
Lazuli's Death?

The battle between the king aka Aegislash and Lazuli aka Froslass was most likely cut short once Fearly found Lazuli and recognized her as Feara based on my previous description. Like if there were another Guardian Froslass here.

Judging from Fearly's personality, she likely didn't give a f*ck that Lazuli was once her leader and cared more about the reward she would get for bringing back her head. A Goudere at its finest.

Most would think this would be Lazuli's win, type advantage after all, but that's about the only advantage she has. Level-wise, Lazuli's 5 levels lower than her, move-wise Fearly's my concubine, stats-wise she's an Ancient Pokemon.

Lazuli was currently fighting defensively, Will of Wisp was constantly being formed around her and fired at Fearly. Fearly may not be as fast as Fluffs' but that's his specialty, her's is instant burst attack OHKO. You could say it only for Lazuli's Snow Cloak, she would've died on Fearly's first attack.

"Forget her and come over with Fionna!" I shouted. Believing Fearly took Fionna with her.

"Alright," Fearly said happily. Immediately, I began to stretch out Gate, while looking at how Fearly landed before making a loud crow sound. Not long after one could see, Fionna diving from the sky.

"You can continue your pointless obsessive chase for love alone. Unlike you I have a lover who loves me dearly," Fearly said tauntingly.

"No you don't!" I added. At best I value her usefulness than actually loving her.

[But you can't deny that you don't care about her]

"Pursuing Daniel has only led to your death, it already has and it will happen again. You just need to accept the fact that he'll never love you," Fearly said.

Why are you starting drama, NOW of all times!

[Same reason you haven't said that out loud]

This is why nobody likes Gouderes!

"You don't know nothing!" Lazuli shouts. "Sure, Daniel..."

"Dickniel," I corrected.

"Not the time!" Lazuli shouts in my Gate's direction before turning her gaze back to Fearly. "Daniel might be a manipulative, selfish, cruel, heartless bastard and may truly never love but that's just a possibility. We truly believed that as long as we keep trying he'll fall in love with at least one of us!"

How dramatic, how tearful, how stupid and mentally retarded are the followers of Dickniel. They may just be worst than those fanatics.

"Dearest love, you heard her yourself. Now..." Nearly made a dramatic pause waiting for Fionna to arrive beside her. "It's up to you now,"

[Lazuli: Friendly » Enemy]

"Snow stay here I'm coming back,"

[Reminder: 2 minutes again]

Times running low. Luckily, this won't take a minute.

Teleporting above Froslass, Froslass quickly move waves of Blizzard towards me while pulling some to protect herself, but all the Blizzard was neutralized with Pure Envy before Fire Breath+ was fired towards her. Instantly she formed Protect, Aurora Veil and a few other defensive means unaware all of that would be useless.

Froslass couldn't be said to have been weak having strength a little bit higher than the Guardian Tentacruel my former life's parents beat. Though this is nothing impressive as that's just a Peak Low-Grade Guardian, in short Froslass might just be the weakest card he has.

BUT what about the Master stage? One Uber move could raise its power significantly and Eve had already stated they were few Master Pokemons. The possibility may be slim but I rather not give Dickniel another strong card. Therefore...

My main head was gathering Destructive energy in its mouth while my free left puppet head used No Escape before I fired off the Destructive Beam. Fire Breath+ had just now hit Froslass and now she has no way to escape.

"Checkmate," She said with a fanatic smile on her face. Through Spiritualist, I could see something slip right past my attack and began to move towards me.

[Destiny Soul Bond: The two souls will temporarily be connected, if one dies the other dies with it. Once the user died the soul dies as well thereby killing the target's soul]

"Crazy b*tch!" I roared.

Hidden Power: Spirit Needles.

Spirit Needles condensed and stabs into the shadow like a spiritual attack and destroys it. Sensing the destruction of her attack, she smiled helplessly and mutters something as her body was devoured by the Destructive Beam.

[Host has killed... Ditto?]


"Hahaha! Hope you enjoy YOUR gift!" Hearing the laughter of Dickniel, I really and sincerely hope he dies a painful and regretful death.

"Fearly, Fionna let's go," I said teleporting back beside them and opening a Gate. "King, let's chat after this,"

"Ah, I see, so that's who you are. Very well, hurry up and return to entertain this king well,"


Oh? Did you want Fearly dead? Sorry, it's not time yet.

On another note. Goudere for life.

Fearly with her expertise in emotions and manipulation is once more another Pokemon who could've been a better mate for Mike than Risa.

She has got a good grasp of Mike's personality. Having been the one who incited his kids into something he would've later regretted. Preventing any thoughts of his concubines looking for a mate and even giving them occasional tips on how to keep him happy.

Practically, the perfect harem manager...

PS. Don't let Mike hear this.

Written by,

Fry Knight.