
C-rank Promotion Test

Austin woke up early the next day. He went down to his kitchen and prepared breakfest. Eevee and Togetic liked sleeping inside with Austin. Combusken and Noibat slept outside. Noibat perfected the cave while Combusken liked to sleep next to a berry bush.

Austin called both Noibat and Combusken to come eat. They ate and went to warm up in the small training field. After that Austin made his way towards the gym. He entered the open doors, making his way towards the gym leader's office.

"Hey old man are you in here?" Austin yelled outside the door.

"Yes I am little brat. Come on in, thanks to you I have a bit of work on my hands." Muliere says to Austin who walked in.

"I'm here to take my C-rank promotion exam. Also I want a permit to open a private shop." Austin gets to the point.

Muliere smiles and says, "I was wondering when you were going to take this exam. It seems now you feel comfortable with it. Your gonna have to wait a bit as I need some time to get everything ready. By the way, Why would you need a shop?"

Austin pulls out his sunglasses and hands it to the gym leader. "This is my special made nightvision/heat vision sunglasses. I gave one as a gift to Jacob and everyone was who was there wanted one. I also plan to build other things."

"This thing is really impressive I want one as well. Why don't you give me the blue prints and method to build it and we can put it for sale for you. You can directly receive you income into your bank account." Muliere said while playing with the glasses.

Austin thought a bit before agreeing to his request. It would be a hassle to have a shop and take time to sell things instead of train and become stronger. This make things easier for himself and the factories might be able to connect it to the Pokédex.

"I have two blue prints. The first one is for the glasses you are holding. The second one is the one I'm trying to make and improve. It will have a scanner and camera. It will also be directly connected with the Pokédex." Austin proceeds to draw his two designs and hands it to Muliere. Muliere is amazed at the idea Austin had. This way will be faster for the trainer to get wild Pokemon information.

Beep..beep. Muliere picked up the phone that interrupted them. He was told the promotion exam was set up. "Austin lets go, I'll take you to the place where the exam will be held."

Austin followed the gym leader through the Gym until they reached a double door on the other side close to his office. They passed through the doors which led to a stairwell. austin followed the gym leader down through several flights of stairs.

The two finally reached a well lit room. The room was huge, more than twice the size of the Gym upstairs. Austin could see that it was divided into two sections. Both sections looked like obstacle courses. There were walls, tubes, poles and other structures spread out in both sections. One section had several small red flags placed in different locations. He also noticed that there were many holes spread out on the walls and on the ceiling.

There were also four people waiting for Muliere. Austin recognized two of them as part of the only eight S ranks of the City-State.

"Austin you already seen these two before, the guy is Carl," he said indicating the trainer on his right. "And the girl is Sharron the only female S-rank in the city-state. They are the only S-rank trainers from our city state that were available to judge your test with me."

"Hello," Sharron said with a smile. Carl only nodded to Austin. Austin also just nodded back. This made Sharron laugh saying he pulled a Carl.

Muliere said. "Traditionally, three S-rank trainers test trainers who wish to be promoted to C-rank or higher. If three S-rank trainers are not available then the League allows A-rank trainers to fill in the spots. Luckily we have three and won't have to get one of the elites involved." (A-rank is called elite class, S-rank is called master class)

"Since all three of us are masters, I don't outrank them. Even though I'm the Gym leader of Asadia, we are equals in the eyes of the League. They have the power to overrule my decision if they think that I'm being too hard on you or too soft on you during your exam." Muliere explained. Austin didn't care and just nodded.

"This place is also where trainers come for special training," Sharron spoke up. She said this, because she wanted to let Austin know that he can come here to train his Pokemon. This place was big and had many equipment he could use, especially when the normal method isn't working as much. The last Trainer just stood there quietly. Austin thought that he might be the B-rank his friends told him he'll battle.

"You will need two Pokemon to complete this test. Now release two of your Pokemon." Muliere said.

Austin nodded and released eevee and togetic. The two S rank knew Austin had a togepi but they never knew he evolved it. Both of his Pokemon were shiny which was why the S-ranks deemed Austin S-rank potential.

"Good choice, covering both air and ground. But don't think the flying type doesn't have any restriction." Muliere spoke, to which Austin nodded in response.

Muliere nodded to Carl, who walked over to a panel on the wall. He pressed some buttons and some of the obstacles began to move. Some of them moved in simple patterns while others moved at random. From the holes in the walls and ceiling austin saw what looked like tiny cannons pop out.

"The C-rank exam is in three part just like the D-rank exam," Muliere began.

He motioned to the obstacle course that had the flags.

"For the first part, one of your Pokemon will have to go through that obstacle course and retrieve all the flags. While your Pokemon is going through the course it'll be fired on by those," he said while pointing at the tiny cannons. "Don't worry, they only fire rubber balls. However, should your Pokemon be hit by the balls six times you will fail the exam. Understand?" Austin nodded.

"There are two obstacle courses," he continued. "You can't use the same Pokemon to complete both parts. Choose which Pokemon will take part in retrieving the flags."

Austin signals eevee to step up. Muliere nods and begins the trail. Eevee easily gets all the flags without getting hit. It's performance was really elegant. Muliere and the others were surprised at how well trained it was.

"Now let's begin the next part of the exam." Muliere says.

This is a long one and I had to use orihinal chapter for references but many words need to be changed took a while but here it is enjoy.

harem4lifecreators' thoughts