
Chapter 80 – Won but Lost

As Ash Fainted the whole battle field stopped.

Pidgeot Came flying with injured Charizard followed by rest and there was a fierce discussion between them.

Kabutops rushed back on Moltres and took out Thunder treasure and looked at Pidgeot and spoke "Only Ice Treasure is left and we cannot remove it the weather will get worse."

Dexter "Causalities Drop in Water Pokemon in Kantonian Waters due to Sudden Freeze, Grass Types die due to darkness, Humans affected in Tens of Thousands and are increasing."

A Weak voice came "I will go."

Everyone looked at Ash who was struggling to stand but falling down a pale white light fell on him and he then stood up with difficulty.

Audino "Ash your body's energy is in low levels you need to eat something."


Ash was embarrassed.

Everyone laughed.

Dratini took out a hidden chocolate and gave it Ash but spoke cutely "You have to pay ten times."

Ash was shameless and took it "Forget it."

And ate it in one bite before Dratini could speak. Ash's Face turned serious and spoke "GGuys every second is important. Take Care of Pikachu and Charizard Pidgeot lets go."

Pidgeot wanted to speak but just followed and took him towards the ice island.

After Ash left.

Kabutops sighed "Ash we are wasting time for you to recover."

Then he looked at Dexter "Dexter show the real reports."

Dexter "Four hundred thousand pokemons injured, Deaths in hundreds due to less space in hospitals, Nearly a Million People Missing, Dead or Injured reasons same."

Kabutops sighed and looked at Lugia who was laying on the icy sea with sparks flowing around his body. His eyes were opened they were filled with resentment shame and anger.

Kabutops went towards him and spoke "You old fella do you remember me."

Lugia looked at Kabutops but didn't underestimate him and closed his eyes for a moment and felt Kabutops aura and suddenly opened his eyes and was shocked "You how are you still alive."

Kabutops smiled "I gave up my powers for rebirth and got fossilized and then discovered by Ash."

Lugia "My Father was a good friend of you, because he could not leave his post you used to take us to roam *sigh* If he knew that his son has attacked a guardian how will he feel."

Kabutops then trembled "It was not your fault we could have stopped him that day if we were not careless and we took had enough time today to stop him."

Lugia "No we should not blame anyone but that guy."

Kabutops "Lugia we cannot be correct every time Power drives people and even pokemon too take extreme measures we could only stop them."



Ice Island

Ash's Legs were trembling his face was full of pain but he still insisted and climbed up.

Ash "Finally." And he knelt down.

Pidgeot came out look at Ash and sighed went near the altar and took the Ice treasure pulled him and flew back.

Ash returned all his pokemons and went towards the Shamouti Island in hurry as described by Lugia.

Lugia rested there and looked at the sky and his eyes seemed to pierce the sky and nodded.


In the sky Rayquaza too nodded and sighed "The rules are going too extreme."

There was a flash and he flew away.


Shamouti island Ash landed and Melody went to support him.

Melody looked at Ash with worried eyes "Ash you should rest."

Ash felt warmth but shook his head "No the more we wait the more destruction."

Then he looked at Brock and smiled "Long time No see Brother."

Brock who's clothes were in rags smiled "Fine I have got a girlfriend."

Ash who was still clam could not help but widen his eyes with Misty who directly went and touched his head and spoke "Are you fine."

Ash spoke "I will either believe if you got a legend pokemon but this is too surprising."

Brock "Okay fella you have save the world today I will tell you the whole story afterwards."

Ash nodded went upstairs and saw a Slowking wait their.

Slowking spoke "Keep the three treasures there and you know how to arrange them."

Ash was stunned "Dexter did you translate."

Dexter "Beep know there are some pokemons who can develop their Voice box to speak human language like Meowth you have encountered before."

Ash nodded and clamed towards an altar which was surrounded by nine pillars.

He looked into it and saw there were three slits and behind them you could see the respective islands.

Ash started from the left "Fire Island, Flame Bird Molters." As he kept the sphere their it flared up. Next "Lightning Island, Thunder Bird Zapdos", The lightning started to sparkle fiercely, Next "Ice Island, Artic Bird Articuno." The Ice element inside turned into a hail.

Ash backed off and stopped.

A second passed by nothing happened.

Ash frowned "Should something happen."

Slowking spoke "Disturb not the harmony of Fire, Ice, or Lightning lest these three Titans wreck destruction upon the world in which they clash. Though the water's Great Guardian shall arise to quell the fighting alone its song will fail. Thus the Earth shall turn to ash. O, Chosen One, into thine hands bring together all three. Their treasures combined tame the beast of the sea."

Ash repeated it and mumbled "Fighting alone it will fail yes fighting is done what is next."

Ash looked around and saw nine Pillars and then continued and looked at the Shell of the Sea and his eyes glowed.

Melody who was near the altar wanted to help Ash but she could not do anything and mumbled to herself "Really I am useless."


Melody didn't look up.


Melody was shocked and took a step back "Ah what happened Ash."

Ash smiled "Can you play the song."

Melody tilted her head which song "Which song?"

Ash replied "The one you played today."

Melody "The Guardian's Song."

Melody nodded and went next to him and looked at him and spoke "Realy is it the key."

Instead of Ash Slowking spoke "Yes little girl the Chosen One is right."

Melody nodded but frowned and looked at Ash and met his eyes which were deep as the sky and spoke softly "But if I make a mistake."

Ash smiled "Believe in yourself."

Melody nodded.

Melody took a Deep Breath. With a Breadth as if and order a Green liquid flowed out of the altar magically towards the nine pillars with too crystallized and then flowed into the water.

Ta nan a ta nana nana

Taa nan a ta nan a ni neee.


The Pillars glowed in rhythm with the beats a glowed enclosed both of them and a Green light spilled out.


In the hall where everyone were resting a song came to their ears.

Rick and Maren spoke at same time "Melody."

Suddenly all the injuries of both pokemon and humans healed at the same time.


It continued in the whole Kantonian region as People heared a song first and then they were feeling energized.


Lugia heard it and sighed and flew up followed by the three legends.

In the sky the three titans circled Lugia and glowed Lugia too closed his eyes and glowed silver.

A water current rose into the sky and the messed up appearance started to repair. As it started to repair the weather started to improve.


I continued till the song ended.

Melody stopped and gasped and was about to fall but Ash caught her.

Melody smiled and spoke "Ash I heard that you don't want to accept me as your girlfriend."

Ash too smiled "Yes I cannot protect you and my style is different."

Melody smiled and nodded "The girl which could be accepted by you will be very lucky."

Soon the crowd gathered and both of them went down and Pikachu jumped on Ash's shoulder


Ash smiled "You are good again buddy."

Before anyone else could continue Lugia came down and looked at Ash. The islanders kneeled down.

Lugia smiled at their actions and used psychic to lift them up and then looked at Ash and Motioned him to climb on him.

Ash pointed at himself. Lugia nodded.


Ash was riding in the sky and it was different form Pidgeot as there was no wind disturbing him.


Charizard and Zapdos had become friends due to the battle.


Oak who was in the helicopter smiled "This little fella what height could you reach I want to see Ten years old an Elite Four rank trainer with Two S ranks."


To be continued