
Chapter 27

We arrived at the police station after running from the cave. I am still being carried by my friends with our partner pokemon following us protecting us from wild pokemon. The police station was found to be near the outskirts of Motostoke near the field by the cave. It is a large three story white building. There was an older chubby man wearing a police outfit standing outside the police station.

"Hello what brings you here today to Motostoke's fine police station? Are you here to report how two older trainers beat you in a double battle in the cave or another crime?" The man happily smiles while taking out a notepad and pen to write down our complaints.

Michio looks at him while still helping Rain with carrying me," You idiot Kabu the gym leader told us to come get the police because of a crime that is taking place in the cave right now! Our friend here was paralyzed by one of the enemies pokemon!" Michio almost let go of me when he was wildly gesturing towards the cave where smoke is bellowing out.

The police officer drops his things and pulls out a Rotom phone," Officer Turfling to all off duty officers there seems to be a situation in Galar Mine number 2. Repeat all available officers there is trouble in Galar Mine number 2. I will need immediate backup." The officer pulls out a gun and pokeballs mumbling," I knew I should have taken the day off when Johnson offered to take watch duty."

Then he turns to us," You kids can follow me but first let me spray your friend with this potion first." Officer Turfling pulled out a yellow spray bottle. He came over and rapidly sprayed the bottle all over me. I felt the horrific pain dull into a throb that ebbed away after a few more sprays from the bottle. Michio and Rain gently let go of me after making sure I could stand up on my own.

Officer Turfling turned away jogging to the cave entrance. He stops doubling over panting after a few steps.

"Kids go on ahead. I need to catch my breath," Officer Turfling whips his forehead still panting. He waves his hands gesturing for us to go on ahead.

Michio runs faster than me and Rain. He gets there before us running into the cave. I reach the cave entrance with Rain going inside together. When we go inside the smoke thins revealing Kabu knocked out on the ground. Then I see a flash of something near Kabu.

I rub my eyes looking closer revealing Henry tied to a pole hitting Kabu's chest with his feet screaming," Come on get up those evil people stole all my food. I need you to untie me so that I can get it back." Then I hear groaning coming from Kabu.

Michio runs over to his father after punching Henry's face," Are you okay Kabu?"

Henry moans," You should be asking me that. Also why the heck did you punch me?" Michio does not acknowledge Henry choosing instead to focus on helping Kabu sit up. I go over after making eye contact with Michio asking for permission to help.

Michio lifts his gasmasked covered face," Well help me by calling the hospital for an ambulance since my phone was destroyed by that weirdo that was using me as bait. What are you waiting for Kabu needs help, don't you see the blood coming out of his head wound?!"

Henry screams," Untie me right now! I need to get my food back from those weird cosplayers!" Then mask turns into a tearful anime face," I can still smell my meat nuggets." He turns to look at Honey," I can smell your food give it to me before I cry even more."

I go over to Henry and give him a mini pound cake and shove it in his still tied up hands." Here Henry eat this. Now to make that phone call to the hospital. I wonder where Officer Turfling is?"

I pull out my phone to call for an ambulance," Hey I need an ambulance at the Galar Mine number 2. The gym leader is here injured after an altercation at the mine. Yes thank you and please hurry."

I turn to Michio," The ambulance should be here in five minuets. They said to keep Kabu conscience and to not let him fall asleep since he might have a concussion."

Right after I said that Officer Turfling burst into the cave followed by five other armed officers. Officer Turfling went over to Henry and untied him after telling the others to scout out the mine for evidence. Then after that our group was chased out of the cave due to official police investigations.

Rain rubbed his forehead," Hey guys follow me I booked two rooms at the hotel here for me and Honey but you can join us if you want?"

Henry's mask turned into an excited kitty face with flowers blooming in the background behind him," That would be great but first let's go to that all you can eat ramen place. They are having a special where you can eat as much as you want for free if you finish their deluxe ramen bowl. I heard that it is as big as two grown men's head."

Michio grumbles," Henry another one of your free eating schemes again have you learned nothing since that pizza man incident yesterday?!"

Before I could ask what Michio was talking about I was dragged away by Henry to find that ramen place.

There will now be updaates once a week. There will also be a story about Michio and Henry's adventures that I was working on this past month coming out soon. It will have more comedy than the current story right now. Also comment any original pokemon or trainer ideas in this chapter. Those ideas will be used for Michio and Henry's story.

PhoenixLore4creators' thoughts