
Pokemon:The New Gym In Kanto

In our well known region of Kanto the League has approved the establishment of new gym for the trainer's all over the Pokemon world to challenge and win the gym badge.The question are - Who is the gym leader? & What type of gym is it?Well why don't we find out by challenging it. --My 1st Novel . --DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN ANYTHING IN THIS FANFIC EXCEPT MY OWN STORY AND CHARACTER. --The cover does not belong to me found it in google images.

Daoistdragons · Tranh châm biếm
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29 Chs

Real History of Pokemon World (Creation Trio Part-1)

"Oh!!!!!! you have seen a strong Pokémon other than my monster, who is that Pokémon?" I ask him slightly intrigued.

*He is Giratina, The Pokémon who rules the Distortion World or also known as the reverse Dimension where common knowledge is distorted and strange. *

"WHAT!!!!!!! you saw Giratina the Banished Pokémon." I say with disbelief.

*Yes! Giratina. The power I felt from him was tremendous, it was like standing before a god while I was just dust, meant to be blown away by the wind. Lord Giratina is a Pokémon misunderstood by many , due to Lord's immense power and control over the dimensions , and his looks many thought Lord Giratina was an evil Pokémon who goes around destroying lives and cause chaos in in the world , and therefor he was banished to the distorted dimension for eternity . But all that was created by fanatics of other creation trio Dialga And Palkia. While they both are meant for creating new space and continuation of time, our Lord Giratina was born to rule and create balance to infinite dimensions and realities which is more difficult than just creating space and expanding the time continuation. When our God Arceus created the universe , it was empty so God created Palkia to manage and create more space and stars , and to continue the universe where time already started God created Dialga to maintain the time line and not to disturb it .* Marshadow explains the history that is unknow to everyone.

"Whoaaaa!!!!" I am amazed, but he continues.

*The world we live in is the main dimension where every reality is connected to , but this dimension is weak for beings like Dialga and Palkia so God created our Lord Giratina so that he can create dimensions strong enough to hold on to beings on the level of Creation Trio . Our Lord has the power of both time and space so that he can maintain the balance of the creation of Dialga and Palkia. The dimension Lord resides in is a reverse world where every type of energy exists to sustain the world, we reside in. And Lord Giratina's job is to maintain it and destroy anything that effects or cause damage to our world. *

*This is why Lord destroys few dimensions that are harmful to ours , in order to do that Lord has to enter our world and erase the link connecting ours and that parallel dimension so whenever Lord appears in our world is because of that reason . But a few eons back , the other two Creation trio Dialga and Palkia were creating worlds and many were starting to treat them as gods , while our Lord is treated as an evil incarnations due to the destruction he causes to close down the links that connects to parallel dimensions , many people from the ancient civilizations interpreted Lord Giratina as a Devil and Evil god and a symbol of negative emotions . But Lord Giratina never considered the opinions of mortals so with the permission of God Arceus , Our Lord Giratina requested him for creating of Distorted dimension or Reverse Dimension of our main world where many parallel dimensions links or passages are connected like in the real world . God Arceus was very connected to the humans , and can't become angry with them because due to an incident where a human helped him when he was in a critical moment , and promised him to look after the human race , so God Arceus grated Lord Giratina's request in creating the reverse dimension of our real world and he entered into it for eternity . *

*When the humans of ancient civilization saw this this, they thought God had banished him into another world and started celebrating the end of evil and destruction. But due to this few links to other dimensions were still not erased. That is why few links remain connected to the real world like Ultra Wormhole in Alola where Ultra Beasts come from , but they are just Pokémon from a parallel Dimension from ours where evolution took in another direction, even the Legendries of the region are from Ultra Wormhole's . The Mega stones in Unnova region are also from another dimension, they came from space correct, but that is because a wormhole or link in space was opened and it entered from it to our world. Due to this our world has become more chaotic and unbalanced. * Marshadow tells me the real history that took place.

I am shell shocked after listing to it. To think the real reason behind the banishment of Giratina was this, suddenly I feel a little ashamed of me being a human, to think that we were the cause for a fight between Pokémon whose strengths are comparable to gods.

Marshadow continues saying, *I first saw Lord Giratina thousand years ago, that time while I was travelling to the shadow dimension I got stuck and entered Lord Giratina's Reverse Dimension. Since, it has been eons ever since someone came to his dimensions Lord Giratina graced me with his blessing and told me many things, that is also the reason I became so strong staying here. I have followed Lord Giratina to many Dimensions and saw many different Pokémon, some worlds were at its infancy while some were worlds were there were no Pokémon only humans and ancient animals we were evolved from. Even so, the worlds we visited were either just born or where Pokémon were just evolved and started to roam the world they were in, or worlds where humans dominated. The strongest were Pokémon dimensions where there were no humans residing. The Pokémon staying there are all pre-historic Pokémon like the Ultra beasts, but they are not strong Pokémon like the Legendries of our world, the most powerful Pokémon I saw was almost as strong as your monster, but not more. Our world has become the focal point of every dimension and many beliefs started in humans minds any many legends were created and clashes were starting between them. This is all because Lord Giratina has been banished to the Distorted dimension. If not, there would have not been and ultra-beasts or mega stones here, the legendries would have been limited in order to keep balance and many conflicts would not have been happened between Legendry Pokémon. *

"The true essence is that Lord Giratina Is the Pokémon who upholds Balance, Destruction, and creation of new Dimensions in order to not disturb our worlds existence. But this has been disturbed due to ancient humans' eons ago, which has caused our world to become slightly chaotic."

Todays chap is short , and totally my own theory on pokemon world so if any one doesn't agree plz free to comment and review . Thank you for reading my book....... Thats all for today..........

Daoistdragonscreators' thoughts