
Pokemon: The Rise of a Legend

"Finally, after all of this fighting, I can finally rest." Or so he thought "Well Hello there." Said the being who would kick start Cyrus' next life, leading to the rise of the Legend himself Cyrus Lockhart "The King of Pokemon" --------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys, I hope you all like my story and if there is anything I can improve on please let me know along with any recommendations or comments, all feedback is welcome! As a heads up, I will not have a concrete release schedule, I am writing this for fun so it all depends on my available time. Some weeks I may write 4-6, while others I might release 1-3. So please bear with me! Just a heads up this world is an AU, while its nothing over the top crazy, there are still a good amount of AU elements I do not own the cover art or any of the characters in the story except for my OC’s

LazyCaveman · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

A New Beginning

"Alrighty then, what will your two wishes be?" ROB asked Cyrus with an anticipation-filled look

"For my first wish, I would like to be born into a rich and powerful family, if what I've read is any indication, then it will be nice to have a rich backer helping me during any endeavors I may take part in," Cyrus said as he explained his reasoning to ROB who was nodding along

"Hmm, quite a good choice indeed, most people are either reborn as orphans or just randomly appear in the world."

"Noe, for my last wish, I would like to be born a natural Psychic and have elemental affinities for fire, Lightning, and wind."

"Oh ho, a psychic huh, good choice, and if I heard you correctly you would like affinities for Fire, Storm, and Water manipulation, correct?" ROB asked with a mischievous glint in his eye

Cyrus was about to speak up and correct him until he realized that ROB was trying to give him a loophole into having another affinity, although he hadn't the slightest clue as to why ROB would go to such lengths for him, he decided to be grateful and stay quiet.

"Y-yes that is correct," Cyrus said with an awkward smile

"Perfect." ROB clasped his hands together and continued. "Time to get you started in your new life."

"I do hope you live your life to the fullest in whatever way that is to you," ROB said as he snapped his fingers and everything went black, well, for Cyrus that is, as he was just thrust into his new beginning.


As soon as everything turned black for Cyrus, he was immediately enveloped in a... strange feeling.

It felt like he was currently fully submerged in some kind of liquid and yet, he could breathe.

'that fucking bastard!' Cyrus yelled in his mind as he tried to move his mouth but nothing happened

'no no no no no, I can't believe this, are you shitting me!' Cyrus internally roared as he quickly realized where he was

'I told that old bastard I wanted to reincarnate at the age of 6! not as a fucking fetus!'

As Cyrus was busy trying to thrash around to no avail, he suddenly stopped his efforts after he heard the old fogey's voice in his head.

'Hahaha, oh man, this is too funny!' ROB laughed as he watched Cyrus failed attempts at kickstarting his motor functions

'You old bastard, why am I in the womb!' Cyrus yelled in his mind

'Haha, oh, wow your reaction is hilarious, well, to answer your question, I was in the mood for a nice little prank, so, while you will awaken at the age of 6, you first will get to experience the wonderful process of childbirth!' ROB exclaimed in such a way that made it sound like he was giving Cyrus a once-in-a-lifetime chance.

While technically he is, that doesn't mean Cyrus has to like it.

'Ugh, fuck, so, how long am I going to be stuck in this endless void of fluids?' Cyrus asked after resigning himself to his fate, much to ROB's displeasure as the prank was foiled almost immediately with Cyrus' attitude

'Hmm, shouldn't be too long now, the contractions should commence shortly so, buckle up and enjoy the ride, make sure to keep both your hands and feet inside of the ride at all times. Tata!' ROB said with a final farewell

Just as Cyrus had relaxed himself in wait for the moment, it had finally begun.

Cyrus began to feel this weird force, it almost felt like, a form of suction.

It was like every few moments he would suddenly be jerked forward in an attempt to get him out of the place he was in, of course, that was simply the labor contractions that his new mother was currently going through.

After what felt like hours, Cyrus could feel a painful force of suction trying to force his head through what felt to him like a tiny hole.

More minutes passed as Cyrus was starting to grow fed up with being birthed, that is until, his head had finally left his mother's womb, thus marking the start of his being pulled out and birthed.

'Ow, what hell man, be gentler you stupid fuc-

As Cyrus was yelling at the doctor who was assisting with his birth, although he was yelling multiple obscenities at the quack doc, all that came out was a blood-curdling cacophony of screams and crying.

"Aww, don't worry buddy, we're gonna get you out of there completely in no time, so please calm down before my ears rupture." The female doctor said as her toned turned darker and darker until Cyrus could make out some annoyance at the last part.

All this served to do however was cause Cyrus in an act of defiance, to start screaming bloody murder, causing the doctor to visibly cringe

As time passed and Cyrus was finally fully out of the cell that was his mother's womb, he lay in the aforementioned women's arms as he gazed upon her beautiful face

'Holy shit, my mom is hot!' Cyrus couldn't help but exclaim with a chuckle in his head as he looked at the woman who gave birth to him, who was soon joined by a tall, well-built man who he assumed was his dad

'Damn, both of my parents are really good looking, seems I won the genetic lottery, I hope anyway, who knows, that old man could screw me over and make me ugly, as another one of his "pranks" Cyrus thought with a mental facepalm

Just as he was about to go back to crying, cause, why not? Cyrus looked over his shoulder to where the bitc- nice lady, who was the doctor that helped birth him, was standing and he shot her the meanest look a newborn could give.

When she saw this, a look of utter shock appeared on her face as she looked around to try and find a witness to this demon child's expression toward her, however, all she found was everyone else was fawning over the newborn whose face swiftly went back to normal.

Sure he had a bit of snot rolling down his nose but that's whatever.

Now that he had his attention on both of his parents, Cyrus quickly noticed a curious feature of his father, who had a pair of bright glowing golden-colored eyes, that was when he noticed the door to the room open and in came three more men, all of whom had a similar shade eye color as his father, they also all shared the same hair color which ranged from dark to almost jet black.

As the three men came to his bedside, the oldest of them, whom Cyrus assumed was his grandfather, looked toward Cyrus' mother and praised her for such a quick and clean delivery.

"Haha, wow Emily, that has to be one of the fastest and cleanest deliveries I've ever seen, congratulations!" Boomed the older man

(Cyrus' mother, Emily Lockhart nee Forrester --->)

"Ha, thank you, Mr. Silas." Emily, Cyrus' now named mother said in return

"Oh come on Emily, I finally managed to get you to stop calling me 'Mr. Lockhart' and you just in turn switch to 'Mr. Silas' as I've told you many times before, just call me Silas." Cyrus' grandfather said to his mother with a lighthearted sigh

(Cyrus' Grandfather, Silas Lockhart II --->)

As the two were playfully bickering over what his mother would call his grandfather, Cyurs' father had taken him from his mother's arms and looked into his eyes as he stuck out a finger like most people do to newborns.

"Hey little guy, I'm your father, my name is Elias Lockhart, haha, guys look, my son is giving grabbing my finger!" Elias, Cyrus' father said with joy as Cyrus had decided to try and grab his father's finger and see how much force a newborn could exert, needless to say, it wasn't much.

(Cyrus' Father, Elias Lockhart --->)

'Huh, he seems to have a few scars on the side of his face, I guess being a trainer in this world is sunshine and rainbows like it was in the anime.' Cyrus thought to himself after seeing not only his father, but even his grandfather, and another man who he assumed was one of his uncles, also had scars on them, while his other uncle seemed to be the pretty boy type with his clear skin and flawless skin.

Shortly after his thought came to an end, Cyrus was introduced to his two uncles and one of their wives, his other uncle didn't seem to be married judging by the vacancy of any kind of ring.

"Hey buddy, I'm your oldest uncle, Damion, and this is my wife Ana and our little son Alexander, your cousin." Cyrus' uncle Damion said as he lightly tickled Cyrus' tummy making him involuntarily giggle, also causing his cousin who looked to be no more than one or two years older to giggle along with him.

(Cyrus' Oldest Uncle, Damion Lockhart --->)

(Damion's Wife, Ana Lockhart nee Milton --->)

(no picture for Alexander yet, I only have pictures for him, the mc, and others to be mentioned characters when they are older)

"Come on guys, make some room for the greatest uncle ever, that of course being me, the dashingly handsome Elijah." Cyrus' second uncle exclaimed in a dramatic way

(Cyrus' Second Uncle, Elijah Lockhart --->)

"Oh shut it Elijah, with that ego it's a wonder how Oak ever accepted you as an assistant professor," Elias said with a heavy sigh and a small grin while making fun of his younger brother

"Hmm, oh I don't know my dear older brother, maybe because of my awesome amounts of knowledge when it comes to genetic mutations in Pokemon and most importantly my paper on Delta Pokemon!" Elijah said in triumph causing Elias to just playfully nudge him in the chest with a small amount of force

'Hold up, back up, uno momento. Delta Pokemon? what the hell is that?' Cyrus couldn't help but think after hearing such a bombshell get dropped on him.

'Where have I heard that term from, hmm.' Cyrus went into deep thought as he tried to recall where he had heard the term 'Delta Pokemon' in his past life.

'Ah, that's right! Delta Pokemon was a thing in one of those fanmade games, what was it called again, infancy, no that sounds stupid, innocence, nope even stupider.'

Cyrus started to utilize all of his brain power in an effort to remember the name of the game, thus causing his baby face to scrunch up and causing everyone in the room who was oblivious to the pain-staking thoughts going through his head, to point and coo at him

'Insurgence, that's what it was called!' Cyrus thought in celebration, only to realize that his eyes were growing heavier as his consciousness slipped in and out until he was finally asleep.


Hey guys author here! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, with that being said, we are now officially jumping into the beginning of the story!

Make sure to add to your collection, comment, and most importantly, throw all of those stones directly at my face!