
Pokemon: Rise from the Bottom

After waking up in the back alleys of Saffron City as an orphan, Natsu soon realized that he has transmigrated to the Pokemon World. Watch as Natsu begins his story as he rises from the bottom of soceity and journeys to the top alongside his Pokemon. *Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon and its rights belong to its respective owner. English is not my first language and I would appreciate any corrections in the comments. *

Arceus73 · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

Training Together

Weedle's Species Strength is relatively low in the group of first-stage Pokémon. However, no matter how low it is, speed is its strength. And if you want to battle, Pokémon's speed is one point you can never avoid. At the same time, running can improve overall physical fitness. Twenty laps, the distance between the starting point and the target location is about 50 meters, a total of 1000 meters of running.

Weedle dashed after it heard Natsu say "run". But soon it who was full of confidence at the beginning began to regret it after five rounds of running. After ten rounds, it slowed down significantly. But it wasn't just that, Natsu slowed down too. His face was red with sweat dripping from his forehead to the tip of his nose.

Natsu's body was too weak. Before he came to this world, the previous owner was already on the verge of death. With such a body, he only ate half a piece of bread yesterday. It was already pretty good that he was able to run.

But he had to admit that the humans in this world seemed to be affected by the dense energy of the Pokémon world, and their bodies were much stronger than Natsu expected. After all, there are some people who, after professional long-term training, can become a Ninja, or even battle a Pokémon with a physical body of hard steel.

Weedle saw that even Natsu was working so hard, and insisted on continuing. Fifteen rounds, one person and one Pokémon were almost reaching their limit. Don't look at the one thousand meters that didn't seem to be far, but one is a newly born Pokémon, and the other is a person who is so thin that he looked like he is about to collapse when the wind blows. This was definitely a test for them.

This was just the beginning of the first training session. If they can't stick to it here, the whole training session will collapse.

"Persevere and you will be born again after breaking the cocoon."

Natsu could almost hear his own heartbeat as he gasped hard. Even though he was so tired that he was about to suffocate, as a Trainer, he had to set an example for Weedle, who was training for the first time.


Weedle called out, as if to cheer itself and Natsu up. Finally, the twenty rounds ended. Weedle collapsed to the ground tired, Natsu's chest was like a drum, and his sweat dripped down.

Looking at Weedle who fell to the ground, he said intermittently: "Stand up! After running, take a walk, or you won't be able to stand up tomorrow."

Hearing this, Weedle showed an aggrieved expression.


It was really exhausted, and if it wasn't for seeing Natsu insisting, it would have given up long ago.

"Get up! Go!"

Natsu's voice became serious. The indulgence of Weedle at this time is his responsibility. Weedle shrank, and stood up with gritted teeth in the face of Natsu's sternness. Tremblingly, it staggered and walked up behind him.

After ten minutes, Natsu and Weedle's breathing gradually returned to normal, but their bodies were warm as if there was a fire burning inside them.

"Next, it's your move training, the first is the accuracy of String Shot, I'll throw a stone into the sky, and your task is to entangle it with String Shot."

At his feet, a pile of stones had been placed. After the basic training of running, Weedle had already understood that this training is not a game and it will be very hard and tiring. It wants to try to protest, but every time the thought arises, it is extinguished by itself. Because Natsu is also training with him, and as a frail human being is obviously more tired than him.

Natsu keeps insisting, why does it give up? After all, training ultimately benefits its growth.


Picking up the stones, making sure Weedle was ready, he threw them in the air. Infrequent and slow at first, for which Weedle had a high hit rate. But gradually, as Natsu got faster and faster, and the stones were thrown in succession, Weedle's hit rate dropped. It also began to worry and got in a little bit of a hurry.

"Calm down, calm down, don't mess up! See the trajectory of the stone before you shoot. Sometimes you can choose to give up some."

But his reminders were effective. Weedle gradually lost its haste, and its small eyes fixed on the stone. Although the hit rate was still not high, it had improved significantly. At least, it didn't mess up.

"Whether it is String Shot or Poison Sting, the hit rate is very important. If you feel that there is not much thread stored in your body, you can use Poison Sting instead."

*wooo* Weedle nodded heavily.

Abandoning the String Shot, a purple halo appeared on the sharp corners of the head, and Poison Stings flew out one by one. It slowly entered the real training state. As a Weedle with only two abilities at present, it means that the error tolerance rate of the battle is relatively low. If the Ability cannot hit the enemy, it will undoubtedly make the battle very unfavorable. After a while, all the stones at Natsu's feet were thrown away, and this stage of training was over.

"Very good, remember that feeling just now, I need you to keep that focus every time you train in the future."


Weedle, exhausted, answered feebly.

"Ten minutes of rest."

As if hearing the sound of nature, Weedle collapsed to the ground. Natsu, leaning against the tree trunk with his knees in his arms, also took the time to rest. Soon, ten minutes passed.

"It's still twenty back and forth, not pursuing speed, just finishing."

Weedle looked desperate, but he still insisted. It has no reason or excuse to give up, because no matter what it does, Natsu does it together. Obviously, he is getting more tired but it sets a good example. After the run, they took a ten-minute rest as usual.

"Next is the third stage of training. The content is very simple. Use your mouth to bite the tree."

Natsu pointed to a small tree not far away , the trunk is about the thickness of two arms of a normal person.


Weedle looked shocked, pointed to the small tree, and gestured with its own little mouth. It may be an exaggeration, but it's a bit impossible to bite off such a thick tree with its mouth, isn't it?

But Natsu was unmoved. Once in training, he became an unselfish Trainer who wouldn't give Pokémon the slightest bit of indulgence, nor would he relax on himself.

"You only have two moves, String Shot and Poison Sting, which doesn't mean you can only know two moves. Bug Bite is a more powerful and practical move in the early stages of Bug Type Pokémon. To learn it, you must first have a certain understanding of your biting ability."

After explaining a little, he continued: "For the first time, I will not give you a time limit until you completely bite it, but next time, I'm afraid I'll give you a set time to get the feel for it!"

Weedle pursed its lips and, though reluctant, did as Natsu asked.

"I won't stop while you're exercising. When you stop biting, I'll stop training."

Looking at Weedle, who was a little weak, Natsu shook his head and then leaned down and started doing push-ups. Weedle turned its head in surprise.

Training with Natsu's body, Weedle shook its head immediately, rushed to the tree, and bit down hard. Natsu used his actions to force Weedle to speed up. The tacit understanding between the Trainer and Pokémon was also growing during training.

The sun soon set in the west and the full moon hung high. All three stages just now were one round of training. Natsu and Weedle completed two rounds today. It was a huge physical and psychological torture for them. In the end, they collapsed to the ground, not having even a trace of strength to move.

Looking up at the bright stars in the night sky.

"At least the moon is still the same as my hometown."


"Are you hungry? Let's go back to eat!"


Weedle cheered as if all of its strength had come back all at once. Pokémon's ability to recover is faster than a human's, Natsu doesn't even have the strength to stand up, but Weedle is still alive and well.

"It seems that you are still very physically strong. I underestimated you. The training volume will be heavier tomorrow, four rounds!"


Weedle whimpered, looking desperate.

"Let's go, go back." He shakily stood up and walked towards the small shabby house with Weedle in his arms.

While walking, he gently pressed his fingers on its body to relieve its physical fatigue.

He has little experience with massaging Pokémon, but he knows how to watch Weedle's expressions and reactions to see where the massage can make it more comfortable.


Weedle groaned, experiencing pain and joy.

Do I continue with random noises for pokemon in conversations or replace them with their name. I need some opinions. For example, when using something like 'wooo', I replace it with 'wee~weedle'? Also in the future, in terms of pronouns, should I continue with it/itself or replace them with he/her when I've determined their gender?

Arceus73creators' thoughts