainer kid."

"First Muliere now, now you Old man. What is so special about B-rank. Why do I need to wait till then. " Austin was frustrated about this issue as everyone just kept telling him B-rank access only.

"It's a whole different world, everything that was previously impossible became possible. Now forget this issue, enter a meditative state. I will have my wife loosen your muscles. I also want you to relax mentally. Think of a time when you were content. Whether it was as a kid with your parents or even returning from a mission from behind these walls." Instructor Norris began to teach Austin seriously.

Austin began to relax. Ms. Norris began to massage each muscle in a certain pattern. She seemed to use a special aura as well. Austin felt as if he was flying. His muscles were loosened and his mind was clear. In this state he began to slowly meditate.

This time the energy felt more clearer but he still could not grasp it. As he was enjoying this new feeling, Austin heard a soft voice(Chuck) telling him to direct any energy he felt along the pattern of the massage. Austin began to do this and he felt much calmer. His felt as if he was viewing the entire room from third person.

Although he could not see he could feel them. Austin also felt that he could think a lot clearer in this state. Many problems that stumped him could be solved if he focused in this state.

"Hey kid remember this feeling!" Austin suddenly heard Norris's voice. Then found himself again in the living room. Ms. Norris long stopped the message.

"Damn kid your talented. You were able to use the recently revised Calm Mind. You should be aware though that this state consumes energy. Just like Pokemon who use moves to increase stats, we humans use energy to use these moves.

You should be feeling exhausted and light headed. The reason for that is you haven't unlocked aura but used it subconsciously. Also if your physique wasn't good enough, then even with this lucky use of aura, you would not have had the stamina to use calm mind.

Take a rest for now I have prepared a medical bath for you to rejuvenate yourself in. After that, pay me for my training and medicine. Then you can go home.

For the next lesson you will need to book a training field so that we can do more exercises.

The last thing purchase my book online here is the link. It includes many skills humans can learn. It also includes my experiences. Too bad I could not make much off it." Instructor Norris told Austin.

"Thank Old man I finally felt the wonders of this art. Don't worry about the price I will pay. You wrote a book?! How did you post it? On what website.. what! No wonder you could not sell it. Most books on that site are bs. Nothing in it is real or worked. So posting it on this site will be bad.

If you want I can ask the gym leader to help you post it on the official league page. This way other than a small percentage(service fees and tax) the bulk of the pay you get will be put in your bank account." Austin began to help this old man. Austin began to recognize him as his teacher.

"What does a brat like you know, just get the book and book a training field." Stubborn Norris Yelled.

"Oh the training field. Don't worry just come to my place I have a training area. Now let's get back to this book thing..." Austin gave his address to instructor Norris. He tried to continue talking but was hit on the head and sent to the medical bath.

Austin laying in the medical bath felt relaxed. He also began to think about what he should do. Tomorrow he will train again with the old man. Then he will go and find his sixth Pokemon. Austin didn't feel like taking missions so he was going to look online.

After the bath Austin bid his new teacher and Ms. Norris goodbye and went home. In front of his house Austin saw a box that was delivered to his house. He brings it in and opens it. It was the egg incubator. Austin quickly puts the egg in the incubator and turns it on.

This incubator can quicken the hatching of eggs. It also estimates how long an egg will hatch. Austin checked and saw that the egg will hatch in 1.5y which meant 1 year and 6 months.

This shocked Austin as he was expecting it to hatch in two months.

Thanks dudes for the support. Next chapters will be slight time skip mentions various aspects of the world. A chap for his b-day and a chap for about dark side of Pokemon world(team rocket etc). Then officially the first Pokemon games. Ending with the B-class promotion exam. That will end the volume1.

harem4lifecreators' thoughts