
Memory fragment-1 : the memories

Kenta pov

As soon as slept in the bed , my mind my transported into another area covered by a thick fog , transporting my soul to a word area which seems familiar and yet so foreign to me .I feel deja vu

"where the hell am I " I replied clearly thinking I will never get a answer like always .

Soon a harsh and a regal voice spoke with me , frightening me off

"YoU aRe In YouR mEmOrY FrAgMeNt . " The voice replied to me

oh , dear since when , a voice begun speaking on my head

"Memory fragment ?what is that , and why don't I remember my memories " I asked him clearly confused

He might not know about it or could use it to his advantage but I want to clarify it , I Have a small gut feeling that he might know about me . Better to believe it , I have nothing to lose after all .

You should express yourself to others more , people like expressive persons more until you are too much expressive .

"YoUr MeMoRy Is TaKeN By tHe WiTcH "it told me again in the regal voice , it's so annoying , the whole high pitched voice .

"Could you please speaking like that , it is very difficult to listen to you , can you change your voice ."I asked him not able to listen him any longer

It might kill me due to rage but it's better than bursting my ears to the high pitch sound

"Ah! I thought I sounded intimidating and evil when I spoke like that "He replied

So male huh , not like it mattered at all

"But it is clearly useless , taking our useful time away from the both of us "He said

"so DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM OR NOT ?"I asked him out of desperation

"SILENCE , I know who you and what kind of person you are but "He said

"telling you that willn't change anything , you must remember your memories on your own "He said ignoring my despration

If that's the case the entire conversation is useless

"SO why I am here chatting with you then , send me back to your body . "I said to him

"Calm down boy"He said scowling

"Your memories will be returned after I merge myself with you "He said

"With this , You will unlock the system that is locked and you will unlock your first memory fragment "He said

"I don't know what are you saying but why I should merge with you "I said to him

"YOu have no reason to refuse ,you need power to defeat your enemies , who you clearly understood by now isn't it ."He said

"Life isn't all sunshine and rainbows . Remember the people who did this to you. never ever forgive any one of them , If you forgive them out of sympathy . then they will think of you as spinless coward "He said

"In that next moment , they will attack the people who are close to you , which are none "He said

"Why sHould i trust you at all ?"I said to him

" You don't have to trust me but tell me , who you want to trust "He said

"....."I said to him not being able to answer at all

"Isn't that the truth , you have no one to trust Kenta , NO one . Remember the feeling "He said

"the feeings when you learnt the fact that you have no one to trust and no one to cry on "He said

"REMEMBER WHAT THEY DID TO YOU "he said unlocking me a part of my memory

"I clearly remember and ....I clearly regret remembering it "

<Flashback >

Kenta pov

I was a innocent child back then . Who completely played with his all other completely ignoring the terrors of the world . I was too naive and too trusting that it actually hurts when it happened .

I helped everyone and be nice to them , not wanting to hurt anyone as i feel the pain of hurting someone .

But the world have different plans

It was the day The Lunch of the Popular kid was stolen , he became quickly panicked and it quickly became news at the whole classroom . everyone argued and quickly

The blame passed on me ,

Like i didn't even know him and i don't know who or why people pointing at

In the whole classroom no one believed that i am innocent despite knowing how i act to them , No one even my so called 'close friends ' Acknowledged the fact the i couldn't have done it.

I Didn't say anything as they never would or believe me . I completed disliked even arguing with them . As one say , you can't argue with a fool . Maybe i could've changed my schools if my mother weren't obsessed with my grades .

MY parents are like asian parents caring about my grades to the point that they never give me food the day i would get low . Which was very less but i feel bad for anyone who gets them as parents .I hope genius people don't have these parents or else their potential is wasted

This feeling of loneliness and the feeling and the pressure that the whole world is going against you , you have no one to rely on or depend on . The feeling of being excluded and rejected by the whole society .

Do you know why they d-did . P-Process of elimination . In this society , the unpopular 'nerd' is the first one people would like to get rid of rather than a popular 'unskilled ' simpleton . People like literally fawn over beautiful and popular people ignoring the soldiers and scientist who made what we have today .

Do you know what made me break hard,

People will call politicians terrorists , a Muslim terrorists , a pakisthan terrorist , but they will never call a terrorist a terrorist.

So called terrorists are eating full meal daily at jail , while many our army heroes were being cucked and cheated,divorced by their wives . If you still disagree did you give your daughter to a solider .

Soliders protect our nation ,while the same national people will treat them like dirt.

Scientists who studied and spent at lots of time and made many things to our mankinds .Are called virgins and weirdos ?

What the fuck ? Human nature ,these people are more weird than them . I mean scientists did invented the phones , bulbs,gadgets which they will use . What sort of nonsense is this , you like the product but you don't like the person who did it .

It's liking a story but hating the author due to his different views .

IF only these real heroes were born in any other race other than a human being .They will be treated Like the real kings they were .

It's not the bad people in my world that made me hate the society ,

It's the way the good and kind , people who contribute to society are treated like shit but the same society .

I lost all my hope in the world . I don't think our and society world needs any hero , they are better off dying for heal .

If there are any hero , I will try my best to prevent them for saving the world .

Where is this 'hero' when the people in needed help ,

The harsh truth of a hero is that hero helps only the persons he likes . The good and kind people are often overlooked by the hero .

For example in any shounen anime . The hero is a goody two shoes who will help anyone .How should they be treated

They should be treated with kindness and love , that's all they need . But they are abused and insulted by their own comrades

Ex : Naruto (even a enemy ninja in leaf is treated better than naruto in his life , I geninuly think i might have destroyed and left the left village if i were naruto ) , fluffy , goku etc.

If i reincarnated in a shounen anime , the first thing i will to is to kill the annoying tsundere in the worst way possible , I will do justice to hero by hurting those who hurts him .simple

Well after the whole class room debate . I was saved by akira . After that i started viewing people as mere pawns and tools , it worked so well for me .I became a power that is only achieved in anyone's dream .

I Achieved authority in the world and changed it .


That's all i remember


"what " I screamed

"I finished merging with you while you gained the power up of your flashback , "THe voice told me

"What about my remaining memories " I asked him

"You will get to that as you progress but for now wake up and say hello to the new system "THe voice told me

"I made it possible , no need to say thanks "THe voice told me

What the heck is that

Before i could say anything at all , i completely woke up .

And a unfamiliar voice greeted me

"Greetings Master kenta ! " An unfamiliar voice greeted me

Kenta never swears much . But whenever he swears it indicates very seriousness and truths.

did you know that kenta is somewhat is based on my real life

the Asian grade minded parents and classmates accusing me for a their.

well that's all true and happened in my real life

I don't want sympathy.

i just want people judge people after careful deductions and using their brain logically

latheef_shaikcreators' thoughts