
EPISODE 101: Into The Waterfall!

<Braviary! Brav!>The Pokemon pecked Glade's jacket.

"Hey! Stop it, are you my Rufflet?" Glade queried.

"What do you think!?" Braviary uttered, the problem is, Glade doesn't understand what Braviary's saying.

<Brav! Braviary!>The Pokemon tried to bite Glade's jacket with its beak.

"If you're my Rufflet, return to this Pokeball!" Glade took out Rufflet's Pokeball and tried to return the Pokemon. Braviary was able to return inside the Pokeball, meaning Braviary is Glade's old rough tough Rufflet!

"My Rufflet evolved!?" Glade uttered with shock as Braviary went inside his Pokeball.

"No way! That's amazing, I wonder how it could have evolved all of a sudden?" I queried and wonder while setting up the plates.

"Braviary is the evolve form of Rufflet! It's a flying and normal type. It's the counterpart of Mandibuzz." Irys spoke from the bag and interrupted.

"Braviary come on out!" Glade sent out his newly evolved Pokemon.

<Braviary!>The Pokemon pecked at Glade's jacket.

"Braviary, stop pecking my jacket! Is there anything wrong?" Glade queried while trying to dodge Braviary's peck attack.

<Brav! Braviary! Brav!>The Pokemon pointed at my shoulder.

"Huh? What do you mean Braviary?" I looked on my shoulder and tried to examine it.

<Braviary! Brav! Braviary!>The Pokemon tried to explain.

"Hey Gardevoir, can you translate what Braviary is trying to say?" I questioned and called her from the distance.

<Brav! Braviary! Brav!>The Pokemon uttered with worry and distress.

"Riolu and Petilil are missing!?" Gardevoir got shocked as she translated the words spoken by the newly evolved Pokemon.

"Ah! Really! What happened to Riolu!?" I began to worry about my partner Pokemon.

<Braviary! Brav! Braviary! Brav!>The Pokemon tried to explain.

"Riolu and Petilil were chased by a flock, which led them to a dead-end! They had no choice but to jump down the gorge and dive into the river." Gardevoir translated with shock.

<Braviary! Brav! Brav!>The Pokemon added.

"Braviary tried to find Riolu and Petilil but it was zero-visibility! His friend Mandibuzz is trying to look for them while he's gone." Gardevoir added.

"Then we have to find them!" I uttered with shock and worry.

"Wait, we can't just leave the camp. Who's gonna set up the tents while Zhery and Camellia are doing the other chores?" Glade queried.

"It'll only be for awhile, we have to find them! Even if Petilil is not my Pokemon, it's still a Pokemon and it needs to be saved!" I uttered with motive and encouragement.

"You're right Kalem, we have to find Riolu and Petilil, but... aren't there thousands of winding rivers surrounding the jungle?" Glade queried and exclaimed.

"Braviary can lead the way!" I suggested while looking at the newly evolved Pokemon.

<Braviary! Brav!>The Pokemon gushed through the air and instructed us to follow it.

"Alright, the quest to find Riolu and Petilil is a go! Gardevoir, you come with us!" I beamed with determination but with worry. Hopefully Petilil and Riolu are safe. Gardevoir came with us to find the two lost Pokemons!

"Ah!? Why is the table messy?" Zhery walked by while carrying the food towards the table. She got shocked to see the table filled with leaves and dirt. The spoons, forks, plates, and glasses weren't set up yet.

"Kalem! Glade! Explain this!" Zhery uttered with frustration while trying to find us.

"Camellia, have you seen Kalem and Glade?" Zhery queried while Camellia was fixing and cleaning the stove.

"Um no... weren't they setting up the table?" Camellia recalled.

"They're not there! The table is filthy, and the sporks and spoons are just laying there!" Zhery uttered with frustration.

"Hmm, they didn't say they were going somewhere. Maybe they went out to fetch water." Camellia hunched.

"Fetch water!? We have a whole stack of bottled water and fresh Moomoo milk! When I get my hands on both of them, I'll teach them a lesson they'll never forget!" Zhery uttered with frustration.

Braviary flew steadily across the sky while trying to find the gorge. Me, Glade, and Gardevoir were following the bird of prey, though we may lose track of him sometimes.

"Little blue dog and little green onion are probably dead." an Unfezant reported to King Raptor the Staraptor.

"What do you mean, probably!?"

"They fell into the gorge, and flowed at the river. No one could survive a river like that. Strong currents? Sharp rocks? Their body will be pierced into pieces!" Unfezant uttered with a nice and normal tone.

"I want green onion, dead or alive! Bring her body to me. If you find little blue dog, bring him to me and you'll have a feast tonight." Staraptor instructed.

"Alright boss, we'll bring you their bodies. Come on gang, it's time to fly boys!" Unfezant uttered and left their tree use together with the rest of the gang. This scenario reminds me of a movie with birds as the main character.

Unfezant and the rest of the gang flew and glided across the sky. I guess green onion and blue dog will be their feast tonight.

"Riolu! Riolu!" Petilil shouted for help while gushing through the river. The currents were strong indeed, but all they heard was Mandibuzz's cry. It was trying to find Riolu and Petilil but they were not in sight. The two lost Pokemon approached a tall gushing water-fall! If they fall into the water-fall, they'll go deeper to the forest making it a harder time for me, Glade, and Gardevoir to find Petilil and Riolu.

"Petilil, hang in there!" Riolu uttered with pain as blood oozed from his injury while trying to cling on a rock. Riolu is an expert at swimming, but little green onion? Not so much.

Riolu tried to cling unto a sturdy rock but his wound kept on distracting him. Mandibuzz tried using his keen eyes, but Unfezant and his crew came along.

"Yo Mandibuzz! Looking for blue dog and green onion? They belong to us!" Unfezant uttered while trying to use drill peck on Mandibuzz.

"No one harms a friend of my friend!" Mandibuzz dodged the attack and used wing attack on Unfezant. It's a sky battle!

Riolu tried to reach for the rock while gasping for air, Petilil was coughing as water entered her lungs.

"Leave Riolu and Petilil out of this!" Mandibuzz and Unfezant fought at the sky as a thunderstorm suddenly arrived. The jungle was filled with dark clouds and heavy rainfall as thunders crashed through the trees. The two brave bird fought at the eye of the storm.

"Blue dog and Green onion is our dinner, and we'll make you dinner if you won't stop!" Unfezant warned while launching an attack.

"Can you stop calling them blue dog and green onion, it irks me a lot!" Mandibuzz uttered while charging gliding through the rain.

Me, Glade, and Gardevoir didn't care about the thunderstorm. We need to find the lost Pokemons, no matter what happens!

"Gotcha!" Riolu was able to cling on the rock. He grabbed Petilil's leaf on top of her head while she was gushing through the river. The river became violent as the rainfall strengthened. The two birds kept on fighting in the air.

Riolu was losing his grip on the rock. It was too slippery and wet, he tried his best to cling tightly but the water was their grave opponent.

"Hang in there Petilil!" Riolu uttered with pain and discomfort. A lot of things were bothering him, his wound, the rock, and Petilil.

Petilil began to shiver in coldness as the water turned frigid. The sea level was starting to rise, as different waves loosened Riolu's grip on the rock.

"I can't hold on any much longer! We have no choice but to jump in the water-fall." Riolu uttered with distress.

"What about our trainers? We'll go deeper to the jungle, making it a hard time for them to find us." Petilil uttered and questioned with worry.

"They'll find us, just trust in them!" Riolu uttered with discomfort as his hand slipped off the rock.

Riolu was protecting Petilil by hugging her tightly. They were heading through the water-fall, while the three of us are nowhere near the lake.

Blood continued to ooze from Riolu's wound as they flowed directly towards the water-fall.

Riolu was beginning to lose consciousness, while Petilil was thinking of a plan to save the both of them.

We were unable to make it in time as Riolu and Petilil dashed through the waterfall. Riolu was ensuring he had a tight grip on Petilil even if his consciousness was feeble and measly.

They splashed through to another winding river after descending from the waterfall.

Braviary zoomed up to help Mandibuzz while me and Gardevoir were trying to find the Pokemons. Glade in the other hand, helped out Gardevoir and I as well.

"Where are they!?" I began to panic and wonder.

"They must've fall through the waterfall." Glade hunched.

"No, it can't be! We have to keep on searching!" I uttered with worry.

Braviary and Mandibuzz tried to take down Unfezant and his flock, but they failed miserably. Mandibuzz and Braviary were pushed down the sky and crashed on the far side of the jungle.

Things were getting intense, the storm was getting stronger, Mandibuzz and Braviary got separated from us, Riolu and Petilil are nowhere to be found while Unfezant and his flock continued to search for them.

"Kalem, we have to find Braviary and Mandibuzz!" Glade suggested as he started to worry for his Pokemon.

"About Petilil and Riolu? We have to find them!" I declined and uttered with worry.

Me and Glade can't just split up and search for our own Pokemon. Petilil and Riolu were no longer in the river, which brings us to a conclusion that they have fallen through the waterfall.

I started to panic and worry, while Glade panicked about Braviary and Mandibuzz. What will be our next step!?

"Petilil... hold on tight," Riolu uttered while slowly losing his unconsciousness.

What will happen next? Where will the river lead them? When will the storm stop? The answer's to come as the journey continues!