
E-Rank trainer

When Austin heard the gym leader's remark he responded annoyed, " Of course I'm alive I can't die before the you older fellows."

His expression and response made the gym leader laugh even harder. Austin was too tired to bicker he hand his pokeball to the leader to register under his name. He also decided to wait to get his new trainer's card.

Austin looked down at the awake togepi who had its back toward the new people. This little guy was too timid. Austin looked at the gym leader and asked, " so do I get the ok it take care of this little dude my way."

Muliere finished laughing and then stared with a serious expression at Austin. Then his gaze shifted towards togepi who was still in its new nest. Muliere couldn't help but laugh again. "Now I know why you couldn't come back yesterday, you gave birth to this thing hahaha. You look like a new mother hahaha."

This response ticked Austin off but he held himself together. He had no time for this fool. So he replied expresssionless, " Old man can you give me an answer or should I find someone who can.

The gym leader became silent and became serious. "Kid your seriously no fun. Now going back to the issue at hand I can give you a permit along with your license but you only have a year. Then you must place this pokemon into a pokeball."

Austin felt bad as the gym leader was trying to lighten the mood. He then smiled towards the gym leader and said, "Sorry Old man I'm just tired and the entire night was a freaking nightmare. Hell I don't even know how I escaped from a fearow in the grasslands. After I sleep for a bit I'll meet you in the gym to get my card and permit.

Muliere understood Austin's plight. He even felt hurt on seeing the exhausted look on this child. He was clear on the situation, no matter how much the league didn't want to, they had to employ these measures or else humans won't have any protection left.

It might not seem like there is any problems but the league are under staffed and if they can't produce an S-class trainer every year then once his generation dies out. There will be no one strong enough to take there place. Thankfully although they didn't produce an S-class they have in the last 10 years produced 100 A class which is better than some other cities. Yet they only have 8 S-class including him.

Austin was escorted to the Pokemon center. He directly ignored all gazes and went to the barracks to sleep. He showered quickly and went to bed. He took togepi away from his chest and place it on the pillow next to him. He then went to sleep immediately ignoring togepi's pleas.

Time passed and Austin woke up relaxed. He felt like he never slept so peacefully. Togepi was right where he left it sleep on it's side of the pillow. Once Austin's got up togepi woke up as well and brought it towards his chest.

Austin was a bit annoyed but he was still happy he got a rare Pokemon. He decided to make a getup for himself to use when he goes out. He wanted to make a jacket light but strong enough to withstand some blows from weaker Pokemon. He also wanted to make high quality pouch for togepi. Similar to the jacket but also has a place for food so togepi can help itself. That way he can keep focused on other things like training.

He pulled out the paper he wrote his things to do. He looked over his previous written notes. 1) Find a porygon and rotom.

2)build a portable healing machine that's also connected to Pokemon storage.

3) Get a pokedex

4) figure out which region you are in. Map is different from 100 years ago.

He then began to added the things he just thought of:

5) build a jacket from caterpea silk and seviper scales. Silk like togepi holder with portable bottle( like the one for mice and rats) so togepi can drink milk.

6) get a miltank.

Austin made his was towards the gym with togepi in his arms. He then met Muliere after chatting for a bit he got eevee back plus a trainer card and permit.

He went back to the Barack and was congratulated on becoming E-rank. His group all passed except the upper class girl. She went out again today and still isn't back.

Austin path was just beginning he wants to be the very best.

I wanna be the very best that no one ever was to catch them is my.... you get the drift sing with me folks.

harem4lifecreators' thoughts