
EPISODE 112: House of Unexpected Shenanigans!

Route thirty, a small and quiet passage, let me paraphrase that. Route thirty, a small and too quiet passage. When I say too quiet, I literally mean it. This route is the most fearsome and alarming route in this region. A lot of rumors surround this place, ghost sightings, paranormal activity, what could go wrong?

"This place is giving me the creeps!" Riolu uttered while shivering hardly. Night was about to arrive as the morning flower walks back to its bed. The trees are veiled in the lightest of mists, their trunks somber brown with sable cracks that gnarl the bark. As my eye travels to the edge of the woodland they become silhouettes against a blanket of white, as if it is only daylight where I stand, as if I am encircled by twilight.

There was a crunch of leaves behind me, not the kind of continuous noise you'd get from a rolling car, but the defined short crunch of a footstep. The darkness pressed in on me as I fought the urge to turn around. Then there came another crunch, this time lighter and slower as if the maker of the noise was trying to be quieter, to sneak up on me perhaps. 

This was no typical route, sleepless sounds and dark eerie veils surround the area, haunting our fragile hearts and mentalities. Everything seemed louder as the hair in my body rose up with tingles in my spine.

"Kalem!" Riolu uttered slowly in despair, he couldn't handle the fear surrounding him as dazing music creeps by the area.

"Relax Riolu, it's just the wind. Everything's going to be fine." I uttered and comforted the shivering Riolu. His eyes were wide opened as they slowly rolled around the area.

"Can you guys walk faster, I'm not going to sleep in this route!" Zhery begged, she knows how I feel, she knows how we all feel, tingles in the spine? Rising hair, and shivering body? Fear surrounded all of us, and there is no escape.

"Zhery, there's nothing to be afraid of!" Glade uttered with a comforting smile as ions collided in the air which formed a thunder descending to the ground.

"I think it's about to rain..." Camellia hunched while shivering. Her alarmed body looked behind and forth, her hands were sweating heavily, and her breath unexpectedly exacerbated.

"Rain? In a spooky forest? I think I know where we're heading to." Zhery uttered steadily why raising her guard up.

"Yup, we're definitely going to find shelter!" I beamed with fake excitement and enthusiasm, deep inside, fear controlled my fragile body.

"Shelter!? In here? Are you crazy!?" Glade exclaimed.

"Um, what's wrong with finding a shelter here! What could possibly go wrong!" I boasted out loud. As the words came out of my mouth, the rain came pouring down.

"Alright, let's run!" Camellia suggested. The rain was getting stronger and fiercer while our desire for shelter remained in our mind and heart.

A fork in a road is what we encountered, in front of us was a tall wooden pole. the pole had scratch marks and claw marks which we never saw before. Above the pole were signs and direction but the dialects were ambigous.

We never saw such dialect before, we couldn't understand nor comprehend it. Even the future pokemon professor lacked knowledge about the given dialects.

"Entou... Entou... what the?" Camellia tried to comprehend the sign. Her brain scrambled for past knowledge but found none at all.

the sky continued to cry, and shelter was nothing left but a fragment of our imagination and wish. When all hope seems lost, an old woman came across.

Her eyes were stiff, devoid of emotion. Her skin was pale and wrinkled. Her hair was dull, her fingers were trembling claws with nails filed into sharp points. she moved slowly towards us as her eyes stared blankly towards us.

The old woman had a brown cane on her left hand, she gave us a warm and fuzzy smile. Rain touched her skin, but she neglected it.

"Excuse me dears... what are you doing all alone in the middle of a storm?" the old woman asked with a tone of antiquity.

"We're trying to find shelter from the rain," Glade answered with uncertainty. Just by the looks of the old woman, you could say she has the ambiance of a weird and untrustable witch.

"Is that so? Why don't you follow me instead? You can stay at my house tonight." The old woman squinted her eyes and smiled with warmth.

"Please say no, please say no," Zhery begged.

"Um, yeah sure! Thanks so much auntie, may we know your name?" I queried with relief.

"Have you ever watch a horror movie before!?" Zhery complained.

"Please call me Wendy, now now, it's getting late, let's go home shall we?" the old woman uttered with a warm smile.

We followed Wendy to her house. She seems welcoming and generous, I don't know why Zhery and my other friends are spooked out! Her house was massive, it had, I don't know? four to five floors I thing? It was like a mansion, it didn't seem abandoned or left behind, it was a perfectly normal large house.

"Yes, everything's going alright, an old woman who lives in a mansion by herself!" Zhery uttered with sarcasm.

"Maybe she's just rich." I hunched.

"Alright my dears, you must be hungry aren't you? Here, come with me to the dining room." Wendy instructed.

"Very nice Kalem, we're about to be poisoned!" Zhery uttered with sarcasm.

"Don't judge a book by its cover!" I uttered and smiled.

The corridors of the mansion were filled with gray webs, dirty chandeliers, and grand staircases which wasn't cleaned for months.

Wendy instructed us to take a seat, she was so kind to give us a bowl of stew for our dinner.

"I'll be back my dears, eat well." the old woman uttered and left the dining room.

"So, am I suppose to eat this or what? I might hurt her feelings if I don't." Camellia uttered with confusion.

"There's no her, she's definitely a ghost!" Zhery uttered softly.

"A ghost? Impossible!" I laughed and declined. Riolu Ummm, let's just say he wasn't comfortable.

"An old woman living in a mansion by herself? Giving us free food? Dirty halls and ceilings? Don't you guys watch horror movies?" Zhery queried.

"Relax, this is real life, horror movies are fictional," I uttered and debunked when suddenly a hanging pot fell down.

It sent out a tingly sound after hitting the floor. Our attention was grabbed as we slowly looked behind.

"Explain that Kalem!" Zhery instructed softly.

"Umm, it's probably because of the wind." I hunched.

The curtains flapped and fluttered due to the strong wind, all windows were open and Wendy took a long time to return.

"Oh, are all of you done eating?" Wendy entered the dining hall and queried with surprise.

"Yes we are Ms. Wendy, it's delicious." Glade complimented. We drank the stew since we didn't want to hurt an old woman's feelings. I forced Zhery with my limited scientific knowledge.

"Sorry to keep you waiting dears, your room is now ready." Wendy smiled.

Zhery and Camellia's heart was pounding hard, I remained with ease while Riolu was doing his Arceus pleadings and repentance dance.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Ms. Wendy." I smiled back. Her heart was indeed warm, she treated us like we're her grandchildren.

"Your room is on the second floor, it has two bunk beds, so all of you can sleep together." Wendy smiled and instructed.

"Thanks so much, come on guys, let's go have a nice nap tonight." I beamed with excitement and eagerness to sleep. The night was already obsolete and caliginous.

Wendy escorted us to our room, it was a large wooded area with two tall bunk beds made out of metal scraps. There were a few cobwebs but I can take it.

Each bed had a pillow and blanket, I can't wait for my body to sleep!

"Alright my dears, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite!" Ms. Wendy uttered oddly while closing the door slowly.

"Something's definitely not right," Zhery uttered.

"Relax, be like Riolu, a sleepy baby!" I teased while holding Riolu's sleeping body. Me and Riolu always loved to stay on the upper beds.

"Kalem, Glade, can me and Zhery stay in the upper beds?" Camellia begged.

"Huh, why?" I queried in confusion.

"You know, just in case a paranormal activity happens later, which would most likely occur under the beds later at three am, me and Zhery would be safe," Camellia uttered with a scarred heart.

"About us? How can we be safe?" I queried.

"You don't believe in ghosts remember? Plus, you two should be gentlemen!" Zhery teased.

"Well yeah? Why don't you two become gentlewomen?" I teased back.

"Cause there's no such thing!" Zhery teased and climbed the bunk bed.

So, we were forced by two scared girls to stay in the lower parts of the bunk bed. The wind and rain didn't continue to stop, it was getting colder as the wind blew inwards.

The open windows kept our sleep and dream cold thanks to the wind. Riolu always loves to sleep on the left side of the bed, he likes being safe from harm. He uses me as his wall.

The moon twinkled above the mansion, it was time to have our sleepy slumber. We turned off the swith, lights out! I walked slowly to my bed while the planks squeaked below my feet.

I gave a deep yawn and dived into my bed, I covered myself with a woolly blanket and went to sleep.

The night was filled with twilight and violent rain, thunders added a detailed touch to the storm. Everything seemed like a typical stormy night, that's when suddenly a loud thunder woke Riolu up.

"Kalem! Kalem!" Riolu was in tears while shivering deeply.

"Shhh, it's late Riolu. Here's your Totodile doll." I uttered with a drowsy voice while my hand extended deep into my bag. I gave Riolu his Totodile doll which comforts him all the time just like a baby.

I and Riolu went back to sleep, but that was only the first wave of some horrific shenanigans!

The clock ticked one in the morning, the rain continued to drizzle. The weather outside was still violent and wild.

"Ahh!" I woke up all of a sudden. Strange noise surrounded the room. My body was shivering in fear, my hands were sweaty, as tingles flowed through my spine. My friends were in a deep slumber, including Riolu. That's when I heard squeaks on the planks.

It was like something invisible was walking on the planks which caused it to squeak.

I covered myself with the white furry blanket, I was shivering inside while listening to the squeaks on the floor. The thunders made me gasp for air.

I was able to sleep once more, my body was surrounded by a blanket which kept me warm for the next two hours.

The clocked ticked three, and the grand piano began to play by itself. The four of us were awakened by the sounds coming from the piano. Whoever was playing the piano was amazing, it kept on playing masterpieces of great pianists.

"It's probably Ms.Wendy playing the Piano!" Glade hunched.

"Who would play a piano in the middle of the night? I didn't know this place had a piano." Camellia uttered with worry.

"Then, I have an idea!" I beamed with excitement.

"An idea? What kind?" Zhery queried.

Our drowsiness was extinguished due to the spooky piano music. I had a sudden urge to visit the room with a tuning grand piano.

"Why don't we find the room?" I suggested.

"You want us, to go out of this room!? This is the safest place!" Camellia uttered with worry.

"Well I'm curious, and I want to know who's playing the piano!" I beamed with excitement as thunder crashed down to these earthly land. The thunder woke up Riolu again, so as his trainer, I had to comfort him.

I was able to force everyone to come and find the grand piano. Even Riolu was forced by me! He didn't want to touch the wooden planks so he stayed on my shoulder.

"Flashlights check!" I beamed with excitement while checking the battery of my flashlight.

The door squeaked while opening it slowly and softly. The halls were pitch-black, we couldn't see anything but open windows and flapping curtains. Only our flashlights were the source of luminosity.

Sweat ran through our bodies with a tingly spine, everybody was pounding harder and deeper as we walked slowly and followed the melody of the piano.

Camellia couldn't bear the fear, her hands were soaked with sweat and fear.

"Camellia don't be scared, what could possibly go wrong?" I comforted. As I finished my sentence we heard something fragile fall down. It was loud and chilling.

"It looks like something fell from the kitchen." Zhery hunched while shivering.

Camellia got stunned, she ran towards me and hid behind my back with her hands placed on my shoulder.

"Don't use me as a shield!" I uttered with fear.

"Just walk, I don't want to open my eyes." Camellia's voice trembled and vibrated.

We continued to walk through the hall, the melody was getting louder and louder, that's when we saw a red sticky substance on the floor, it looked like blood.

"I... Is that blood!?" Glade wondered in fear.

"Blood!?" Camellia uttered with fear and shivered while hiding behind me.

Everybody felt scared and stressed, how would you feel if you saw blood which doesn't belong to you.

"We should find an exit!" Zhery uttered.

"Yeah, I agree... this place is creepy, there's blood on the floor!" I uttered with fear.

We heard noise coming from the kitchen. There was laughter and giggles in the kitchen, while footsteps were on the second floor.

We couldn't see who's walking, we only heard its footsteps. The piano tuned louder than before, as the piano tuned our heart pounded louder.

"I can't move. I'm frozen in fear." Zhery uttered. Everything was noisy, laughs, giggles, footsteps, pianos, and strange twilight presence.

"We should've stayed in the room," Camellia uttered while shivering with fear.

I faced my fear with bravery, I walked slowly and steadily. I followed the melody of the playing piano, that's when I heard the laughs and giggles getting closer to us.

<Ghhahahaha!>Something giggled and floated around us.

We couldn't see who was floating in front of us, we were sure there was something because we felt its presence. It kept on laughing and giggling around us.

<Haunahahahah!><Ghahahahaha!><Ghehehehehe!>Three voices were chuckling around us, we were completely frozen in fear and demise.

In front of me, a black shadowy ball appeared. It had two fangs and a violet tail followed from behind.

<Ghahahahaha! Ghastly!> The Pokemon uttered mischievously.

From the left, another Pokemon emerged from the shadows. It had sharp claws and a violet body.

<Hauhahahahaha! Haunter!>The Pokemon laughed vigorously while surrounding us.

From the carpet below us, two sharp eyes glared deeply unto our faces. It slowly emerged from the ground and chuckled like the other two.

<Genghehehehehe! Gengar!>The Pokemon laughed and surrounded us.

The three Pokemons were running all over the place, the piano continued to tune, but we were too afraid to continue moving.

"Alright, running!" I instructed.

the four of us ran as fast as we can. We went back to our rooms and closed the doors. We locked it tightly so that no one else could enter. Then, a red circular shadow appeared on the door. We were afraid to look behind.

<Duskkkkk!>The Pokemon uttered loudly. It scared the living daylight out of us.

Three mischievous Pokemons ran across the hallway, footsteps can be heard walking around, the piano played by itself, now we have another one behind us!?

What is happening in this place? What kind of creepy shenanigans are these!?

<Duskkkkkkkk!>The Pokemon glared into our souls.