
Pokemon: Rise from the Bottom

After waking up in the back alleys of Saffron City as an orphan, Natsu soon realized that he has transmigrated to the Pokemon World. Watch as Natsu begins his story as he rises from the bottom of soceity and journeys to the top alongside his Pokemon. *Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon and its rights belong to its respective owner. English is not my first language and I would appreciate any corrections in the comments. *

Arceus73 · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

The Real World

The next day, the bright sun woke up the sleeping Natsu. When he woke up, his spirit was much better, and his body didn't feel any discomfort. The rain yesterday hadn't made him catch a cold and get sick. This was a good start.


Weedle, who had woken up earlier, dragged a bunch of branches from out of nowhere to his feet. After the rain washed the green leaves, they exuded a fresh fragrance. Weedle pulled Natsu's trousers, signaling that he was welcome. Besides his feet, there were also a few pieces of leaf debris left after being eaten.

Natsu smiled and picked up the branch, tore off a few pieces, and stuffed them into his mouth in Weedle's hopeful little eyes.


The bitter taste spread in his mouth, stimulating his taste buds and also stimulating his empty stomach. Weedle squinted its eyes and held its head high, waiting for Natsu's compliments. Natsu didn't let it down either. After swallowing hard, he rubbed Weedle's back with a smile.

"Thank you, Weedle, it's delicious."

Weedle nodded cheerfully. Natsu gave Weedle the food yesterday, and in return, Weedle went looking for food early in the morning. These leafages were fresh and delicious. So it purposely left some. Good things are best to share.

Though, these leaves may not taste pretty in Natsu's mouth, but it was a good start anyway that Weedle had embraced Natsu's presence and shared food that was so precious to him. Natsu was kind enough not to debunk this, and not tell to Weedle that human and Pokémon food is not the same.

"New day, new beginning, Weedle, we're going to work hard." Natsu stood up and patted off the dust and grass. Weedle nodded in agreement. Natsu put it on his shoulders, got out of the broken house and walked towards the center of Saffron City.

The sun was just right. But Natsu's mood was not as good as it was in the morning.

"Sorry sir, after review, you do not meet the minimum standards of an Alliance Trainer, please contribute more to Alliance and become a registered Trainer as soon as possible."

It was not the first time the weirdly dressed Natsu has been turned down by staff with a formulaic smile. After confirming his identity and carefully observing his clothes and appearance, the staff's answer was only this sentence. Not up to standard, much to contribute to the Alliance.

"So what does it mean to meet the standard?" Natsu was still a little unwilling to give up. But the people in line behind him couldn't bear it.

"You're here dressed like a beggar, with a bad street Weedle and trying to apply to become an Alliance registered Trainer, did you take the wrong medicine?"

Natsu turned his head, and behind him was a social "elite" in a black suit, looking at him with contempt, and beside him was a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy playing the Pokéball in his hand. Looking at Natsu's cold eyes, the disdain on the man's face was even greater.

"What are you looking at?"

Natsu stood up, expressionless, and stepped aside. The man sneered, patted the chair in disgust, took out a handkerchief, put it on the chair, and pulled his child to sit down.

"Hello Miss, my child is applying to become a Trainer. Here are his two Pokémon, Mankey and Machop. This is my bank statement for the past five years, this is my donation certificate in his name, and the most important one, proof of ten years in Pokémon reserves, and a few less important documents."

The man took out a pile of well-prepared documents from his briefcase. Some unformulated expressions finally appeared on the faces of the staff.

"Please wait a moment."

Natsu's expression remained the same after stopping for a while, but Weedle on his shoulders felt the pent up anger in his heart, as well as the disapproval and scorn of the Alliance system. Weedle rubbed his neck lightly.

Natsu let out a breath and said lightly, "I'm fine", and then turned around to leave. Behind him, he could still hear faintly, "Brat, you'll be a Trainer from now on. I'll send you to a Pokémon school tomorrow, watch and study hard, or you'll grow up to be the same as that person just now."

Exiting the Trainer building, the warm sun shone on his body, but it couldn't reach his cold heart.

Having two Pokémon is the foundation, bank flow is the proof of financial strength, donation is the contribution to the Alliance, and ten years in the Pokémon reserves is the right to receive a Starter Pokémon.

A slightly sarcastic smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

"It's another realistic world."

Weedle tilted its head, its small eyes puzzled, not knowing Natsu what meant.

"It's okay, although I didn't have any hope at first, I was slapped hard by reality."

He started walking. Alliance's system was more realistic than he imagined. His trip to the Trainer Building was originally just a try. After all, if you can get an Alliance-certified registered Trainer status, it would make his journey on the road of a Trainer a lot easier. At least, the Pokémon Center is free to use, and there are free lodgings. It can only be said that the final result was not unexpected.

He then went to a grocery store and spent twenty Pokédollars on some food. Most of them were food that are convenient for storage and can fill the stomach, most of which was bread. Although it is unpalatable, it should be no problem to stick to it for two or three days. What he has to do now is to find a profitable job in two or three days.

In order not to waste time, Natsu endured the distress and spent 2 Pokédollars to take the bus and returned to his remote and dilapidated residence in the suburbs. Seeing that there were only a few coins left in his pocket, a total of 11 Pokédollars, he began to think about whether he wanted to find several opportunities and reasons to find those gangsters again to "borrow" a little.

"Forget it, I don't want to waste time."

Time is not only very important to him now, but even more important to Weedle, who has a very short developmental period. He then walked straight to the small patch of woods behind his residence. For the safety of the residents of Saffron City, the Saffron Gym cooperates with several divisions of Saffron City to clean the surrounding forest of dangerous Pokémon at regular intervals.

So it is relatively safe in the woods. He then placed Weedle on the ground. Stepping on the soft leaf pile, with each step making a rustling sound, made Weedle feel new, and it writhed looking happy. Looking at Weedle who was trying to get its mouth to bite its tail, Natsu's smile gradually subsided and he took on a serious look.

"Weedle, I'm going to train you for three days. It will decide whether we can find a suitable job afterwards."

Hearing his voice , Weedle turned serious and looked up at him. Its eyes were a little confused. Natsu squatted down and said solemnly, "You will be very tired and you may give up at any time, but I will accompany you to train together, so you must be serious, okay?"

Weedle nodded subconsciously.

"Very well, so now, see that tree over there? We're going to run back and forth. The basic goal is to run twenty laps!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Arceus73creators' thoughts