
Pokemon: The Cult Leader System

Alex, A Hard-core Pokemon fan who have watched every season, movie and even hent*i of pokemon somehow get reincarnated as Ash ketchup just the day before his journey starts. Oh and, he also got a cult leader system that let him make a harem cult of his own. With such legendary system, what will he do? Of course, he will fulfill his childhood dream— To Make the biggest harem in whatever way possible and be the strongest. ### This will be wishfulfillment! ### Conform Believer's Number: 16 ### This is only for the strong hearted as there will be a lot of fucked up things presented in the story. The Main Character, Ash (alex) will be Chaotic evil from the start and the reason? no reason causes just want to fulfill everything he want to do without any hindrance so, if you don't like such protagonists, then This is not for you and even after this, you spam review saying he's unreasonably evil then I'll delete it. ### ### A/N: Hey there, smut lovers! Want to get your hands on more of my steamy stories and support my dirty habit? For just the price of a coffee, you can unlock a whole new level of erotic entertainment and become a VIP member of my smut empire. Here's what your hard-earned dollars will get you: Advance chapters: Be the first to know what kinky adventures await. Early access means you get to satisfy your cravings before anyone else. Exclusive content: I'll be crafting bonus scenes and alternate endings that only your horny eyes will see. It might even get so hot that I can't post it anywhere else! Special treats: From custom wallpapers to sexy fan art, I'll be throwing in some extra goodies from time to time to keep you coming back for more. So, what are you waiting for? For just the price of a cup of coffee, you can keep my vibrator charged and my fingers typing up a storm. Join now, and let's take this relationship to the next level!! P.S. This is our little secret, so shhh... Now click that support button and let's make things even steamier. A.P.S. There are already 10 people who have joined the empire!! So go and get your seat because your dear author is throwing a lot of 4k NSFW images of your favorite waifus today. Oh, and you can also request any waifu's NSFW images only for you and not for anybody else!! Shh... join now, you horny pricks! Link: buymeacoffee.com/GodlyMadara

AlmightyAzor · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
20 Chs

Chapter 1: Transmigration

In a dark room with a bed, a computer, and some decorations, a man could be seen sitting behind his computer, watching the last episode of the Pokémon series featuring Ash Ketchum.

"Man, can't believe it's over, sigh! Ash should have done more than only focusing on challenging gyms, leagues, and training his Pokémon. If I were in his place, I would have done a lot more and made a BIG harem," he said as he got up from his chair and stretched out his arms.

"Hm, if I were in his place, it would've been nice. I could've done so much more in there. Do whatever I want without the hindrance of anyone and anything. Sigh, but That's just a fantasy because it's just an anime and not real, haha," he said while laughing to comfort himself.


Hello, I am Alex. No last name because I'm an orphan. I am a 22-year-old unemployed guy with no family, friends, nor a girlfriend. I just passed college, and now I'm free from anything that could ever bother me or so that's what I thought.

But because of financial issues and a lot of others, I became a depressed otaku that only finds joy in watching anime, drinking, and sleeping. And how do I survive? That must be your question, right? I'm a professional hacker, and I hack into random, poor people's bank accounts and take what's left in their poor bank accounts.

You must think I'm some kind of a psychopath, right? To rob even the poor to survive? If so, then think all you want cause I only do this to survive and I'm too lazy to work and earn money myself.

Ahem, let's set my introduction aside and focus on real life. As I stood up and stretched out my arms, I walked toward the refrigerator that I bought with the money I robbed last week, kekeke.

As I took out a beer from my refrigerator, I walked a little and then took out a glass and poured the beer into the glass and then drank it.

"Ah, drinking a glass of beer after working hard to get money is real happiness. Haha," I said as I took another sip of the beer.

"Though sometimes I question myself, 'how have I not been arrested while doing so much illegal thing?' But that's something that I'll only question and not complain about because I'm happy with it so, why complain?"

As I finished the glass of beer, I stood up and then once again opened the refrigerator to look for food.

"Man, where are all the foods that I bought just three days ago? Are they all finished? Hah, guess I need to buy another supply of food that will last at least a month," I said as I closed off the refrigerator and then walked outside.

After heading outside, I walked down the stairs and then sat on my bike and started the bike and then headed off to the supermarket to buy another supply of food for a month.

As I rode my bike to the supermarket, I fell into my own thoughts. 'What will happen to me after I die? Will I go to Heaven or hell, or will I get a chance to reincarnate?' I thought of unnecessary things as I rode the bike.

And as I reached the crossroad, I didn't notice the red light and just went ahead, without caring about anything. And as I was about to pass through the crossroad, I suddenly heard the sound of honking.

Honk Honk Honk Honk*

As I looked at the truck that was coming at me at the speed of light, I froze and stopped the bike without thinking of the consequences of what would happen if I stopped right now.

"Ah, will I also get another chance at life? I've already been bored of my life by now," I muttered as I looked at the truck that was coming toward me and was just near me.

"OI KID, RUN FROM THERE!!!" an old man from the sideline shouted, but I didn't even move an inch and just ignored his words.

And as I was about to look at the old man who just said to run from here, I was thrown backward. As I flew backward, I didn't even feel anything until I landed on the ground when I suddenly felt pain all over my body as if all my bones in my body had been crushed to dust.

"Ackhh!" I let out a mouthful of blood as my whole body bled.

"L-let's call the ambulance." A lady who was on the sideline stuttered as she looked horrified, looking at all the blood.

"What the hell are you waiting for then? Waiting for him to die? Urgh, I'll call the ambulance, you go and check his condition," the old man who shouted earlier said as he took out his phone and called the ambulance.

As I looked at the beautiful sky, I couldn't help but feel lost in it as memories from childhood to now flooded my mind.

'These... are all my... memories... from... birth... isn't it?' I thought with difficulty as I felt my eyes feeling heavy.

"Kid, don't give up and don't close your eyes. The ambulance is coming soon," the old man from earlier said as he came near me in a hurry. But I couldn't hear all his words as I dived into the darkness...


[Do you want a second chance at life?] A deep voice sounded in my head as I woke up, in a place where only darkness resides.

"Yeah," I said, without even thinking.

[Where do you want to transmigrate, and who do you want to transmigrate as?] The deep voice questioned once again.

"It would be great if I could reincarnate into the Pokémon world and as Ash Ketchum."

"Though it would be nice if he was more handsome..."

[Do you want any cheat?]

"Yeah, it would be nice to have a system. It would be great if it could help me create the biggest harem and also make me the strongest."

[In 3 seconds, you'll be transmigrated as Ash Ketchum, one day before he starts his journey with the infamous cult leader system as per your wishes...]

"Nice..." I said, without even caring who it was or what it wanted or if it was even real. I don't care about anything now as I'm already dead and it would be a waste of my precious energy to even stress about it.

[3....2....1 Ding... enjoy your next life, Alex]


A/N: New Pokémon Fic to ruin your childhood. Be thankful to me, mortals.

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