
Pokemon: The Beginning

A youth from modern day Earth wakes up to find himself on the planet Aquamarine. Having crossed over to a parallel world into a teen with the same name he finds out that Pokemon exist in this world. Moreover it has only been a little over a century since Pokemon were discovered and many things about them are unknown to the world. Join Faust Williamson as he explores this dangerous world and slowly creates a legend of the Greatest Pokemon Master.

true_dmg · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Chapter 25 Anti-Climatic Battle and the Plan

The group exited the house and came to the large yard in front of the mayor's residence. Kyle was still chuckling and Faust had a smile on his face. Scott's expression was getting worse by the minute. But he didn't say anything, not wanting to elicit any more insults, besides it would be over in a few minutes. He calmed down a bit as he imagined Faust grovelling and begging for mercy at his feet. 

Taking their positions, Scott immediately sent out Druddigon and saw Faust just looking at his Pokemon in a daze. He believed that Faust had been scared by his Pokemon and was about to taunt him, but Faust spoke first.

"Is this a great dragon-type? What's with the small wings? It looks like a wannabe dragon. Is this another evolutionary defect?"

Faust spoke in a low voice but it was just loud enough for Scott to hear. Scott was angered yet and gave up the idea of taunting and simply said, "Get out your Pokemon! I'll let you struggle one last time before I wipe you off the face of this planet."

Faust observed the Druddigon's information.

[Pokemon: Druddigon(♂)

 Ability: Rough Skin

 Type: Dragon

 Aptitude: Green

 Strength: Early Senior(Lvl. 37)

 Moves: Scratch, Bite, Dragon Tail, Metal Claw, Slash, Dragon Claw, Hone Claws, Glare, Fire Punch(TM), Thunder Punch(TM), Outrage(TM), Dragon Pulse(TM)]

'Well it's moves seem to be quite damage oriented. Let's go with this then.'

Faust tossed a Pokeball and sent out Aurorus. He had initially planned to use Sylveon against Scott and have him despair in the face of his famed Dragon-Type attacks not having any effect on the fairy-type. But information about Fairy-types was something that he did not want to reveal yet. He wasn't strong enough and even though the RL was backing him, he didn't want anymore attention.

[Pokemon: Aurorus(♂)

 Ability: Refrigerate

 Type: Rock/Ice

 Aptitude: Green

 Strength: Early Elite(Lvl: 52)

 Moves: Ancient Power, Growl, Powder Snow, Icy Wind, Aurora Beam, Thunder Wave, Nature Power, Freeze Dry, Ice Beam, Light Screen, Mist, Hail]

'Well…this should be easy.'

As soon as the Aurorus appeared, Scott instantly commanded the Druddigon to use Hone Claws.

"Okay Aurorus since he's giving us the opportunity, use Hail", said Faust and Aurorus' body glowed blue as it released a gust of cold air. The weather within the yard changed instantaneously as a hailstorm appeared. 

"Hmph, you should've taken the opportunity to attack, Druddigon use Metal Claw!"

The Druddigon's claws glowed white and it charged towards Aurorus. The hailstorm did have an effect as Faust noticed the Druddigon being hit constantly as it approached Aurorus.

"Aurorus use Icy Wind!"

The Aurorus let out glowing breath of bluish white air that hit the Druddigon point blank. Seeing the Druddigon slow down a bit in it's charge, Scott instantly commanded.

"Power through Druddigon!"

The Druddigon approached Aurorus and slashed with it's claw.

"Tank it Aurorus!"

The Druddigon hit the Aurorus with the Metal Claw but it didn't even make the Pokemon as much as flinch. Before the Druddigon could do anything else, Faust's voice rang out loud and clear.

"Aurorus use Freeze Dry!"

The Aurorus immediately opened its mouth and let out a gust of cold air at Druddigon's face. The Druddigon let out a pained cry as it struggled against the sudden onslaught of icy cold air, it's reptilian blood unable to cope with the sudden drop in temperature.

"No! Druddigon retreat and use Dragon Tail!", ordered Scott hastily.

"Well help him out Aurorus, knock him back with your large body!"

Hearing Faust's command, the Aurorus let out a loud cry and reared up before slamming itself into the Druddigon who was struggling to move away. The slam knocked back the Druddigon and it fell back onto its side.

"Okay finish it…Ice Beam!"

The Aurorus started gathering the ice energy as a bluish-white ball formed in its mouth. 

"Damn it! Druddigon get up! Move!"

Unfortunately being hit by two ice type attacks in succession had reduced the Druddigon's speed by a huge margin. It struggled to move out of the way as a beam of ice energy hit it right in its face, sending the Druddigon flying back. The Druddigon crashed into the flower bushes kicking up a dust storm. As the dust storm cleared, the sprawled out and unconscious body of the Pokemon came into view with almost its entire body covered in a thick layer of frost.

"Damn it! Return!", said Scott as a red light from the Pokeball sucked in the Druddigon.

"Out you go Noibat! Remember to not get close to that Pokemon! We are gonna tire it out using ranged attacks!"

The Noibat let out a cry of acknowledgement as it rose higher into the sky flapping its wings. Although the storm was clearly giving it trouble as the hail struck its wings constantly. Seeing the wobbly flight of the Noibat, Faust used the identifier.

[ Pokemon: Noibat(♀)

 Ability: Infiltrator

 Type: Flying/Dragon

 Aptitude: Green

 Strength: Late Senior(Lvl.47)

 Moves: Absorb, Tackle, Gust, Supersonic, Double Team, Wing Attack, Air Cutter, Whirlwind, Dragon Rush, Steel Wing(TM), Outrage(TM), Swift(TM), Endure(TM), Shadow Ball(TM)]

"Noibat use Air Cutter!", said Scott and the Noibat flapped its wings releasing a stream of X-shaped blades at high velocity towards Aurorus. 

Faust knew that it would be impossible to dodge all of them and said, "Aurorus move to dodge them and tank the rest if you can't."

Aurorus took off into a run trying to move out of the way but could not dodge the entire stream of the X-shaped blades. It let out a grunt as quite a few of them hit it on the side of the body. 

"Don't relent, keep bombarding it!"

The Noibat kept releasing the Air Cutter but Faust wasn't fazed at all. He knew that Aurorus were hardy Pokemon and could tank hits. Kyle meanwhile was not so calm as he saw Faust's Pokemon hit by the stream of the air blades.

"Faust…the Auro-"

"Sshhhh! Don't rush a miracle maker. Just a second", Faust cut off Kyle keenly observing the Noibat. Just as the Noibat paused in between the attack to recover, Faust's voice rang out.

"Aurorus use Mist!"

The Aurorus immediately opened its mouth and let out a thick white cloud that expanded to cover the entire yard. 

"Hmph! Cheap tricks! Noibat use Gust to clear the field!", hearing Scott's command, the Noibat began flapping its wings madly creating a forceful wind that began to drive away the mist.

Faust closed his eyes and began focusing on projecting his thoughts to Aurorus. He opened his eyes and if someone looked closely they would see Faust's eyes glowing blue.

'Aurorus…charge an Ice Beam. As soon as you see that annoying bat, fire it.'

The Aurorus was confused for a moment feeling a pressure in its mind but quickly followed through on the command when it heard the familiar voice of Faust.

"Okay I see it, start using Air Cutter! Keep bombard-what the fuc-Noibat move out of the way quick!"

The Noibat didn't even see it coming. The Ice Beam connected with the small bat and the Noibat dropped out of the sky. Scott didn't even get to react as another Ice Beam hit the downed Noibat. Just like the Druddigon, the frost-covered and unconscious body of the Noibat came into view a few seconds later as the dust cleared.

'Damn it! How did that Pokemon act without a command!?'

Unable to explain what had happened, Scott recalled his Noibat. Scott's confusion was not unwarranted. A fundamental aspect of being a trainer was to develop a fast and active thinking capability. Tamed Pokemon would rarely ever act on their own, unless of course the trainer and the Pokemon had worked out a code beforehand. But the mist that enshrouded the battlefield earlier made it impossible for the Pokemon to see their trainers, much less perceive a physical code.

Aurorus meanwhile turned to look at Faust who smiled back at the Pokemon and projected his thoughts once again.

'Aurorus its me. Don't worry. Just get ready for the next one. As soon as his Pokemon is out, start using mist. Once nothing can be seen, start charging an ice beam. I'll tell you when and where to fire it.'

The Aurorus nodded imperceptibly and turned to face Scott who tossed out his last Pokeball. A Dragonair appeared and Faust noticed the pensive look on Scott's face. Perhaps things were going totally against his expectations.

The Aurorus acted as soon as the Dragonair appeared, the white mist once again shrouded the battlefield. Faust simply used his identifier and looked around the battlefield. Soon the Dragonair's stats appeared.

[ Pokemon: Dragonair(♂)

  Ability: Shed Skin

  Type: Dragon

  Aptitude: Green

  Strength: Early Elite(Lvl.53)

  Moves: Dragon Rage, Leer, Thunder Wave, Wrap, Dragon Tail, Agility, Slam, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rush, Safeguard, Rain Dance, Hyper Beam(TM), Breaking Swipe(TM), Thunderbolt(TM), Thunder(TM), Fireblast(TM), Outrage(TM), Dragon Pulse(TM), Flamethrower(TM)]

The Dragonair was indeed strong. Were it not for his psychic ability, Aurorus would have had to fight it out and possibly even suffer given the fire type moves it would have to go against. But unfortunately for Scott, he was up against Faust. Faust could easily pinpoint Dragonair's location using his identifier even though it wasn't really meant for such a purpose.

Faust projected his thoughts to Aurorus and gave him the Dragonair's location. Aurorus let out a strongly charged beam of ice that hit the Dragonair square in the face sending it tumbling out of the most into a tree.

"Damn it, Dragonair just keep firing flamethrower into the mist randomly!"

Scott panicked seeing his Pokemon hit and commanded the Dragonair to recklessly fire off attacks into the mist. But before the Dragonair could act, another ice beam hit it. Unable to bear the brunt of two super effective hits, the Dragonite passed out as well.

Scott was stupified at the moment, he didn't even recall his Pokemon and kept looking at the battlefield dumbly. Faust tried clearing his throat to get the attention of the trainer but Scott didn't even twitch in response.

'Damn. Looks like he broke.'

Thinking so, Faust stepped forward and started walking towards him. Approaching Scott he waved his hand in front oh his face and even tried tapping him on the shoulder. Unable to elicit a response, Faust turned to Kyle.

"Don't look at me. I don't know how to deal with a person shocked into stillness. Besides it's probably never happened to him before, you know, anyone bulldozing through his team with a single Pokemon.'

Faust sighed, cocked back his arm, made a fist and punched Scott in the face. Scott let out a sharp yelp of pain as the fist connected with his nose, breaking it. But no sooner had he reacted than his head hit the ground and he fainted. Faust looked at the unconscious figure of Scott and turned to Kyle with a guilty expression on his face.

"No worries, he had it coming."

Faust turned back to Scott and couldn't help but agree.

"He did have it coming."


"So what now?", asked Abner looking at the unconscious and sorry figure of Scott on the ground.

Faust glanced at Scott's body and said, "Professor Ross knows what to do, you have to take him to Grand Coast City."

"Is that a good idea? I mean people know him there and it may cause unnecessary problems if the Dragoon Family were to get the wind of this", said Abner.

"Well, it's either that or we kill him."

"Faust! He's an asshole yes. But he's still my brother and I can't possi-"

"It was a joke! Of course, we are not gonna kill him. Look I didn't even want to do as much as I did alright? The trouble came knocking on our door and I just undertook a course of action to prevent it from escalating temporarily", said Faust cutting off Kyle before he could go on another rant.

"Yeah…you did kinda escalate it. I mean what's gonna happen if the Dragoon family finds out?", said Abner looking at Faust.

Faust sighed and explained, "It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. In fact, I'm counting on it to happen. We need to hold him till the RL builds the first building in this town. Then we turn him over to the Dragoon Family ourselves, no, don't look at me like that. I'm not stupid. We need to alter the story a bit. RL found a spy snooping around their property, the Alliance law stipulates that such circumstances require prompt action. So we took it, we found him and he tried to resist, upon which we used force in retaliation to subdue. Post subjugation of the spy, we held him under Alliance supervision in a very humane environment. After a period of examination, we decided he didn't know enough about our work and contacted the parent organisation to which the individual belonged, in this case, the Dragoon Family."

"What about in the meantime? What about the mayor? And his little brother? Kyle, no offence but we have to consider you since you're a relative", asked Abner as he looked at Kyle.

"Kyle is an employee of RL. The Mayor should be getting a call about legal proceedings soon and honestly, in the meantime, I'm looking forward to a very relaxed winter session of school, training and bonding with my Pokemon. On the record…I am still a Novice Trainer", said Faust looking directly into Abner's eyes.

Kyle scoffed at the last remark and turned away from the group to go back into his house. Abner took one long look at Faust before calling out Talonflame. He then mounted the Scorching Pokemon and pointed at the unconscious body of Scott. The Talonflame grabbed the body in its claws and took off into the sky. 

Watching the Pokemon until it disappeared, Faust rubbed his eyes and yawned. Looking one last time in the direction Kyle had left, he walked away.


Scott awoke to find himself in a neat and minimalistic room. Making his way out of the room, he heard some sizzling sounds and a delicious aroma of food hit his nose. He walked into what looked like a large hall and saw a man humming a tune while he cooked in the kitchen. Looking around his eyes fell on a set of golf clubs stacked in a bag. He quietly grabbed one club and pulled it out, holding it high and ready to strike as he stealthily approached the man.

"You know I can see your reflection right?", said the man as he turned around to face Scott.

Scott's eyes widened as he looked at the face of the man and he let the club drop from his hands.

"These are expensive you know. And I don't get paid enough to babysit kids like you", said the man as he picked up the club and walked past Scott to put it in the correct place.

"Now! Let me introduce myself. I'm Scar, that's not my real name, but it is very appropriate. You're currently in Grand Coast City, in my house. Check the address later. Although you can't really leave. Your Pokeballs have been temporarily confiscated. Also, you've been arrested by the authority of the Alliance for trespassing, property damage, unlawful intimidation, theft, assaulting a respected researcher and his assistant….", Scar stopped for a moment and walked up to a stack of papers and pulled up one of them and continued.

"There's quite a huge list of offences, do you want to read it yourself? Anyways, the point is you are now under strict confinement until the affected party deems it necessary."

Scott tried to say something but was interrupted by Scar.

"Oh, and Ross Laboratories is the affected party."

"But…I didn't do anything!", screamed Scott unable to understand his situation.

"But you did. We have proof and testimonies. All that aside, what would you like to have for breakfast? A choice of omelettes and grilled fish with tartar sauce. Don't hold back if you want both, after all, you are entitled to humane treatment."


Hey! Sorry for the delay, but I had to trash all my chapters. Because I had been getting comments on how Faust isn't building his strength and just getting involved in random things. Also how he would eventually find himself in way over his head. So I deleted the chapters I had stocked up to change the storyline a bit...making it more acceptable if that's the correct term.

Thank you for your criticism, it helps me improve as an author and a storyteller!

Thank you

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