
Annoying Businessmen

Austin woke up the next day and started to train his Pokemon. He always focused on training the body and then manipulating there energies. Austin felt that he vaguely understood a pattern to Pokemon strength increase. If it follows a certain order then it might be possible to reach Arceus's level. All this was his theory though. Who wouldn't want a Pokemon that strong.

Austin finished his training with his Pokemon and then prepared food for them to eat. He then went to the yard to take care of his berry bushes and trees. He wanted to catch both a water type and grass type to handle this issue. Before the apocalypse event, grass Pokemon took care of the plants and water Pokemon use to water them.

After finishing, he was tired and went inside to check up on the shops. These shops were mostly trainers or big companies that sold Pokemon or items useful for trainers. He saw several things that were useful like the sun stone, fire stone, moon stone, lava cookies. He found items that evolve electibuzz and onix but the prices were expensive. His togetic shiny stone costs half a million dollars. Austin was shocked by how pricy the items are.

He decided to check Pokemon and found that again the cheapest of everything was Pokemon. They truly are unwanted. Even the dragon family has some Pokemon for Pokemon for sale. Too bad they have cruel and vengeful as there nature. Austin put grass to try his luck but dam he didn't have time to go through all that. There was so much in this listing so Austin decided to check it one by one throughout the week.

Just like that a week passed with this type of peaceful routine. Austin kept looking through for Pokemon hoping to find one online. He also made a functioning healing machine but instead of healing in seconds. His machine takes an hour. Now he wanted to make it from lighter material and much smaller. He saw a piece of metal that can handle pressure and was light. If he used it to make the main operating chip he can decrease the materials he needs. This material costs 1.2 million dollars. He is gonna have to wait till he gets his next payment to get it.

The only thing that annoyed Austin's beautiful week was the damn businessmen. He does a good job in mission and many want him to personally get it done. He wants to ease his work load and can't keep bothering with these business men. He got call from three companies every day throughout the week. The silk company wants caterpies again to increase there output. The restaurants want foongus. Lastly another company called him it wanted him to capture swinb from a place 4 days away. They need its fur to make clothes.

Austin wanted to try and decrease his load and help the city. If he can develop more ideas he would make money, help the Pokemon and better his home. It would be a win win situation. Austin wanted to go look for Pokemon and grow stronger not become an errand boy. Sylveon came by to cheer him up. As he thought of this he left to the western gate to catch a caterpie.

Austin had an idea to improve the silk company if he can isolate the gland that makes the silk. Put it in a device that keeps it alive, like a cell culture. Provide it the necessary nutrition it needs to produce the silk. If it works then that would be awesome. The second way was easier to transplant the silk genes in miltanks to be produced with the milk.

This idea was used back on earth and was an immediate relief. Pokemon world was far ahead in gene technology than on earth. Most of their studies though was to bring back pokemon, and clone them. This was done for the benefit of coexistence. Earth on the other hand thought for human benefit and not the coexistence with animals.

(Author Note: many of this shit I say is pure bullshit. If someone has better bs, or hard fact you are free to share them and I'll update the chapter.)

Austin managed to find a caterpie very easily this time. He then went back to the Pokemon center to heal it. At that moment he was called by Muliere who happen to spot him. Muliere approached him with group of three people following.

"Austin it good that your here. These people are from Kaldia. That is the City-State representing the Kalos Region." Muliere said.

Austin nodded and waited for him to continue.

"I called you because they came representing there City-State to trade for our trained lillipups. On top of that they are here to search an old ruined village one day away from the southern Gate. I want you to join them on this mission it could bring you some benefits." Muliere said.

Austin was stunned and then got excited. He has been wanting to go out for a while, but he truly didn't feel he had the strength. The group had one b-rank and two A-ranks. They most definitely arrived via Airship(balloon).

"Ok thank you for the opportunity leader. I will definitely not disappoint you. I would also like to talk to you in private." Austin answered. Austin's action made Muliere feel better as he was respected in front of foreign guests.

Sorry for yesterday I got caught up in real life, and when I was free reading Imperial God Emperor. Still not sure if it’s good or not. Now Austin will begin to introduce more efficient ways to utilize the available technology. In this mission he will catch a Pokemon. Please tell me between Shinx and Snivey who should he catch first.

harem4lifecreators' thoughts