
EPISODE 183: Darkness dwelling upon the King

Another day has passed. The clouds are thin once more, while the sun shines brightly throughout this frosty land. The snow slowly thaws and withers while the trees' former green glory twinkles again with the lush green grass. The winds are calm and steady across the whole land, flowers however are uncertain. Long living flowers bloomed once more, while those who have short lives decay and withers due to the lack of rain.

"Goodbye cousin, I will be heading to Aulmurus city for my seventh gym badge. When we meet again, we'll battle ok?" Kira beamed with determination while holding her bag. She gave us a pleasant smile before leaving the route.

"Goodbye Kira! See you soon, prepare cause when we meet again, I'm going to win this time!" I said with certainty and confidence.

Aside from Kira, I and my friends have to move forwards as well. To the city of Glacevelt, our heads are set, the second to the last city before reaching Mt. Alympus. Even if the Pokemon League excites me, my body is also filled with fear and worry for I know what's to come on the peak aside from the league. I sense danger the more I walk closer.

Sometimes, I would feel a sudden drag and a sudden disturbance on my mind. I know my real purpose on the mountain, a mission set aside from my parents and Mewtwo. My parents have done their part, I haven't yet. Mewtwo is doing his job, while Genesect is currently under unstable conditions.

"Sir, Genesect's conversation with Mewtwo doesn't point out his location. No matter how much we try to decipher it. Do you think plan B and the clone would work?" Elanor questioned with uncertainty.

"Of course. Let Genesect be our prisoner, if the conversation he had witth Mewtwo can't be decyphered, then we'll have to move to the boy's mind instead. It is better to manipulate a biotic being rather than a man-made abiotic Deoxyribonucleic acid formed from the mixture of scraps and other DNA.

A human's brain is less complicated from a Pokemon's brain after all. At least we have certainty for the opening of an ultra wormhole. Only the distortion world remains." Magnus, the leading professor and scientist of Team Chaos explained profoundly while listening to Genesect's conversation all over again. He has a curly gray hair, with a monocle covering his left eye. His age is golden, for he ranks as the oldest person in the regime. With an age of 79, this professor's cleverness hasn't disappeared yet.

They couldn't find any clue nor hint about Mewtwo's location through the mind of Genesect. Magnus is a genuine professor abandoned and betrayed by his former colleagues. He joined the regime to seek for vengeance.

"Ms. Elanor, the clone has arrived!" Two grunts entered the Science and Technology department of the isle.

"Was she spotted by the queen?" Elanor questioned.

"No M'am. Not even a single glimpse. Should we bring her inside?" the other grunt questioned.

"What do you say professor Magnus? Do you want to take a closer look at the clone?" Elanor questioned.

"It'll be an honor to see the Masked Revelation's genuine technology. Advanced Holographic Imaging, I am curious about it." Magnus agreed to the executive's question. In this regime, the one who leads over science and technology is higher than the executive.

"Alright boys, bring the clone inside!" Elanor commanded.

The two grunts grabbed the hands of the clone. The clone was restrained by handcuffs to avoid it from either malfunctioning or attacking. The grunts pushed the clone inside the department with force.

"Careful professor. She's a bit stubborn." One of the grunts warned.

"Oh this clone isn't a she, for it is an abiotic being." Professor Magnus uttered with a stunning voice while taking a closer look at the clone. He adjusted his Monocle lenses to see the clone clearer.

"I only serve my creators..." The clone uttered with a trembling and panting voice.

"We bought you. Meaning, you belong to us. You are here for a reason, Camellia." The king interrupted while walking steadily to the main room. His Elite force surrounded and guarded him while his cape slowly flapped majestically. The king who hates to show his face, and wears his helmet all the time, Arville S. Theos is his full name.

"My name is not Camellia... I am UR-4379. Why did my master sell me to you?" The clone questioned with a trembling voice. A voice similar to the voice of the king's daughter.

"The world is crumbling into the hands of superiors and traitors. This world needs to have one ruler, and not a thousand men, presidents, and champions all throughout the Earth. One real God.

A God where people could repent, a God where people could beg upon, a God who isn't weak or feeble... who isn't a scapegoat or a loser." Arville explained with conviction.

"You want me to do your work, so you could become a God?" Camellia questioned while Magnus observed and studied it.

"The world is indeed full of crimes-"

"And about your works, don't you call them crimes?" The clone interrupted.

"You sound and act like my original daughter. I started a temporary Chaos, a temporary darkness. In the end, the darkness will fade once they see me as God. For the darkness shall beget the light. The world has too many rulers, it is only fit for one.

Once the crisis is done with, you'll understand. Too many Gods govern the sky, only one is needed. It will be me."

"What do you want me to do then, King Arville?" Camellia questioned and queried with an interesting face.

"Look at this boy. His name is Kalem Ketsueki from Aulburg town. A ten-year-old trainer with a dream to become a Pokemon Master." Arville flashed a holographic image of me.

"This is my daughter, she looks like you doesn't she? Kalem is her best friend, which means-"

"The two of them trust each other. My purpose is to kidnap the kid while acting like his friend isn't it? You want me to bring the kid to you?" Camellia guessed.

"Smart indeed, you are. Although, kidnap isn't the word. Dead or Alive, the professor only needs his brain."

"So you want me to murder him and rip off his head? You want me to become a Psycho-path?" The clone giggled and guessed.

"No, killing isn't your job. Leading him to the killer is your job. I'll tell the plan privately. For now, let the professor observe you-"

"Arville!?" Xeryll shouted from behind and interrupted the king's statement. She rushed inside and looked below the balcony.

"We talked about this! Shut the clone right now!" Xeryll demanded and infuriated at her husband.

"I am sorry my queen-"

"Sorry!? You planned a mission behind my back. I told you to keep our daughter out of this! What you're doing is too much already." Xeryll interrupted while scolding her husband.

"I'm sorry, but I have to do this. Guards, lock her in her room!" The King shocked everybody as he ordered his guards to capture the queen.

"Arville, are you absurd!? I am your wife, why are you doing this to me? Your ambitions are taking over!" Xeryll's tears fell off, her heart was crushed while the guards had a sudden hesitation to arrest the queen.

"I'll talk to you, once I become God. You are right, I am a mad man, I can't let this opportunity pass by. Guards, I said capture her!" Arville's voice intensified.

"Please... this isn't you Arville. Don't do this, don't do this." Xeryll knelt and begged upon her husband while tears drenched down her eyes.

"What are you waiting for!? Lock her in her room! I am the king, my position is higher than the queen! Capture her!" Arville demanded.

"Guards, follow what Arville has ordered," Elanor added.

"Please... Please don't!" Xeryll begged while clinging to her husband's black metal outfit. The grunts tried to drag her away from her husband but she kept on clinging to her husband, begging and weeping. The king ignored his wife and removed the queen's grip from him. The Elites gently dragged her to her room, even if the king has ordered his men to capture his wife, she's still the queen.

"No one appointed you as king... You appointed yourself." Xeryll uttered softly while being dragged further from her husband.

"What an ambition king you are!" Camellia giggled.

"I bear thorns, but I cannot stray from the path I chose. Magnus, do whatever you wish. It's time for Operation Omega to commence once in for all. The Kanto and Johto, there's no commotion between them." Arville's raging voice calmed, as he spoke with an intoned voice.

"The commotions, they stopped!?" Elanor questioned.

"There is no commotion, for the Kanto Region, has already declared war. I also hear news about the Sinnoh siding with the Kanto region through our spies. They're currently under news blackout so only us knows about this.

Do what you must professor... I will have my dinner, alone." Arville uttered with an intoned voice as the doors behind opened automatically.

"About your wife, aren't you going to eat with her sire?" Professor Magnus questioned.

"I'll order my men to send food to her room. She is not a prisoner, I only detained her temporarily. I cannot let anyone interrupt! Even if it means, detaining my family or putting my daughter in danger." Arville uttered solemnly and left the room.

Arville has turned into a mad man. His ambitions have taken over his mere body and soul, even the queen he dares to detain, even the daughter he dares to cast danger upon. Arville's patience has run low, for eight years he has been waiting for his revenge against those who wronged him while believing in his belief. "There are no wishes... There are no miracles... Life writes her one story, and we are mere characters."

His other belief about becoming a God and stopping chaos through darkness is absurd. "For the darkness shall beget the light." That seems contradicting, for the light and dark are two different forces unable to summon or beget each other. Only time shall tell the results, as the journey continues...