
Pokemon: The Invasion from Another World

Hey, I am Rambo. This is a story about how I become a great Pokémon Trainer in my world. I am glad to have you all here.

CyanDyan · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Chapter 8: Wild exploration

As the Battle Strategies Session continued, Rambo watched intently as each of his classmates took their turn. He saw Larry facing off against Hiroshi, but despite Larry and Ferroseed's best efforts, they were ultimately defeated by Hiroshi and his Sawk. One by one, the other students from Class 6B also struggled against the more experienced and better-prepared students from Class 6A, failing to secure victories in their 1v1 solo battles.

However, a spark of hope emerged when William and his Druddigon took the field against Veronica and her Shroomish. Druddigon's raw power and resilience were on full display as it effortlessly overpowered Shroomish, landing powerful Dragon Claws that wiped out the competition.

After the battles concluded, Rambo walked over to Larry, who was sitting on the sidelines, looking a bit dejected. Rambo patted his shoulder. "Chill, we'll win next time."

Larry shrugged, managing a half-smile. "Nah, just some type disadvantages. It's no big deal, Ferroseed and I will come back stronger." He paused and then added, "Besides, at least William showed them what we're capable of."

Meanwhile, in the area where the Class 6A students stayed, they were chit-chatting amongst themselves. Hiroshi, looking irritated, glanced over at Veronica. "Tch, that was an unnecessary loss," he said, his tone dripping with disdain.

Veronica, feeling the weight of Hiroshi's words, lowered her head, her insecurities amplifying. She was naturally introverted and shy, and the criticism only deepened her sense of inadequacy.

Just then, Ylisa stepped forward. "You're also a loser, Hiroshi. You have no right to criticize Veronica. You lost to Rambo in other sessions," she stated firmly. Her presence commanded attention, and her words cut through the tension.

Ylisa didn't need to participate in the regular sessions because she was the strongest among the Year 6 students. She was secretly trained by her father, the Gym Leader, and other expert teachers, giving her an edge over her peers.

Hiroshi's face turned red with anger and embarrassment, but he said nothing, knowing Ylisa's words were true.

Brandon watched from the side, not giving any comments as he preferred to keep to himself. However, when he looked at Ylisa, the fire of determination burned in his eyes. He had wanted to challenge Ylisa for a long time.

In the end, Class 6B students still lost to Class 6A students overall, with only six students managing to win their matches. Despite the losses, the sessions continued.

Mr. George, the teacher of the Survival Skills Session, made an important announcement. "Next week's Training Class will be held in the wild. Every participant will be grouped into teams of three and will need to do their best to survive a night in the wilderness."

"Sir, may I ask where the location will be?" a student from Class 6B raised his hand and asked.

Mr. George paused for a moment before answering, "You won't be unfamiliar with that place, Mt. Anderest."

"Mt. Anderest?" Rambo muttered to himself. Seeing the confusion on his face, Larry explained, "Mt. Anderest is the nearest mountain to Wulnarile City. Haven't you been there before?"

"No, I haven't been there before," Rambo replied.

In this Pokémon Era, the wild was an extremely dangerous place compared to thirty years ago. The appearance of unknown spatial rifts had drastically changed the landscape. These rifts, appearing randomly, brought forth unknown wild Pokémon, many of which were far more powerful and aggressive than the native species. Furthermore, these rifts disrupted the natural balance, increasing the frequency of natural disasters such as sudden storms, landslides, and even unexpected seismic activity.

The wilderness was no longer just a place of natural beauty but a realm of unpredictability and peril. Trainers venturing into the wild had to be prepared for anything, from encountering rare and powerful Pokémon to navigating through treacherous terrains altered by the rifts. The risk of encountering hostile Pokémon was high, and the need for survival skills had never been more critical.

"Oh, then you get to experience it this time," Larry paused for a moment, then continued, "I have been there once, on the day after my birthday. It's safe if we don't go deep inside the mountain."

Rambo, curious, asked, "Why did you go there? How did you get permission? I remember you need some kind of pass if you want to leave the city wall."

"Let's just keep it a secret for now. You'll know soon enough." Larry smiled mysteriously.

The session continued, with the students discussing and planning for their upcoming survival training.

The week passed quickly. Rambo's days were filled with intense preparation and training. He spent every morning working with Zigzagoon, focusing on honing their speed and agility. The progress was evident as Zigzagoon learned to execute Headbutt and Quick Attack with precision. Their bond grew stronger with each passing day.

Afternoons were dedicated to making PokéBlocks, a skill Rambo had been perfecting. He experimented with different berry combinations, ensuring he had a good supply for their upcoming adventure. The evenings were reserved for revising his other subjects, as the Global Entrance Exam loomed on the horizon. Rambo knew that balancing his academic and Pokémon training was crucial for his future.

Rambo also spent time planning Zigzagoon's training regimen, considering strategies and moves that would be advantageous in the wild. He researched the types of Pokémon they might encounter at Mt. Anderest and prepared accordingly.

Mt. Anderest is rich in Bug-type and Rock-type Pokémon. The most common Pokémon were Sewaddle, Venipede, Dwebble, and Roggenrola. Zigzagoon's Normal-type moves wouldn't give him much advantage against these Pokémon, so Rambo decided to team up with Larry and a girl in class named Viola, whose specialized type was Water and whose first Pokémon was Marill.

As Saturday arrived, Rambo felt ready. The lessons learned, the training endured, and the careful preparations all culminated in this moment. He met up with Larry and Viola in front of the school, and they walked in together.

"Did you prepare those gadgets that we needed?" Rambo asked Larry, remembering that Larry had offered to buy each set of gadgets needed for wild survival for both him and Viola. Knowing Larry was rich enough to afford it, Rambo hadn't stopped him.

Larry confidently answered, "Of course, I've bought survival knives, multi-tools, portable water filters, thermal blankets, first aid kits, compact cooking sets, and all those bla bla bla~ Believe me, it's all in the backpack." Larry showed his Traveler Backpack 2.0 to Rambo and Viola.

The Traveler Backpack 2.0 was a marvel of modern technology. Much like a PokéBall, it had a special spatial dimension inside that allowed the user to store a large number of items in a compact backpack without feeling the weight. This feature made it ideal for carrying all the necessary survival gear without being weighed down, ensuring mobility and convenience in the wild.

The class gathered at the school, where Mr. George was waiting to brief them on the day's activities. The students listened attentively as Mr. George began his briefing.

"Good morning, everyone. Today's training will be a real test of your survival skills. As you know, we will be spending the night at Mt. Anderest. Each team will be comprised of three members, and your objective is to survive using the skills and knowledge we've covered in our sessions."

"We will meet at the base of Mt. Anderest, where you'll receive your final instructions before heading out. Remember, this exercise is not just about survival but also about teamwork and applying what you've learned. Any questions?"

The students asked a few clarifying questions, which Mr. George answered patiently.

"Sir, what if we encounter aggressive Pokémon? Are we allowed to battle them?" one student asked.

Mr. George nodded. "Yes, you are allowed to use your Pokémon for defense, but only as a last resort. Try to avoid conflict by staying aware of your surroundings and steering clear of known habitats of aggressive species."

Another student raised their hand. "What if we can't find a suitable shelter? Are there specific places on Mt. Anderest we should aim for?"

Mr. George replied, "Good question. If you can't find a natural shelter, use the materials in your survival kit to build one. There are some cave formations on the lower slopes of Mt. Anderest that might be useful, but always check for signs of current occupants, whether they be wild Pokémon or other animals."

"How do we signal for help if something goes wrong?" a concerned student asked.

Mr. George explained, "Each team will be given a flare gun. Use it only in emergencies. We also have instructors patrolling the area who will check in periodically. Stay calm and follow your training if you encounter any problems."

With these clarifications, the students felt more prepared for the challenges ahead. They gathered their gear and headed out, ready to test their skills and teamwork in the wild.

At the base of Mt. Anderest, Rambo and his team gazed at the dense forest, lost in thought. The view was breathtaking; towering trees with lush green canopies reached towards the sky, while the underbrush was a mix of vibrant foliage and colorful wildflowers. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves, and the sound of distant streams added a soothing background melody. The mountain itself loomed above them, its rocky peaks partially obscured by clouds.

"So, do you have any idea which path to go?" Larry turned and asked Rambo and Viola.

"Left." "Right."

Rambo and Viola gave different directions at the same time. They looked at each other, and an awkward silence followed.

Larry laughed, breaking the tension. "Haha, how about we flip a coin? If it's heads, we go left; if it's tails, we go right."

Rambo said, "Yeah, I'm okay with it." Viola just nodded.

Larry pulled a coin from his pocket and flipped it into the air. They all watched as it spun and landed on the ground.

"Heads," Larry announced. "Looks like we're going left."

"Alright, left it is," Viola said, her mouth containing a lollipop. "Let's get moving."

They began their hike up the left path, a rocky road that wound its way up the mountain. The terrain was uneven, with jagged stones and loose gravel making each step a careful consideration. The trail was narrow in places, with steep drop-offs on one side and thick forest on the other.

As they made their way up, they noticed various Bug-type Pokémon around the path. Sewaddle were munching on leaves in the trees and bushes, their bodies blending seamlessly with the foliage. A few Dwebble were disguised as ordinary rocks on the roadside, barely distinguishable from the surrounding terrain.

Rambo watched the Pokémon with interest but made no move to engage them. He remembered the lessons from class, where they were taught to avoid battling in the wild unless absolutely necessary. The noise and commotion of a battle could easily attract more aggressive and powerful Pokémon, putting their lives at risk.

"Be aware, don't scare the Pokémon around here," Rambo reminded his friends. "We don't want to attract any unwanted attention."

Larry nodded in agreement. "Good call. Let's just keep moving and stay focused on finding a good spot to set up camp."

Viola nodded as well, agreeing with Rambo's point. "Yeah."

They walked their way into the woods, keeping a keen eye out for a perfect spot to set up camp. As they ventured deeper, the forest grew denser, and the sounds of rustling leaves and distant Pokémon cries filled the air. They noticed several berry trees scattered throughout the area, but each tree seemed to have a Pokémon guarding it, almost like they were the owners of the trees.

One such tree caught their attention. Its branches were heavy with ripe berries, but beneath it lay a sleeping Ursaring, its massive body rising and falling with each breath. Ursaring were well-known for their aggressiveness, and encountering one in the wild could be dangerous. It was especially rare to see an Ursaring in the U.S., making this sighting even more remarkable.

They took their steps very slowly and softly, making sure not to disturb the sleeping Ursaring. The tension was palpable as they carefully maneuvered around the tree, ensuring their movements were quiet and deliberate.

Rambo whispered, "Let's keep moving. We don't want to wake it up."

Larry and Viola nodded, and they continued their cautious trek through the woods. The path was challenging, with thick underbrush and uneven terrain, but they pressed on, determined to find a safe and suitable spot for their camp.

After a while, they found a small clearing surrounded by tall trees. The ground was flat and covered with soft grass, making it an ideal location to set up their camp. They set down their backpacks and began to prepare their campsite, feeling a sense of relief and accomplishment.

"This looks like a good spot," Larry said, glancing around the clearing. "We should set up our tents and get everything ready before it gets dark."

Rambo nodded. "Agreed. Let's get to work."

Viola smiled, already starting to unpack her gear. "Then I would be setting up my tent first."

Rambo and Larry watched as Viola laid out her tent components on the soft grass. She was efficient and methodical, her movements precise as she assembled the tent poles and threaded them through the fabric loops. The tent quickly took shape, a small but sturdy shelter that would protect her from the elements.

While Viola worked on her tent, Rambo and Larry began unpacking their own gear. Larry set out the cooking supplies and food, ensuring they had everything they needed for dinner. He placed the portable water filter near a small stream they had passed earlier, ready to purify their drinking water.

Rambo, meanwhile, focused on clearing the area of any rocks or debris that might interfere with their camp setup. He gathered fallen branches and arranged them in a pile, ready to be used as firewood for the night. As he worked, he glanced over at Viola, who was now securing the tent stakes into the ground.

"Need any help with that?" Rambo asked.

Viola shook her head, a determined look on her face. "No, I've got this, thanks."

Larry replied, "Okay, then I'll start setting up the cooking area. We'll need a good fire to cook our food."

Rambo finished his task and joined Larry in setting up the fire pit. They dug a small hole in the ground and surrounded it with rocks to contain the flames. Larry used a fire starter to ignite the kindling, and soon, a small fire crackled to life.

Viola finished setting up her tent and stood back to admire her work. "All done, finally."

She joined Rambo and Larry by the fire pit, where they were now arranging a makeshift grill using metal rods and a cooking grate. The smell of smoke filled the air as the fire grew stronger, and the warmth was a welcome comfort in the cooling evening air.

"Nice job on the tent, Viola," Larry said, giving her an appreciative nod. "It looks really sturdy."

"Thanks," Viola replied, smiling. "I've had some practice. Now, let's get dinner going. I'm starving."

With their campsite set up and the fire blazing, they worked together to prepare their meal. The camaraderie and teamwork they shared made the task enjoyable, and soon the aroma of cooking food filled the clearing.