
Pokemon: Rise from the Bottom

After waking up in the back alleys of Saffron City as an orphan, Natsu soon realized that he has transmigrated to the Pokemon World. Watch as Natsu begins his story as he rises from the bottom of soceity and journeys to the top alongside his Pokemon. *Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon and its rights belong to its respective owner. English is not my first language and I would appreciate any corrections in the comments. *

Arceus73 · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs


Natsu dragged his tired body beside the creek and tried to raise a fire. Late Autumn nights are frigid. He had broken out in a sweat previously and soon after got his whole body soaked in chilling water. If he was not careful, he might catch a cold or even worse.

This was very dangerous in the wild. And in the forest, without a fire, it was easy to be attacked by wild Pokémon. Although such flames may not pose any threat to them or cause much damage, wild Pokémon could be regarded as animals on a basic level, so they may have an instinctive fear of flames. Of course, some Pokémon who like fire and light might say otherwise.

Natsu breathed a sigh of relief when the flames rose feeling the warmth rising in his body. He took out the two Insect Fruits that Weedle had grabbed from his clothes.

It is used as one of the main raw materials for a variety of Peak Level Bug Type Pokéblock. With the ability to tap into the talent of Bug Type Pokémon, to maximize its potential, it is most suitable for Pokémon in the initial stage.

The corners of his mouth rose slowly unconsciously as he recalled the description of the fruit in the book. The Insect fruit is very valuable; If he sells it at the Pokémon food store where he bought the Pokéblock before, it is estimated that he could get a lot of money.

But for Natsu, its role is not to exchange money. He looked at the Weedle salivating beside him, its tiny eyes inseparable from the fruits.

"If we want to maximize the effect of these two fruits, of course, the best thing is to make them into Pokéblock. Combine the fruits with the rest of the ingredients which along with the help of a catalyst can stimulate the effect completely," Natsu said intentionally.

Weedle's head drooped pitifully at Natsu's analysis.

It certainly knows what Natsu said is correct, and Pokéblock is also something it likes, but it was hard to suppress its gluttony.

Looking at the pitiful Weedle, Natsu smiled and said, "But if you want to make it into a Pokéblock, as a Bug and Poison Type Pokémon, the most suitable Pokéblock for you is the combination of the two Attributes. Looking for a Berry of the same level that can match it is quite difficult, maybe even close to impossible.

Besides, with our current financial resources, we cannot afford to hire a Breeder who has the ability to make this kind of Peak Level Pokéblock."

"Weedle?" Weedle looked up at him suspiciously.

What do you mean?

Natsu pursed his lips, "And most importantly, you may not be able to wait for this Pokéblock to be made."

Weedle is a Pokémon with a very short growth cycle.

It has been with Natsu for almost ten days. The training during this period was very hard, but one thing that cannot be ignored was that Weedle was about to evolve.

Natsu can afford to wait, but Weedle can't.

The muscles in its carapace are already very full and powerful, every limb is very round and saturated, and occasional unconscious scratching of the carapace indicates that Weedle is not far from evolution.

As mentioned in the books about Bug Type Pokémon that he had read, the second stage evolution of Pokémon like Weedle, Catterpie, and Wurmple would have the appearance of a pupa. Their growth cycle could be delayed due to various factors such as combat, and the longer the growth cycle is, the greater the benefits would be for these Bug Type Pokémon. Enough time to fully develop their potential at this stage.

The more power accumulated in the first stage, the time of the pupal stage would be shortened accordingly, and the final evolutionary state would be stronger.

This is the conclusion published by the Bug Type Pokémon expert who wrote that book, after hundreds of experiments.

That's why Natsu trained Weedle unremittingly; in order to prolong Weedle's growth cycle and fully develop its Weedle stage potential.

Originally, it will naturally evolve into Kakuna from Weedle in about a week. It has not evolved in ten days. According to Weedle's state, maybe it can last for another three or four days. But that's Weedle's limits.

But even so, Weedle couldn't wait any longer. So there was nothing to think about, and without hesitation, Natsu got the two berries and gave them to Weedle.


Weedle stared at the two plain berries.


"Eat them Weedle," Natsu said calmly and affirmatively.

There would be no so-called profit maximization. Since he chose Weedle, Natsu would not think about whether he could have a better Pokémon. In his eyes, Weedle is the best Pokémon!

You could scheme against and deceive others or you could fight a life and death battle with wild Pokémon where the best one survives, but if you focus on the so-called interests without taking consideration of your own Pokémon, you will never become a qualified trainer.

What did you say? I don't think I heard you clearly.

"Woo?!" Weedle confirmed again.

It got a nod as a response. There was nothing left to hesitate. Weedle let out a cheer, opened its mouth to the widest, and bit down on the round fruit, as the juice splashed everywhere. Unlike the special fragrance that attracted a lot of Bug Type Pokémon at the beginning, now it emitted the purest fruity aroma.

Berries are the best food that nature provides to Pokémon. Although a Breeder can make the best use of them through various combinations, this pure eating method could not be considered a waste.

Soon, Weedle gobbled the two precious berries leaving only two clean seeds behind.


Weedle looked content.

"Was it delicious?" Natsu asked with a smile.

"Weedle!!" Weedle nodded repeatedly still thinking about the taste between its teeth.

But just as nodded, its expression froze. Then suddenly Natsu saw its body slowly curl up.

He was taken aback, "Is it going to evolve?"

But the expected scene didn't appear, Weedle just curled up and fell into a deep sleep. Its body seemed to be undergoing some kind of change.

"No evolution?" Natsu breathed out a sigh of relief.

He was honestly not ready for Weedle's evolution yet. No evolution was a good thing. It showed that Weedle's growth cycle had not yet arrived, and there was still time for it to develop and raise its capabilities.

He just didn't know what effect these two Berries would have on it.

Holding up Weedle, Natsu also curled up against the tree, the bonfire illuminating his face. The forest at night was very dangerous, and Weedle had fallen into a deep sleep. It was absolutely unwise to leave at this time.

He had at least a bonfire here, and there was no sign of wild Pokémon activity around.

Previously, he had followed the stream and returned to the dense forest. Although it was not the area he cleaned up, presumably the other sparring partners in the club should have cleaned up to the same efficiency.

It is relatively safe for now. He took out some pre-prepared dry food. Although it was wet, it was ready to be eaten by roasting next to the fire.

Tonight was destined to be a sleepless night for Natsu.

Wrote the chapter in a hurry. Please let me know the mistakes and I'll correct them as soon as possible.

Arceus73creators' thoughts