
Pokemon: The Rise Of Vampire

A young man died by a truck while saving a girl. The young man finds himself in a void and he can't feel his body, The man tries to find where he was but can't because everywhere is darkness, The man thinks about his life on earth and how his mother died from cancer and how hard life was without her. Abruptly in the void, a portal appeared, and a figure appeared out of nowhere. A figure emerges and takes the form of a beautiful woman. ************ Note: English is not my native language, if you find grammar errors in my novel, please don't mind, I will correct my Grammarly mistake or you can point out those mistakes. Disclaimer: Pokemon does not belong to me, only the OC and MC are mine.

Aayann_ · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
9 Chs

Aura and Psychic Powers

"OK, Luna I will check the skill level in status and then practice to improve them! " Aegis said, and then called "status" in his mind.



Name: Aegis Vampir

Race: Dhampir {: A human-Vampire hybrid }

Age: 6 years old

profession: None

Health (HP): 200/200

< Strength (STR): D >

< Agility: D+ >

< Vitality: C+ >

< Intelligence: B >

< Charisma: A+>

power: < Aura >, < Psychic >

Skills: ( Fast Growth - 100%(Max level) ), ( Observe - 50%(Intermediate level) ), ( Aura Manipulation - 10%(Begginer level) ), ( charm - 70%(Advanced level) ), ( Regeneration - 20%(Begginer level) ), ( Telekinesis - 10%(Begginer level) ), ( Telepathy - 10%(Begginer level) , ( Blood suck - 100%(Max level) ), ( The bite - 100%(Max level) ).

Aegis looked at the skill levels and nodded and thinks which skill he tries first. He looked at Aura Manipulation skill and then closed his eyes and try to sense Aura around him.

He can now feel his surrounding energy that enters his body from his surroundings and slowly began to circulate in his body, he can feel every cell on his body try to absorb this energy greedily, he opens his eyes and now his eye color has changed from Amber to light blue and his body also releases a light blue color of Aura.

[ Luna: Aegis try to control the flow of Aura in your body, this will help you to improve your Physical stats and refine your body by purifying it by Aura. ]

Aegis nodded his head and sit in a meditation position and try to control the energy that flow in his body, he can now feel the and circulates it equally in every part. He opened his eyes and then he looked at Aurora and now he can sense the Aura in her in the form of Life energy.


[ Host has learned New Skill "Aura Control"]

[ Host has learned New Skill "Aura Sense"]

[ Aura control: Ability to help the user to control the Aura efficiently inside the body. ]

[ Aura Sense: Ability to sense Aura of life form in the form of life energy. ]

Aegis exclaimed with surprise to learn a new skill and check his status once more.



Name: Aegis Vampir

Race: Dhampir {: A human-Vampire hybrid }

Age: 6 years old

profession: None

Health (HP): 200/200

< Strength (STR): D >

< Agility: D+ >

< Vitality: C+ >

< Intelligence: B >

< Charisma: A+>

power: < Aura >, < Psychic >

Skills: ( Fast Growth - 100%(Max level) ),

( Observe - 50%(Intermediate level) ),

( Aura Manipulation - 10%(Beginner level) --> 1.Aura Control, 2. Aura Sense(Partly locked) ),

( charm - 70%(Advanced level) ),

( Regeneration - 20%(Beginner level) ),

( Telekinesis - 10%(Begginer level) ),

( Telepathy - 10%(Beginner level),

( Blood suck - 100%(Max level) ),

( The bite - 100%(Max level) ).

Aegis looked at the new skill that he learn and nodded but he became confused about the partly looked status of the Aura Sense skill, so he decided to ask luna.

Aegis: Luna can you explain more about Aura and why the Aura Sense skill is partly locked?

[ Luna: Definitely Aegis, Aura is a form of spiritual energy, it can be described as the essence of every living entity alive in this world, the Aura also helps increase the user's strength, speed, stamina, and senses.

In your case, the Aura is equally distributed inside your body. Controlling the aura inside your body is really easy, but when you try to use that aura outside your body, it becomes difficult. For example, if you want to create a ball or a sphere of Aura, you have to push the aura out of your body and then give it a shape.

The Aura sense skill is partly locked because you only can see the life energy of a living entity that has a higher value of Aura than a normal living being. You can sense riolu because she has a higher reserve of Aura, but you can't sense normal humans because they don't have the ability to store Aura. The skill is completely unlocked when you attain an intermediate level of "Aura Manipulation". ]

Aegis: Ok luna now I can understand the Aura better now, can you also tell me how I can increase the Aura reserves inside my body?

[ Luna: The fastest way to increase the aura reserve is to empty the aura in your body. When the aura reserve in your body is emptied, your body automatically collects the aura from oxygen in the atmosphere and fills your aura reserves.

Each time you empty the aura reserves in your body, the storage capacity of your body to hold aura gradually increases. ]

Aegis: Thanks Luna for your explanation about Aura now I can understand my Aura powers better now.

[ Luna: Not a problem Aegis, happy to help you fufufu...]

Aegis then looked at Aurora and also help her to sense the Aura from her surroundings and collect it inside her body and help in Aura control. He told her to practice the procedure and then looked at another skill to try now.

Aegis try his telekinesis skill this time and looked at the room to find something to use the skill on it, he looked at the desk and find a pen there so he then thinks about the skill and tries to activate it.

This time the brain releases the energy in the form of telekinetic waves to the pen, he controls the energy to levitate the pen, and then the pen began to levitate and comes in his hand. He then searches for some big object to try to use the power, and this time, he tries on the lamp table but during the procedure, he felt a light headache in his head.

Aegis asked luna what happened to him, and why he felt a little dizziness and headache inside his head.

She informed me that using psychic abilities produces mental anguish if one's mental fortitude is weaker.

The brain regulates the psionic energy, which manifests as telekinetic waves, and powers it with mental strength. You can create things entirely out of psionic energy if you develop your mental strength to an optimal level.

Okay, now that I've learned more about my strength and how to improve my skills, I can train. Because I'm feeling exhausted right now, I think I need to rest. He also called Aurora to stop because practicing Aura consumes her energy, so he calls her to take a break.

* * * * *


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