

Jacobs birthday party was successful. The rest of the trainers left and only Austin, Philip, Jacob, Hugo, Bobby, and Ginnette remained. Jacob was also really happy about his party. He then told them that his poochyena finally evolved. When he was on a C-rank mission he encountered a tough situation which led to the evolution of his Pokemon.

He released mightyena and it howled when it came out. Everyone was slightly afraid from its intimidating look except Austin. Jacob wanted to let them know it's fine, but then Austin stepped forward and began to pat it of the head. Austin's actions always freaked the rest of them as he acts against the norm. He then placed mightyena on its stomach and began to rub there.

"Your mightyena is a in the mid high-class lvl. It's also two feet larger than other mightyena. It is also very healthy and seems very happy. I got to say you trained a good Pokemon Jacob." Austin finished speaking and feed mightyena berries. To which it started to lick his face.

"Thanks Austin." Jacob answered blankly as he saw his Pokemon being very friendly with Austin. The group was amazed by how well Austin gets along with Pokemon.

"Oh by the way when did you become C-rank?" Austin could not help but ask.

"I became a C-rank about a month ago. Both Ginnette and Hugo also became C-rank trainers about two weeks ago." Answered jacob.

"Maybe I should take the test too!" Austin thought out loud.

Philip joins," Ya you should as you are the only one who didn't become one." Then he flashed his newly printed C-rank trainer's card.

"When did you take it?" Asked Philip as he thought he would take it before him.

"About a week ago. I felt the both Persian and Nuzleaf were great. My Geodude also learned how to coordinate with the rest of the team. I gave it a try and passed. The only down side was I couldn't beat the B-rank trainers secondary Pokemon. " Philip said and then sighed after he was done.

Seeing Austin's confused look they began to explain the exam. The first two parts focused on accuracy and distinguishing ability while under stress. The last one was a battle to see how well a trainer and his Pokemon fight together. Austin was amazed by how thorough the league was in training its trainers. That's what to expect after 100 years of war.

Austin thanked everyone for their explanation and the asked if they have any new Pokemon. Seeing that their was no room in Hugo and ginnette's place, Austin suggested to go to the training field.

They arrived at the training field and each person released a new Pokemon. C-ranks could have 6 Pokémon's. Ginnette previously had wooper, skiploom, lillipup, and butterfree. She then released a shuckle and surprisingly a ralts.

Hugo had his marrowak, magniton, rufflet. His new Pokemon was an aron and shroomish. Austin was amazed that Hugo managed to evolve his magnimite. Jacob surprisingly also surprisingly evolved his pidgey to a pidgeotto. This happened during the C-rank promotion exam battle.

Jacob also showed off his dunsparce and it wasn't only shiny but also larger than normal. Phillip also took out his Pokemon. His Persian was looking strong, Nuzleaf appeared hitting its chest. What interested everyone was his geodude with lightning attribute. That was very rare. He recalled Nuzleaf and released a new Pokemon. It was chatot based on a parrot. It can learn human speech and was dubbed as the musical note Pokemon. Chatot are pretty rare around their city-State.

Austin was happy for Phillip and decided he should show off. He first showed everyone the Pokemon they knew Combusken, togetic. Then he recalled them and released eevee, who stuck close to Austin. Finally he brought out Noibat. This was the first time Noibat was close to other humans. Austin introduced it to his friends.

Then he introduced his friends to Noibat. Noibat already understood the rules and it learned them quicker than his other Pokemon. This was mainly due to telepathy allowing it to understand what Austin meant.

The group stared at Austin impressed as dragon type were really difficult to train. As hard as ghost Pokemon if not harder. Dragon type Pokemon had this pride that made them difficult to control. Austin has actually tamed one which was big news.

Austin and the others were talking about how he met Noibat when Bobby released his beedrill. Then Bobby released another Pokemon and it wasn't apom. It was a pretty rare Pokemon looking really good with its blue fur. It was a panpour. This really made others speechless especially his brother Jacob. Austin congratulates him and tells him it seems his generation are also talented.

He found out from Bobby that of the original 8, two have perished. The rest are not motivated and barely became D-ranks. Austin decided to go lecture them tomorrow. After he takes his C-rank promotion exam. The group spent the rest of the day with each other, then separated back to there own place when it turned dark.

Sorry dudes something urgent came up today and couldn’t write much but here is a chapter.

harem4lifecreators' thoughts