
Pokemon: Spreading Pokemon All Over The World

Ash isekai'd to a parallel world, which is somewhat similar to Earth, and got a Pokemon system. With the mission of bringing and spreading creatures like Pokemon to the world and becoming the father of Pokemon. Make trainers all over the world strive for the Pokemon World Championship and place a name in the Hall of Fame.

Riyuuu · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Pokemon Store

Galaxy City.

At this time, a girl with good looks looked at the store in front of her with her head tilted and muttered, "If I remember correctly, it should be here, but..."

Then she compared it with the address sent from the mobile phone. The location is correct, the decoration of the store is quite good, and it looks quite high-end.

"But the name of the store introduced by my friend is obviously Maya Pet Store, but the store name here is Pokemon Store. Did I go to the wrong place? And I had never seen that logo next to the store name. Forget it, go in and have a look."

The girl, whose name is Yumi, walked into the store called Pokemon Store with a curious expression on her face.




As soon as Yumi entered the door, a male voice entered her ears.

"Hello." Yumi greeted the other party and looked curiously.

It was a boy with a handsome face and a simple white shirt with a logo, like in front of the store. He gave off the vibe of an easygoing person and seemed to be about twenty years old.

Afterwards, Yumi quickly looked around the store. The space in the store is not small, the floor is also very clean, and the decoration is quite simple.


"This doesn't look like a pet store." A question mark rose in Yumi's head and continued, "Although it was my first time I came to a pet store, there should be many pets inside the store, right?"

"Boss, is your store a pet store?" Yumi asked the boy in front curiously.

"Yes, this way, miss." The boy, who's named Ash, replied with a smile and took Yumi to the customer room.

"Thank you, boss, but your store doesn't have any pets." Yumi thanked him politely and then said curiously.

"My store has only opened for two days, and my store is quite special, and the pets I sell are also quite special." Ash replied to Yumi's doubts and explained patiently.

"A special pet? Is it an endangered species of animal?" Yumi thought for a moment and then continued, "Sorry, boss, let me think about it for a while. I'll check the other stores first." Yumi immediately stood up and was ready to leave the store.

"Miss, you may have misunderstood. The pets here are not what you think," Ash hurriedly said to Yumi, who was about to leave.

Yumi stopped his footsteps, turned around, and looked at Ash suspiciously.

"Don't worry, what I say is special because the pets I have here have never appeared on the market or in other stores," Ash said to Yumi politely.

"Alright, let me see that special pet you're talking about, and if it's poisonous or the like, I won't buy it. Don't force me, or I'll call the police," Yumi replied.

"Rest assured," Ash said politely.

"HAHAHA, alright, boss, we are about the same age. I always feel weird that you always use honorifics." Yumi covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Customer comes first. Come on, Miss, you can click this." Ash took the flat-like object on the table and handed it to Yumi.

"This is a Pokedex. Although my store doesn't have pets on the shelves or cages like other stores, I have many types of pets here in my store."

"But there is no direct choice. It depends on luck like a lottery." Ash explained the rules in his store.

"In short, you can only draw randomly and cannot choose freely. That's quite interesting." Yumi was intrigued by what Ash said.

After taking over the so-called Pokedex, Yumi clicked "Start" on the Pokedex screen. Then the screen began to spin rapidly, and many unfamiliar pets in black-like shadows on the screen kept spinning. Although the many unfamiliar pets were all black, the various shapes of the pets made Yumi curious.

After a few seconds, the various pictures on the screen slowly stop. Yumi and Ash curiously looked over.

"Hope it's a cuter guy, not Rattata or Ekans," Ash prayed in his heart. "If it was a rattlesnake like Ekans or a cobra like Arbok, surely the customer would leave without hesitation."

"Boss, this is...?" The picture gradually became clear, and Yumi asked Ash in confusion.

The picture shows a turtle-like creature with a big head and a blue body. It looks very cute.

Seeing this, Ash breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately...

"Miss, you are very lucky. It's called Squirtle. It's a very suitable and reliable partner for a novice like you." Ash smiled and replied.

"It looks cute. Can you show it to me, boss?"

"Of course, please wait a moment." Then Ash walked toward the back of the store.

A minute later, Ash came to Yumi with Squirtle in his arms.

Yumi was stunned and looked at Squirtle in surprise. "It is far cuter than the one in the picture."

"Squirtle, do you like this young lady?" Ash rubbed Squirtle's head and asked Squirtle with a smile.



Squirtle blinked, then waved his short hands to greet Yumi, expressing his love with a cute growl.

"Huh? Do turtles sound like this?" Yumi looked at Squirtle in surprise. "Wow! Does it still understand you, boss?"

"Yes, Squirtle is a very intelligent creature. Although it can't communicate with you in human language, it can understand what you want to express, and Squirtle has a unique skill." Ash handed Squirtle to Yumi, who took it happily.

Yumi lightly tapped Squirtle's head and cheeks with her fingers and asked, "What unique skill?"

"Squirtle, show one of your skills to your future trainer." Then Ash picked up the disposable paper cup on the side and threw it up.

⟨Squirtle, use Water Gun!⟩


Squirtle's cheeks bulged, and he then spout a small amount of water in his mouth, hitting the paper cup in mid-air.



Seeing this scene, Yumi was stunned on the spot!