
EPISODE 181: Aura and Emotions!

Snow continued to gush down this frosty wonderland. Strong winds blew to the east, while both the sky and land were filled with a white Ricotta pigment. Pokemons seek for shelter and refuge, to protect their sensitive skins, while those which bore the frost and sleet roamed the land.

My cousin and friends stayed inside their tent while waiting for the storm to calm. Kira always made sure that she has an extra tent in case of times like this. Their heads wondered, where me and Riolu could be. Little do they know that Riolu has evolved into Lucario.

"Where could they be?" Camellia questioned with worry and concern while grooming her Sylveon's hair. Pikachu and Shaymin stayed inside Camellia's tent. They became best friends right from the start.

Kira groomed her Swinub as well while Glade and Mienfoo played with each other. A storm heavier than mere raindrops slowly succumb to the land. It only worsens by every second which passes by.

On the far east of the winter woods, lies a small yet warm cave. Lucario and I was mesmerized by the blazing flames. The other wild Pokemons slept beside us while waiting for the hail to stop. For hours, the snow continued to fall, while the sun continues to hibernate.

[Lucario, the aura Pokemon! A fighting and steel type and the evolved form of Riolu. Lucario reads its opponent's feelings with its aura waves. It finds out things it would rather not know, so it gets stressed out easily.

Lucario currently knows four moves:

-Force Palm

-Vacuum Wave

-Copy Cat

-Aura Sphere] Irys the Pokedex explained while showing a holographic image of Lucario.

"Copy Cat? Can you give me details about the move?"

"Sure, no problem Kalem. Copy Cat is a move that allows the user to copy the foe's last move. Copy Cat will fail if the foe also uses Copy Cat." Irys the Pokedex clarified and elucidated.

"Really? Thank you Irys. I guess we have an advantage point, right Lucario?" I beamed with joy while rubbing Lucario's head.

<Lucario! Lucario!>Lucario beams back with joy while giving me a warm hug.

[Lucario could mega evolve, why don't you try to make use of that mega stone your gramps gave you.] Irys proposed.

"Oh right, I forgot about that. Also, I'm curious about Lucario's mega move. It's only exclusive to this region."

[Lucario's mega move is known as Aura Blitz. The foe is hit with a black aura sphere. This aura sphere could either confuse or paralyze the foe, the difference of Aura Sphere and Aura Blitz is that Aura Blitz is much more powerful and larger rather than the Aura Sphere attack.

Lucario harnesses its complete power when using the move. All its hatred and resentment towards the foe gives the sphere a peach black pigment. Once the sphere touches the foe, it wall automatically succumb to the enemy.] Irys the Pokedex elucidated while showing a small holographic clip of the move.

"Great! It would be amazing to see Lucario mega evolve. Want to try Lucario?" I questioned with enthusiasm.

"I'll give my best shot!" Lucario stood up from the ground and beamed with enthusiasm and confidence. Passion boiled in his blood while determination ran through his veins.

"It starts from the heart, flows to the soul, and changes the entire world! Let our auras and emotions combine, each of us holds the key, to the power of one!" I chanted while mega evolving Lucario.

Its cream fur becomes longer, and its thighs slim down. It develops more spikes on the back of its paws, which have turned crimson. It also develops spikes on both of its feet, which have become crimson too. Its previously red eyes are now orange-colored. Its aura-sensing appendages grow longer, and two of them are tipped in crimson. Its shoulders also possess a spike each. Its aura heightens throughout its body, which formed black markings on its blue fur.

[Detecting a surge of power and strength! Something, I've never seen before. Lucario... is limitless.] Irys uttered softly while scanning the mega evolving Lucario.

[How could this be!? A Pokemon which exceeds his own stats. Kalem and Lucario are in perfect sync, one mind, one soul. This new discover, must be reported throughout the world, any Pokemon can change into something more powerful, and not merely Greninjas in the Kalos region, Kalem and Lucario's perfect bond is what makes them limitless. The power of one...] Irys beamed with awe and amazement.

I felt a connection between me and Lucario. Our auras combined as one, including our heart and mind. It was like, I was seeing what Lucario sees, and he was seeing what I see. I felt Lucario's emotions, it was pure and moral.

"Lucario, Aura Blitz now!" Our determination and passion combined into one. Lucario sent the attack towards the surrounding trees outside the cave. The attack blinded our eyes. I saw a power that I've never seen before.

The black aura beamed unto the frosty ground. It broke all the surrounding trees, and melted every snow within the radius of impact. The aura succumbed to everything except for the cave we're in. The dust and snow scattered to the sky.

My heart pounded loudly, my energy began to drop while my body felt brittle and fragile. My head started to feel dizzy, while my eyes lost sight. I saw Lucario staring outside. His mouth gasped for air while his eyes slowly closed. Lucario returned to his own form and dropped on the floor with me.

Our consciousness disappeared. Our body was drained and exhausted from the attack Lucario launched. My Pokemons went out of their Pokeball to give me and Lucario warmth. They leaned our bodies across the jagged walls of the cave, while Heatmor bolstered the fire with his incinerate attack.

"Wh... where am I?" My sight slowly returned to me three hours later. I saw Lucario leaning on my shoulder while my other Pokemons slept beside me. I was shocked to see the campfire's flames burn widely. In front of me, I saw Irys floating around and looking at my eyes.

[Are you feeling better Kalem?]

"Irys... what time is it?" I questioned with a silent and drowsy voice to keep my Pokemons asleep.

[It is currently six in the evening. You slept for three hours late.]

"Three hours, what happened anyways? I felt drained all of a sudden."

[You and Lucario used up all your energy to harness the move.]

"Harness the move? I'm not the user, Lucario is, but why did I faint as well?"

[Based on my analyzed data. You and Lucario were in perfect sync. Your spirits combined as one, therefore whatever you see, Lucario sees, whatever you feel, Lucario feels. If an attack hits Lucario during the sync, you will also feel the pain.

I guess you were right all along. The power of one is achievable. This event also occured in the Kalos region, between a trainer and a Greninja. I thought only Greninjas could harness powers like that, but it turns out, any Pokemon can, as long as their bonds are in perfect sync.

Oh and by the way, the attack caused the weather to change. Look outside.]

I tilted my head slowly and look at the night sky. I saw a large crater outside the ground, will chop and worn out trees scattered everywhere. There was no snow in the surrounding area of the cave, and when I looked up, I saw the stars and moon shining blissfully among us. Thin feather clouds moved with the wind, while those trees which remained firm to the ground, swayed with the breeze.

[Lucario's power cannot cause the weather to change, nor can it create craters this big. Even without mega evolution, as long as your bond is in sync, you and Lucario could still harness the power of one... Same mind, and soul under one spirit.

I've never seen such power before. You and Lucario are special.] Irys complimented.

[One more thing, when the both of you fainted I saw Lucario's orange stone glow blissfully. I think you and Lucario learned a new sync move. Better try it out so we could gather data about it.] Irys the Pokedex added.

"Let him sleep. It's been one tough day today, I bet all my Pokemons are drained. Irys, will it be possible to use the power of one without fainting?"

[Yes. if you get used to the power, and combination. Your body will adapt and you'll no longer faint when it happens. It might take time though.]

The night was silent and warm. I stared endlessly on the flames. I heard the nocturnal Pokemons chirp, the wind's melody, and the sound of the rustling grass. Another night made my heart feel blissful. A night of relaxation while mother nature sings with the music of the night.

"Lucario, Gardevoir, Heatmor, Scizor, Sceptile. Wake up, it's time to head back to camp." I uttered softly while pushing and touching their bodies.

"Kalem... what happened?" Lucario stood up with my other Pokemons. He questioned me about the incident.

"We did it Lucario. My mother was right, it starts from believing, then it flows through the heart then to the soul and it will change the entire world. Both of us holds the key, to the power of one." We all felt joy in our hearts. I kept the campfire aflame to keep the wild Pokemons warm and secure.

"Ah! Kalem, you made it just in time for dinner." Glade was setting up the table when he saw me from the distance with my Pokemons.

"Cousin! You can't believe what just happened, the hail disappeared all of a sudden.Oh... I see Riolu was able to evolve as well." Kira gushed to me with relief and solace alongside with Shaymin.

"I know, I noticed the storm stopped either. My argument between Lucario is finally settled, right buddy." I beamed with joy while rubbing Lucario's chin. I pretended not to know the reason behind the sudden change in the atmosphere.

<Lucar!>Lucario licked my face and hugged me tightly.

"Well that's a relief! Since you're back, we can now eat dinner together! You and your Pokemon are probably hungry, so I cooked their favorite meal, sweet apple curry!" Camellia beamed with bliss and glee.

"Glade, I want to have a one on one Pokemon battle tomorrow. Please." I begged while taking a sip from the curry's sauce.

"Sure! Let's see your Lucario's new moves! I won't be holding back." Glade beamed with enthusiasm and determination.