
That's No Sun!

Galaxy Clefable, I'm back!

Staring at this galaxy from a god's perspective, I found the Solar System I was searching for. I suppose this can't be called a Solar System but a Star System.

27 sun and a tiny sun that they revolve around. The tiny one is the one I expect a Legendary to be on.

Hopping over with Teleport+, I decided it's about time I try sunbathing. Flying closer, I halted learning how hot this sun is.


Cellular Attack Absorption isn't good for blocking heat and for now, I'm trying to not use Destruction energy. This means that if I wish to go further my Psychic needs to be a bit stronger.

Or, I could simply tank the damage while leaving Synthesis active. Of course, I need to slap some defensive moves around me otherwise, I'll just get one shot.

[Null Coat » Deo Coat]

Activating Deo Coat, the modified version Null Coat which is better used on Deoxys, I entered the giant ball of fire known as the sun. Being a ball of gas, whatever Fire-type on it should be able to fly or at least levitate.

So, Moltres? Ho-oh and Reshiram won't be here.

Enter deeper inside the sun, the temperature began to rise significantly, and I began to see the core which was a lot smaller than I expected, it even rotate to look at me.


[Pokemon: Magcargo (Shiny)

Level: 100

Specialty: Living Sun

Evaluation: This old Magcargo is going to beat the sh*t out of you]


[For example, you specialize in Destruction]


Immediately, I attempt to teleport out of here but due to the compact Fire-type energy in here, it failed. Instead, I'm forced to fly out in Defense form while enduring the rapidly increasing temperature.

"F*cking hot!" I shouted having exited the sun before promptly stacking Absolute Barriers in front of me.

[Fire Blast+]

The Mid-Divine Fire Blast+ shattered my barrier and the impact rocketed me away.

Hurriedly, I added Morning Sun+ to my recovery speed before turning my gaze back at Magcargo. Despite its moon size, it was rapidly catching up to me, using Flare Blitz+.

"Alright, try this," Saying this, I made 3 clones of myself.

The combined effort of the 4 of us Psychic+ only momentarily halted Magcargo, but that's a good start.

The 3 Clones rushed in front of me in their Defense form and began slapping on defensive moves and barriers onto themselves. As for me, I'm now stacking different power boosts onto myself in Attack form.

Belly Drum, Agility, Rock Polish, Calm Mind, Amnesia, Nasty Plot.

Although, 6 isn't my limit anymore would only interfere with my concentration. Who knows how intense this fight could get?

At this time, the 3 clones had been rammed into by Magcargo. Unfortunately, even after stacking defensive moves on, they couldn't withstand Magcargo's Flare Blitz+ and now it's coming onto me with seemingly no delay.

My hands clapped together as my core glowed, firing out a Hydro Cannon+. Hydro Cannon+ sadly, was only delaying Magcargo's inevitable arrival.

What can I use to get rid of Magcargo's sheer size?

Magcargo's huge body is making this Flare Blitz+ almost equivalent to a High-Divine attack.

How about this?

[Disable + Skill Swap = Disarm]

Unfortunately, the amount of distortions around Magcargo due to its high temperature makes it impossible for my ability to connect. Worst of all, even if it can guess passed the distortion the heat and fire would surely destroy it.

This Magcargo is the perfect example of surpassing one's limits. How many legendaries there aren't in the top 10 can say they could beat this?

Canceling, Hydro Cannon+ I enter Speed form and flew high up using Flash Step+ dodging Magcargo's attack.

Luckily, its size makes it easy for fast Pokemons to dodge.

My hands swung around at light speeds, releasing hundreds of Psycho Cuts, yet none of them could get past that ball of flame.

Attacking through the ball might be my best bet.

Thinking so, I used Flash Step+ immediately entering and going deep into Magcargo. In Speed form, my defense is garbage and so if this plan doesn't work I'll need to use Destructive energy to retreat.

Though, that last resort won't come to be.

With Magcargo in sight, a grin appears on my face.

Similarly, with me in Magcargo's sight panic hits him. Ancient Powers weren't sent like a meteorite field towards me.



Spinning like a Beyblade, my hands chop through Ancient Power using Karate Chop+ before arriving in front of Magcargo and using Cross Chop+.


Ancient Era Tier List.

#1 Arceus & Necrozma & Eternatus (Though unknown at that time)

#2 Progenitor Mew & Regigagas

#3 Giratina

#4 Kyurem & Calyrex

#5 Dialga & Palkia

#6 Zacian & Zamazenta

#7 Progenitor Celebi

#8 Progenitor Rayquaza

#9 Progenitor Groudon & Progenitor Kyogre

#10 Zygarde 100%

Reminder: Progenitor means first of their species. All of the Pokemons in this list that doesn't have Progenitor are the only one of their kind.

Where's Hoopa? Not born.

Calyrex? He's at his prime (you know before the game nerfed him). You'll get a better explanation another time.

Why's Zygarde weaker than Groudon and Kyogre? Cause they represent something far more important than ecological order (or something like that).

Eternatus? Even legendaries would use its power.

How did Zacian and Zamazenta beat Eternatus based on their tier list? Current answer = The fight occurred during the Ancient Era War.

I won't even bother explaining the power of Regigigas, a Pokemon who was catching up to the creator's power, nor Origin Kyurem, which name says it all.