
C-class mission

Leo as a C-class trainer can use 3 Pokemon. He had a graveler early high lvl, a pidgeotto, peak mid level, and finally a golbat high mid lvl. Austin asked Leo about Pokemon strength based vs trainer rank. It turns out D ranks who are about to take there tests usually have there Pokemon at the peak of the low lvl. Some trainers stay and train there Pokemon to reach a higher rank. Usually B ranks have high level Pokemon while new B ranks might have a peak mid lvl Pokemon.

Leo is from the exception that didn't take his B-rank exam and trained his Pokemon to be stronger. This was advice he got from his brother. Apparently B rank mission are much tougher than C rank missions And usually always deal with high rank creatures.

Austin planned to use only his eevee as it had iron tail which will definitely deal damage to Rhyhorn. Eevee is close to high level stats and Austin was sure it will reach it in 3months time. He also estimated Torchic would evolve in three months but he wanted to try to postpone it for as long as possible. Togepi might evolve when he becomes a C-rank.

Austin's plan to beat Rhyhorn was to use graveler as the tank. Pidgeotto and golbat annoy Rhyhorn from the sky. Eevee will damage it slowly with ice type hidden power. Then once it's damaged enough they will finish it off with iron tail.

Austin and Leo made there way towards the northern Gate. Once they left the gate they called out there Pokemon. Austin and Leo made there way slowly. They encountered a few geodude but they were taken care of easily. Austin told Leo that he should teach pidgeotto steel wing.

They continued their path and encountered a zubat. Torchic took care of it easily. They kept moving through the mountainous route. On the way they encountered a few Aron and baltoy. Austin and Leo battled their way until they made it to the mining area.

"Ok be careful there are solrock and Lunatone in the area. There are also a few gravelors and Rhyhorn. Some people saw glygars, Others saw golbats. We need to be on high alerts." Austin merely nodded as he always been alert. He let eevee scout the route they take. Eevee has the innate ability run away. This allows it to escape even from trapping abilities and moves.

They finally made it in front of the cave the rhyhorn was in. Austin called Leo to the side and told him to recuperate. They feed there Pokemon rested a bit. Once the group felt energized, they entered the cave.

Austin and the group approached the location where the rhyhorn was last seen. It was empty, without saying anything, Austin and his crew decided to go deeper. In a clearing that had many iron ores, the rhyhorn was resting. Sensing people intruding it's home, rhyhorn faced them and roared loudly. The pressure scared the wild Pokemon, austin's mid-lvl. Eevee was fine and Torchic was in its pokeball.

Austin nodded towards Leo and they initiated the plan. Graveler roared and charged towards ryhorn. Graveler used rock throw and then followed with a roll out. Eevee used agility and then double team waiting for a chance to fire the hidden power. Golbat spat poison and pidgeotto used gust.

Plan was going well Rhyhorn was distracted by the other moves then was hit with a rollout. It didn't budge but couldn't attack either. Austin told eevee to fire. Eevee launched the hidden power and Rhyhorn roared from pain. Too bad it would take a while to take it down.

Time passed and the roll outs strength reached its peak. Rhyhorn was injured but fought hard. Both golbat and pidgeotto fainted and were recalled. Eevee prepared iron tail after it fired the last hidden power on Austin's signal.

Boom! The roll out met a horn drill and canceled each other out. Then out of nowhere eevee appeared right above Rhyhorn. Eevee landed the Iron Tail right on ryhorns head without giving it time to react.

Rhyhorn was about to faint but endured.

Austin couldn't help but yell, " damn endure! Eevee quick hidden power." For some reason he had a bad premonition.

Suddenly a blinding light appeared with Rhyhorn as the source. Once it was over, an angry roar could be heard among the confusion.


You would think Mc can catch a break in his first C-rank.

harem4lifecreators' thoughts