
EPISODE 117: Sibling Rivalry!

"Zedrick, so? The boy defeated you didn't he?" A tall strange man wearing a fedora with a gradient feather of red and white slowly walked towards the forgotten champion.

This man also had a black tuxedo with a perfect black hair. His shoes were edged, and a tall metal cane supported his injured leg. On the very tip of this metal cane is a Pokeball with a black filling.

"Murdock, has Kalem challenged you?" Zedrick queried while sitting down on a small wooden chair. He was sharpening his golden dagger which had the symbol of Ho-oh implanted on it.

"I'm still waiting for him. Does the boy know?"

"He doesn't. The secret of his mother is safe with me, I sacrificed my career of being a trainer just for this."

"I know, you could've been the world champion and the regional champion, but you gave up. Although, trainers are still competing to achieve a record higher than yours." Murdock uttered slowly.

"I see one, in the future..."

"The boy? Surpassing your records?"

"He will soon take my place as rank number one, in our battle, I felt an energy that I haven't felt in years. I remembered my old days when I was once a trainer just like my sister."

"Don't you have faith in your daughter? I think she's stronger than him..."

"You're right Kira is a strong trainer, but it's too early to say who is stronger. After all, the Pokemon league is in seven months time. I'll know the answer when I watch them battle soon." Zedrick uttered softly.

"I'll be waiting for him in my gym. Let's see the boy's true compatibility. Does the blood of the mother flows through the child?"


Kira, who apparently is my cousin, led me to a small shrine. It contains all the archives of every family which lived in this city. My mother never told me about her family, nor about Zedrick, the forgotten champion. Though, a few still remember him just like Zhery, he's fame decreased for the past years. The reason is still unclear, both soon we'll know why.

The shrine was filled with golden structures, each room has an archive which contains the details and history of each family. Griffins of legendary Pokemons made the shrine majestic, tall pillars added support for the wall.

"This is the Shrine of Kazoku, in English, it means Kazoku means family," Kira uttered while slowly entering the shrine with gentleness.

"Is this place filled with Japanese stuff and languages?" I queried while my eyes rolled over the majestic shrine.

"Long ago, this region was part of Japan just like Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and other regions, but people classified this region as a 'regional island' due to the fact it's far from Japan and the eight main regions."

"So you're saying, this region doesn't belong to Japan?"

"It used to, now? It's just a large island which belongs to no teritory." Kira explained.

"The Englishmen influenced this country as well, that's why only the citizens here in this city knows the Japanese language. This city is untouched by any English country, we keep and value the Japanese tradition." Kira explained while walking through the halls of the Shrine of Kazoku.

"I never knew that. All I know are kings and emperors..."

"Those kings and emperors, are Englishmen. Fantasma city was formed four hundred years ago, years before Fredhart arrived. Legends say, this city was once a cold and barren land. Only a few citizens inhabited the land, since it rests in a mountain. One day, the city was hit with huge thunderstorms. These thunderstorms caused a fire that engulfed a tall tower. Dozens of Pokemons died, though their body may decay their spirit roamed the tower. Hence the name, Tower of Curse."

"The first mayor of the city decided to build three towers, each of them symbolized an event. The Kori tower, or the Ice or Aqua tower... It symbolizes the once cold and barren land. The Sanda tower, or the tower of thundra or tundra tower symbolized the thunderstorm which whacked the city, and lastly... the Kaen tower, or the Magma tower. It symbolizes the fire which engulfed the tower and the innocent lives of the Pokemons. From there on out, three legendary birds descended froom the sky and lived in the towers." Kira added.

"That must be the electrifying Zapdos, the flaming Moltres, and the Icy Articuno right?"

"Yes, that's how the towers formed in this city. It all began from a cold and barren event." Kira explained.

The hall of the shrine was dazzling to look at. You could see your reflection in the golden pillars of the shrine.

"Are you ready to know more about your blood?" Kira and I stopped in front of a golden door which was filled with relics and dialects.

"You bet! I'm excited." I beamed with joy. Mawile and Riolu played behind my back as the golden doors slowly opened. On top of the doors was the label, Ketsueki.

"Welcome to (...)" Kira introduced while opening the door slowly.

"Sorry, but I don't speak Japanese," I uttered with an embarrassed face.

"It means, the artifacts of the Ketsueki family. You should learn how to speak Japanese, after all, Japanese blood flows through you." Kira giggled and uttered gently.

Inside the room was just a small stand with a large book. This book was color velvet and looked old and desolate. It looks like no one has opened the book for years. It was dusty and filthy but the walls surrounding the book were golden and shiny.

"(...)" This was the title of the book, I don't speak Japanese so I needed a translator.

"It means, history of the Ketsueki family." Kira smiled and giggled softly while translating the text word for word.

"This book was written by our great grandfather, Hikari Ketsueki, he was a great trainer just like our parents." Kira opened the book and translated to me the texts written inside. The whole book was written in Japanese, I feel ashamed for not knowing how to speak Japanese.

"Our family is known to be the family of champions. We ruled the regional champion title for more than thirty years! Father was supposed to be the successor, but he gave up on his journey, Ms.Beatrice became the next champion afterward."

"Why did your father stop?"

"It is still unclear to me, but he says it was for a good reason. We are strong trainers, we are powerful. We are born champions, now tell me Kalem... are you strong?"

"Strong, in Pokemon battling? I'm not that strong."

"You don't need to be humble Kalem, answer my question... are you strong?"

"Umm... I think so."

"I think so is not a valid answer. I won against Murdock, can you?"

"You defeated Murdock!? How?"

"It is in our blood, we are born champions. That's why I started my journey, to claim back the family's title."

"You, are going to be the next regional champion? I'm the one!" I boasted.

"Let's see about that. Father told me you're strong. Let's see if he is correct." Kira uttered softly.

"Wait, don't tell me..."

"Yes Kalem, I challenge you to a Pokemon battle! A full six on six Pokemon battle. What do you say?"

"Sure, you want me to prove to you my strength? Then I'll prove it! Where can we battle?"

"In this room, we shall battle cousin. Let's give our anscestors some entertainment shall we?"

"Sure thing! Riolu, Mawile... we're up for a battle!" I beamed with determination.

Kira closed the two golden doors, the room was big enough for a Pokemon battle to happen, I'll show her that I deserve to belong to the Ketsueki family. This is going to be a sibling rivalry!

"(...)." Kira uttered with a determined face.

"Um what... I didn't quite understand."

"I said, good luck, you'll need it!" Kira uttered and translated with a determined smile.

"Alright, let's begin this match now!" I beamed with enthusiasm and determination.

(Kira) Vs (Kalem)

oooooo oooooo

"Lampet you're up first!"

"If that's the case, then I choose Dragonair!"

Battle Begin!

"Dragonair, use hydropump!"

"Lampent, please dodge it!"

*Lampent dodged the attack!*

"That Lampent is fast!"

"Of course, I trained Lampent to be fast. Now please use confuse ray!"

<Lampent!>The Pokemon made Dragonair confused!

"Dragonair! Snap out of confusion!"

"Please follow it up with Fire blast!"

*A star-shaped fire move dealt maximum damage! Dragonair also whacked herself due to confusion!*

"I see, you're weak when it comes to status problems such as confusion. You're just like the world champion, once confused always confused!" Kira giggled.

"And of course, Arc lost against you too didn't he?"

"He lost easily, he should be lucky it wasn't a world championship or else, I'm automatically the champion. Lampent please, finish Dragonair with shadow ball!"

"Dragonair, dodge it!"

*Dragonair wasn't able to dodge! She hits herself in confusion! Shadow ball dealt maximum damage as well.*





"Choose your next Pokemon Kalem!" Kira giggled and instructed.

"Thanks Dragonair, now... it's your turn to fight Shuppet!"

"A ghost against a ghost? Alright then!"


"Shuppet, use night shade!"

"Please take the attack Lampent!"

*Lampent didn't hesitate to dodge the attack!*

"Now Lampent, use confuse ray!"

"Not this time, Shuppet dodge it!"

*Shuppet was unable to dodge, Shuppet became confused!*

"Confuse ray can't be dodge, silly!" Kira giggled gently.

"Right I forgot! Shuppet, use toxic on the ground!"

*Shuppet fired numerous attack on the ground.*

"Why attack on the ground if my Pokemon is on the air? Hmm...." Kira thought deeply. The floor was filled with poisonous substance.

"Shuppet, poison yourself!"

*Shuppet went to the toxic grounds and poisoned herself.*

"I see, a Pokemon can only have one status condition... you chose poison over confusion. Nice choice! Please use fire blast Lampent!"

"Thanks, Shuppet, now use destiny bond!"

"Ahh!?" Kira uttered with shock.

*Shuppet and Lampent fainted, (Destiny bond)*




"Thank you for battling Lampent. Please return."

"Thanks Shuppet, you were amazing!"

"Now I see, you're battling skills are profound, but still, the battle has just begun! Come on Machoke!"

"Thanks, now it's Riolu's turn to battle!"

<Rio!>The Pokemon leaps into action!


"Machoke, use Seismic toss!"

"Riolu use Vacuum wave before Machoke hits you!"

*The whirlwind gathered at the Riolu's arm and unleashed it directly towards the foe which made Machoke blast back.*

"Machoke, please use bulk up!"

*Machoke's attack and defense rose sharply!*

"You're not going to attack then fine by me, Riolu use force palm!"

"Machoke, grab Riolu's palm then throw him back!"

<Maachhoookkkeee!>The Pokemon throws the foe back.

"A champion doesn't only focus on attacks, he or she also boosts the stats of her Pokemons! Machoke please use Seismic toss again!"

*Riolu was lifted to the sky!*

"Riolu, use force palm quick!"

*Riolu's force palm caused Machoke to fall back to the ground!*

"Great work Riolu! Now follow it up with metal claw!"

"Machoke please stand up!"

*Machoke wasn't able to stand up right away!*

"Riolu, use seismic toss!"

"Machoke dodge it then use Dynamic punch!"

"Go underneath Machoke then use force palm from behind!"

*Dynamic punch missed! Riolu slid underneath Machoke and used force palm!*

<Machoookkkeee!>The Pokemon uttered with pain!

"Follow up with another Vacuum wave!"


*Vacuum wave dealt maximum damage. Machoke fainted.*





"Riolu is strong. Cute but terrible! Machoke return."

"Thanks. Riolu, rest for now!"

"Gothitelle, you're up next!"

"Gardevoir... it's your turn!"

Battle Continues...

"Gardevoir use shadow ball!"

"Gothitelle, use Psychic and throw the shadow ball back!"

"Gardevoir dodge the attack then use magical leaf!"

*Gothitelle was hit with magical leaf!*

"Gothitelle, use hypnosis!"

<Gothiiiiiii!>The Pokemon sang a drowsy tune.

"Gardevoir close your eyes and cover your ears tightly!"

*Gardevoir resisted the attack!*

"Amazing, I've never seen anyone dodge such status move! Gothitelle, please use Psybeam!"

"Gardevoir dodge then use shadow ball!"

*Gardevoir attacked Gothitelle with her eyes closed!*

"I can say, your Gardevoir truly mastered Psychic powers!"

"Thanks, we trained long and hard!"

"Me and Gothitelle did the same. Now please use Psychic and toss Gardevoir back!"

*Gardevoir was tossed back by the Psychic attack!*

"Follow it up with Psybeam!"

"Gardevoir dodge it!"

*Gardevoir wasn't able to stand!*

"Now, use Psybeam again!"

"Gardevoir use Psychic, lift up the small shard and use it as a mirror!"

*The attack was reflected! The tricker's trick, tricked the tricker!*

*Gothitelle is unable to battle.*




"Thanks for everything Gothitelle, now return to your Pokeball... Come on out Bayleef!"

Battle continues...

"I gotta say, your strategies are good. It's time for my fourth Pokemon!"


"Bayleef use sleep powder!"

*Gardevoir is fast asleep!*

"This is bad... Gardevoir you have to wake up!"

"Bayleef, follow it up with Leaf Storm!"

*Leaves whirled up and charged for the foe!*

"Huh!?" Gardevoir woke up in surprise.

"Oh no, leaf storm woke Gardevoir up!"

"Yes, Gardevoir now use shadow ball!"

"Bayleef receive the attack!"

*Bayleef allowed herself to be hit!*

"Now use leech life on Gardevoir!"


*Gardevoir's Hp was transferred to Bayleef!*

"Great Bayleef! Now use leaf storm again!"

"Gardevoir dodge it!"

*Gardevoir was unable to dodge the leaf storm! Leech life drained Gardevoir's energy again!*

"Gardevoir use shadow ball!"

"Dodge it then use razor leaf again!"

*Gardevoir's attack missed! She is also unable to battle, Bayleef wins!*





"Thanks Gardevoir, rest for now. Mawile, you're up!"

<Mawile Maw!>The Pokemon smiled with determination.

Battle continues...

"Mawile, use fire fang!"

"Bayleef, dodge it then use-ahhh!?"

*Mawile's speed is incredible! Fire fang was super effective!*

"A fast shiny Mawile, hmm..." Kira squinted her eyes and observed the battle.

"Nice one Mawile, now use fire fang again!"

*Bayleef was unable to dodge the attack again! Bayleef is now unable to battle!*




"Your Mawile is fast. I like her... Now, Altaria let's go!"

"Altaria!? Mawile, keep your guard up!"

<Maw! Maw!>The Pokemon smiled with determination!

"Altaria, use drill peck!"

"Mawile, dodge it!"

*Mawile is unable to dodge the attack!*

"Your Mawile may be fast, but Altaria is faster. Now use Dragon rage!"

"Mawile, use Ice punch on the ground!"

*Ice punch caused an icy shard to burst from the ground. It served as a shield from dragon rage.*

"Altaria use drill peck again!"

"Grab Altaria's wing and go on her back!"

*Mawile dodged the attack and climbed the foe's back!*

"Altaria shake her off!"

"Mawile, use ice punch!"

"Hit Mawile on the pillar! Quick!"

*Mawile was hit on the pillar! Mawile fell off from Altaria's back which dealt additional damage!*





"It's a fair match Kalem... Show me your next Pokemon!"

"Oh I will, thanks Mawile... You battled great even though it's your first time!"

<Maw! Mawile!>The Pokemon smiled back.

"Alright Riolu... I need you now!"

"You can count on me Kalem!" Riolu beamed with determination.

Battle continue...

"Riolu, use Vacuum Wave!"

"Dodge the attack then follow it up with drill peck!"

*Altaria dodged Vacuum wave! Drill peck dealt maximum damage!*

"Altaria use drill peck again!"

"Usee force palm!"

*Altaria was pushed back!*'

"Now use dragon rage Riolu!"

"Run and dodge!"

*Riolu ran as fast as he could but still couldn't dodge Altaria due to her speed*

"Come on Riolu, stand up!"

"Your bond with Riolu is amazing, Riolu is a determined Pokemon indeed! Altaria, finish Riolu with hyper beam!"

"Riolu use force palm on the ground!"

*Rocks blasted everywhere, they served as shields against Altaria's hyper beam*

"Riolu use Vacuum Wave!"

*Altaria needs to recharge! Altaria took Riolu's attack!*

"Alright Altaria use dragon rage again!"

"Riolu no!"

*Riolu is unable to battle!*





"Take a nice rest Riolu, watch from behind! Zoroark, come on out!"

"A feasty Pokemon, let's see if she's feasty enough!"

Battle continues...

"Altaria use drill peck!"

"Quick Zoroark, use flame thrower!"

*Flame thrower dealt maximum damage, Altaria fell from the sky!*

"Now use throat chop!"

<Altttaaaarriiiaaa!>The Pokemon screamed in pain!

*Altaria is no longer able to battle!*





"Altaria return now... Ninetales, finish this match!"

"Zoroark, keep a sharp eye!"

Battle continues...

"Ninetales use Fire Blast!"

"Zoroark, counter with Flame thrower!"

*The attacks collided against each other!*

"Ninetales, now use Agility!"

*Ninetale's speed doubled!*

"Zoroark, use throat chop!"

"Ninetales dodge then use flame thrower!"

*Ninetales dodged the attack!*

"Ninetale's speed doubled!?"

"Yes, Agility boosts the Pokemon's speed! Use flame thrower again!"

"Zoroark, use flame thrower again!"

*The two moves collided again!*

"Quick Zoroark, use throat chop!"

*Ninetales was lifted up to the sky!*

"Use Fire fang now!"

<Ninetales!>The Pokemon bit Zoroark's arm!

*Both Pokemon descended from the sky!*

"My father is correct, you are strong indeed!"

"Thanks Kira, you and your Pokemons battle great as well! But there can only be one winner, that will be me! Zoroark use Night daze!"

*Zoroark unleashed her signature move but Ninetales is still standing!*

"Ninetales, now use flame blast again!"

"Zoroark dodge it!"

*Zoroark was unable to dodge again!*

"Follow it up with fire fang Ninetales!"

*Zoroark was damaged again!*

"Zoroark come on, you can do this!"

*Zoroark forced herself to stand up! A lot of scars can be sen throughout her body.*

"Zoroark, use flame thrower!"

"Run towards the flame, then use flame charge!"

*The Pokemons collided against each other!*

"Zoroak, I trust you! You can do this!"

"Ninetales, stay strong, strength runs in your blood!"

*The two Pokemons fainted!*

"WHAT!?" Both of us were in shock.





"I... It's a draw!?" Kira uttered in surprise.

"I guess that means, our strengths match each other's determination."

"You may be right Kalem... Both of us are strong indeed, I hope our ancestors were watching our match."

"Of course they did. Now, let's go to the Pokemon center to heal our Pokemons!"

The Sibling Rivalry ended in a draw! Me and Kira were prooved to each other, that we can achieve greatness! Now it's time to heal our Pokemons, then I'm off to challenge Murdock and his Pokemons!

As the journey continues...

(...) My novel got blacklisted for using Japanese text. If you see the symbols (...) that's the replacement for the Japanese words.

NotUsecreators' thoughts