
Pokemon: Story of a Master

This story will take you to the journey of a trainer who became pokemon master through his adventures. I tried making it realistic as much as possible, but still you may find some content or some part absurd. My English isn't that good and I don't have a translator to translate it for you all, but will still try to make it as understandable as possible. May have similarities to some novels (My own which I stopped due to work load, Pokemon-Master of Steel)

devil_trainer · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs



Ethan turned around to see his new roommate, he looked towards a kid who was around 10 years old, Kid was wearing a green T-shirt and a black trouser, he has oxford blue color hairs and his eyes were Dark brown. Beside that kid there was a small white color humanoid pokemon with green bowl cut hairs which were covering its eyes, it was only around 1 feet in size.

That Kid got a little shocked at first but then returned to his calm demeanor, he walked towards Ethan and extended his hands, "Hello, I am Max Maple from Petalburg City in Hoenn Region and this is my pokemon and friend Ralts."

*Ralts* (。◕‿◕。) Ralts also greeted Ethan.

"Hello, I am Ethan Smith from Mulberry City, Kanto Region and this is my buddy Scyther." Said Ethan while shaking Hands with Max.

*Scy....Scyther* (*^▽^) Scyther also greeted Max and Ralts.

"OH, you are Ethan Smith, topper of this years Pokemon university Entrance Test." Said Max with a little shock and envy on his face.

"Ehh, Yeah that's me." Said Ethan while rubbing back of his head and with a nervous smile.

"Wow, congrats, I came second. *Gaahh* here I thought I will be first in the test because I prepared alot for the test but I guess you are much more intelligent than me and you seem younger than me too." Said Max with changing expression from envious look to desperate and than finally to smiling face.

"Yeah I am 8 this year, I was allowed to participate in competition because of recommendation from Principle of my school." Said Ethan with earnest face.

Max: (☉_☉) "WAIT WHAT, YOU ARE TWO YEARS YOUNGER THAN ME AND YOU CAME FIRST IN COMPETITION." Max looked funny holding his hairs with both his hands and a shocked expression.

Ethan: [・_・?]"I guess Yes." Replied Ethan with a blank face.

Max looked at Ethan and then he remembered he is still holding his hairs. *Ahem..Ahem* Max fixed his hairs back and returned to his calm look, "Good, congrats Ethan."

Ethan: ರ_ರ 'What is happening with this guy, is he a retard ?' Ethan was confused but just gave a stiff smile to Max.

"Hey, why don't we look around campus as our lectures will start from tomorrow ?" Suggested Max to ease the atmosphere a little. Ethan also wanted to look around the campus and it wasn't a bad choice to walk around with Max as he was his roommate for whole year, also he seem to be a good guy (if we ignore how weird he behaves sometimes).

After Ethan agreed, Max and Ethan took the booklet containing Map of Campus and they found that they can scan QR code on the page to install Map in their Pokephone (If they had one, and obviously they both had their own pokephones as one can see Max also belong to a good family because he has his own pokemon even before getting admission in Pokemon university). They both scanned QR codes in their pokephones and got the Map of University Campus installed in their pokephones for easy access.

After that they recalled their pokemon back to their pokeball as one cannot use their pokemon unless they have registered it in University's trainer's record. And they can only get it registered tomorrow as registration is mainly done by class teachers.

Max and Ethan strolled around campus for 3 hours and went to almost all areas where a First Year student was allowed to enter, like University Library, Training Ground, Cafeteria etc. Ethan got to know from Max that his father's name is Norman Maple who is gym leader of an official gym of Hoenn region and his sister May Maple is famous as a coordinator and also has a nickname 'Princess of Hoenn'.

After talking for this long, Ethan understood a little about Max, Max was very friendly person but he gets over-excited over small things sometimes, like he got too excited when he saw how big Library was and after that his eyes almost popped out when he saw huge Cafeteria of Campus.

They returned back to their rooms at around 12:00 pm, Lunch time in campus was at 1:00 to 3:00 pm, so Ethan had one hour to get a bath and then go for lunch. Ethan bid farewell to Max and entered his room, after having a good bath for around 30 minutes he came out and sat on the chair, "Scyther, come here its Lunch time." Ethan called scyther who was lying lazily on bed.

He quickly pulled out some special Poke-foods specially prepared by Ethan's Grandfather for nourishment of Scyther. Scyther excitedly took his food and started eating.

After a little while Ethan heard a knock on his door and he knew its Max who came to call him for lunch. Ethan went and opened door for Max who asked Ethan if he wanna join for Lunch. Ethan nodded and looked back at Scyther who had just finished his meal and was looking towards Ethan and Max, Ethan smiled and recalled Scyther back to its pokeball, than they both walked towards Cafeteria together.

When they reached near Cafeteria, Ethan saw two girls walking and talking, one of them had fair skin color with Blue eyes and blue hairs, and second had fair skin with brown eyes and black hair.

"Its her." Said Max almost loud which was even heard by those girls and the looked at Max, then the girl with blue eyes looked at Max and smiled, she walked towards Ethan and Max and said, "If it isn't Mr. Max Maple, I didn't think I will be able to meet genius of Hoenn here."

"You know her Max ?" Asked Ethan with confused look on his face.

"Yes, her name is Shauna and she is also from Hoenn." Max replied to Ethan and than looked back towards Shauna (Girl with blue eyes), "I thought you were working as apprentice in Dewford Gym."

"Yes, but Brawly asked me to join Kanto University to get a degree so that I can start my own adventure." Replied Shauna.

"Oh, that's great." Replied Max and then looked at the other girl.

"This is Janina, my roommate, she is from Olivine City in Jhoto Region." Said Shauna introducing other girl to Ethan and Max. Then she looked at Ethan as she wanted him to introduce himself.

"Hello, I am Ethan Smith from Mulberry City, Kanto Region." Ethan said while introducing himself.

"You are Ethan, topper of this year's competition, nice to meet you." Said Shauna with a big smile on her face and she gave a cunning look to Max who just looked away from him and murmured something which wasn't audible by anyone present.

"So you both wanna join us for lunch ?" Asked Shauna, it seems like she wanted to tease Max a little more while eating.

Max looked angrily at her and replied, "No we are not joining you both, you can enjoy your own company and we enjoy our own." Then he turned around and pulled Ethan along with him towards cafeteria. You can hear a laugh of Shauna from behind and Ethan just shook his head and smiled warily at reaction of Max.

They finished their lunch and returned back to room, while returning Max didn't talk to Ethan and he kept ignoring whatever Ethan said. Ethan couldn't do anything about it and returned back to his room. He picked up the booklet to check about schedule from tomorrow, and found that next day first lecture was by Professor Wood who specialized in Status Effects on pokemon. Ethan checked other important info as well in the booklet and than put it back on table. He looked excited for tomorrow, as from tomorrow onwards his life as a student was going to start.

Chapter Ends