
85. Riddles

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Ash's energy instantly faded.

Indeed, of everyone he had encountered during his journey, the only one who could criticize him so bluntly was Misty, known for her fiery temperament and unwavering honesty qualities that made her one of a kind.

"Hey! Don't underestimate me like that!" Ash retorted loudly, clearly offended. "Fine! Tomorrow, I'll show you how I earn the Volcano Badge with my strength!"

"Really?" Misty said, smirking as she baited him further. "If you're so confident, then we'll just have to wait and see!"


That night, Kai returned to his room but found himself unable to sleep. On the other two beds, Ash and Brock were snoring loudly, their rhythmic sounds grating on his ears like nails on a chalkboard.

After tossing and turning for what felt like forever, Kai grabbed his Pokégear and opened a messaging app. His eyes lingered on an unread conversation.

PinkDream: "Brother Kai, is everything going well?"

Although it was a short and simple message, Kai could tell it carried a depth of concern, underscored by the familiarity of the nickname.

He sighed, recalling the strong yet delicate girl who had sent it someone who had once cried in front of him when he gently refused her feelings.

That memory still pained him, like a knife twisting in his chest.

After a moment of hesitation, he began to type.

Kai: "Everything's fine. I managed to catch a few Pokémon, and Ralts evolved into Kirlia."

Feeling the message was too curt, he added:

Kai: "Sorry for not keeping in touch for so long. How have you been recently?"

The message was sent, and Kai stared at the chat for a moment. Their profile pictures were from the same photo. His was of him smiling faintly, with her arms looped tightly around his. It felt bittersweet now.

To his surprise, a reply came almost instantly. Adjusting his posture, Kai read her message.

PinkDream: "The same as always. Mom still has me practising with my Rhyhorn every day. Crying emoji. It's so tough!"

Her reply felt lighthearted, but Kai could sense her underlying excitement. He responded with casual updates about his journey, and they chatted for another ten minutes before his fatigue finally overtook him.

He ended the conversation with a promise to talk again soon.


The next morning, Kai, Ash, Misty, and Brock left the Pokémon Center and began exploring Cinnabar Island, famous for its hot springs and resorts.

Tourists swarmed the streets, browsing stores that sold traditional yukata, hot spring eggs, and other souvenirs.

Following the directions on Kai's Pokégear, they made their way to the Cinnabar Gym.

But when they arrived, they found a hot spring resort in its place.

"Huh?" Misty tilted her head. "A hot spring resort? Did the gym move somewhere else?"

Before anyone could answer, an elderly man wearing a bright red jacket, sunglasses, and sporting a long white beard approached them from the resort. Without hesitation, he asked:

"The head is cold, but the body is warm. What is it?"

Ash blinked in confusion. "Is this a riddle? Uh, maybe it's... someone who sticks their head in snow but wraps their body in an electric blanket?"

The old man frowned. "What kind of answer is that? Don't answer if you don't know!"

Misty stepped forward. "I think the answer is an open-air hot spring."

The old man's face lit up. "Exactly! You're quite the clever young lady! Now for the next riddle: Cake, eggs, and rice what does a puppy like to eat most?"

Brock scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, maybe rice? Puppies wouldn't like sweets, would they?"

"No way!" Misty shook her head. "I bet it's cake!"

Ash rolled his eyes. "Misty, you're the one obsessed with cake. Puppies definitely wouldn't eat something that sugary!"

Ignoring Ash and Misty's argument, Kai smiled knowingly. He already recognized who the old man was. "I think the answer is eggs."

"Oh?" The old man's eyes twinkled. "And why do you think that?"

"Because," Kai said, "people often say there are bones in the egg."

The old man burst into laughter. "Correct! Isn't my riddle fun?"

Ash, Misty, and Brock exchanged helpless looks, clearly unimpressed.

Kai smirked. "Since you enjoy riddles so much, how about I ask you one?"

Intrigued, the old man nodded. "What a rare treat! No one has ever quizzed me before. Go ahead!"

Kai cleared his throat. "If two people fall into a trap, the dead one is called 'dead.' What is the living one called?"

The old man and Misty guessed several answers, but none were correct. Finally, Misty admitted defeat and asked, "What's the answer?"

Kai grinned. "The living one is called 'help,' because they're shouting for it!"

He laughed at his own joke, but his companions remained silent, their expressions blank.

"You don't get it?" Kai asked incredulously.

"Not really," Brock admitted. Ash and Misty shook their heads in agreement.

The old man sighed. "Kid, I thought my riddles were dull, but yours might be even duller."

Kai staggered as if physically struck. "What?! My riddles are great! Fine, let me try one more!"

He leaned in dramatically. "What's something people know is fake, but they're still willing to spend money on?"

Before anyone could answer, Kai pointed at the old man's head and exclaimed, "A wig! Hahaha!"

Ash, Misty, and Brock facepalmed simultaneously. Even the old man sighed and patted Kai's shoulder.

"Young man," he said gravely, "you've mastered the art of cold humour. From today, I acknowledge you as my greatest rival in riddles."

Kai blinked, stunned. "Wait, what? I never said I wanted to compete in cold humour!"


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