
Uber Hydreigon?

[Host has captured Procedure Z]

[Mission capture all new Procedures completed]

[Reward: Some Knowledge]

[Number of Procedures absorbed 2 » 12]

[Mission 'Gotta catch em all' progress 12/28]

B*tch I caught 10 Unowns and suffered direct damage each time space played b*tch with me. The only reason I didn't die was that Omniscient gave me a helping hand in gaining Space Sensitivity and only then, did it only prevent me from dying.

Just look at me, 2 heads missing along with half my tail and my wings, which I luckily never used to fly with. All this wasn't even for my sake, much less Medusa or even Risa, but you!

[Recommended to here the knowledge first]

Go ahead, speak!

[For unknown reasons only Master Pokemons can incorporate their life with moves, those who have been called Skilled Master Pokemons. However, the System never followed such rules, adding the System with Omniscient we can mess around with Master abilities... this includes Uber]

[Congratulations on becoming an Uber Hydreigon]

[Scanning Host's abilities to see what ability has changed...]

[Destructive Force » Destructive Ki]

Is this what I think it is?

[Destructive Ki (EX): Energy that can destroy anything]

[Notice: Energy cause it freakishly high]

[Special Attack: S+++ - EX

Ability: EX]

Did I just become reach the top?

[No, you're attack speed sucks]

[Destructive Ki saved and now can be bought in the store as an Uber ability]

[Once bought the user can use it at the Guardian Stage regardless of an existing Uber Pokemon of that species]

And here I thought you have started to become useless.

[You wish!]

As I began to bicker with the System, I unknowingly began to fall, but I suppose this is to be expected when close to half of my body's missing. At least, they weren't faithful wounds, like that unlucky Meloetta who died with one thrust of my spear. My body slammed into a soft snow cloud where I met an angry Snow.

Great! drama.

"Don't stare like we're going to tell you something troublesome," Fearly said flying above me.

"Yeah, I believe you," I said sarcastically.

"Would it kill you to stop being so reckless?" Snow asks.

"Yes, it will actually. How did you know!?" I asked shocked. Sensing her anger rising I decided to stop messing around. "No need to worry about me dying, I'll just come back. You all, on the other hand, should've waited on my return. Although, both of you would likely become Ghost-types after death, who knows how long it would take for that to happen. Especially when I would prefer you both to stay dead?" I said angrily. They should worry about themselves before they study me.

And what's with that smile on their face, I might just punch them... if I had hands.

"See Beri may be a bad guy, but's not a bad guy," Snow said out loud.

"Hmph!" the sound of a harrumph echoed, before finally the Pocket Dimension shattered, revealing two sky serpents staring at me. Obviously, they're Medusa and Quetzalcoatl, with Medusa's size quickly shrinking until it's no longer 3 meters.

"Supsss?" Medusa asks.

"Want to test your limits?" I asked, instantly re-growing my body parts with Recover+ and forming a red ball of Destructive Ki from my main head.

"Wantsss to diesss?" Medusa asks.

Not answering her question I shot my Destruction Ball at her out of curiosity. This ball of energy is equivalent to an hour of energy expenditure in a fast-paced battle. Making this attack power far surpasses my Nuclear Kaboom that wiped out a City.

The space Destruction Ball takes up seems to have shrunk? compressed? No, erased along with Destruction Ball in it. Space Sensitivity only let me know the space Destruction Ball was in is now gone.

"Uber? But you're clearly not a Master..." Quetzalcoatl mutters. "Regardless, Medusa we didn't come here to play,"

"Tsk," Clicking her tongue, Medusa spoke. "Berisss and Aurorasss, let's gosss,"

"Huh? Go, where..." As I spoke, I found myself dragged away with the space I'm in and now found myself... "Where is this?" I asked.

The building we're in is split into sections all pointed at the center, making it so that we the spectators are focused on what's happening at the center, but still allowing us to see the other spectators... Hmm, a unique meeting room? There's a rich amount of energy here all the different types to be precise. No, the energy here is beyond the doubt, extremely high it's as if this is God's home.

"Arceusss' homesss," Medusa explained, Quetzalcoatl no longer in sight.

"Reason?" I asked.

"Meetingsss," Medusa explains.

"Yeah, but why are YOU here, don't tell me you join a faction?"

"Strongsss, importantsss," Medusa explains.

"I see, it's because you're ERROR Buster," I said.

"Mmm," Medusa nods her head.

"You're heresss as bodyguardsss," Medusa explains.

"Understood. Now you just don't cause too much trouble here," I said.

"Deniesss," Medusa promptly refuses.

"Hello, and welcome children," Appearing in the center was Arceus itself with Dialga and Palkia behind him. Arceus stares at us audience with a warm yet loving smile.

Meanwhile, my Omniscient has already scanned through the audience.

There's Giratina with Unbound Hoopa and Yveltal.

A Mew with Reshiram and Zekrom.

Rayquaza with Groudon and Kyogre.

Marshadow with Dickniel and Celebi.

"As usual Alola's group won't be coming and once more Galar's absent. Regardless, let's begin this century's first meeting,"


Marshadow is representing Kanto (Only in name)

Medusa is representing Johto.

Quetzalcoatl is representing Hoenn.

Arceus is representing Sinnoh.

Mew is representing Unova.

Giratina is representing Kalos.

??? is representing Alola.

??? is representing Galar.

A meeting of regional leaders.

Did Marshadow become an Uber? Why's Giratina in Kalos? Why is Galar absent? You'll find out eventually, just not today.

On another note, this Volume is close to its ending. Doubt you could guess how he'll die this time.

Extra note: Got any ideas on what L&M he should be. Do note, he can only a be low-tier one, like MOST trio legendaries Pokemons.

In the last week, I'll pull out a list and let you pick.