
Chapter 4: Selling Ho-Oh’S First-Hand Photos

As the sun set, the two of them and one mouse arrived at the first city on the journey, Tokiwa City, before it was completely dark.

"A woman with red hair, a man with blue hair, and a talking Meowth."

"Xiaozhi, look, there are criminal gangs that have been scurrying around Joban City recently. I didn't expect that there are also criminal gangs in Joban City, which is known to have the best security."

Misty picked up a wanted poster on the ground and tugged on Xiaozhi's sleeve.

Xiaozhi Solaceon took a glance, isn't this the Rockets trio from the second protagonist group?

Before meeting themselves, the Rockets trio was still very capable.

It is considered an elite team of the Rockets, and it is also registered with Alliance.

But since he wanted to get his own Pikachu, he suddenly fell down.

Many times, I even have to work to raise funds for activities, and I am jokingly said to be capable of doing anything but bad things.

Proper talent.

"No matter how safe a city is, there are dark corners where light cannot shine, not to mention..."

"What's more, Itaki, the gym master in charge of the force in Joban City, is the leader of Team Rocket, the largest evil organization in the Kanto Region. The so-called good public security is just to reduce the risk of one's own exposure."

Of course, Xiaozhi didn't say the second half of the sentence.

Now he is just a Rookie Trainer, no one believes him even if he says it.

And if anyone believed it, the consequences would be terrible.

Before he has enough ability to protect himself, he doesn't want to deal with anyone else on the Rockets except the trio.

"What's more, if you half-talk, you'll get cold sooner or later."

Misty crossed her arms across her chest and expressed her disdain for Xiaozhi's half-speech behavior.

Girl, if you don't make sense, no one will listen to you.

Xiaozhi glanced at Misty and shook his head, saying nothing.

Misty followed Xiaozhi's gaze and suddenly felt insulted. She clenched her fists and was about to give Xiaozhi a hard blow.

She has never been a gentle person.

Xiaozhi nimbly dodged and reached out to hold Misty's head.

"Be good, don't make trouble."

"Rest tonight, you'd better turn a blind eye."

Misty gritted her teeth as her counterattack failed.

"Thanks for reminding me, I will."


.................... .....

After grabbing a random passerby on the street and asking for their location, the two of them and the mouse came to a red and white Poké Ball-style building.

It is the Pokémon Center in Joban City - Trainers who pick up the Earl Dervish Pokémon from Alliance can enjoy free food, accommodation and medical services at the Pokémon Center.

All costs are included in the huge Alliance tax paid previously.

Nurse Joy, please.

Xiaozhi took Pikachu off his shoulders and handed him over.

Although he was not injured, he had fought many times, so it would be better to have him checked out and treated to relieve fatigue.

Nurse Joy, who has pink hair and looks like a sweet girl, took the Pikachu from Xiaozhi's hand with a smile.

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

As he said that, he waved behind him, and a pink egg-shaped Pokémon came over pushing a cart.

"Chansey, please take this child over for a full body check-up."


[Pokémon: Chansey, level: lv15. ]

Chansey and its evolved form, Blissey, are support Pokémon that are proficient in medical treatment.

If there is one in the team, it can bring great convenience.

The conditions in the wild are difficult and there are many situations. There is no guarantee that you will not get injured. Once you are injured, it is basically difficult to get to the hospital in time.

Every year, many Trainers and Pokémon go missing or die in the wild due to various circumstances.

Is the real world as peaceful and beautiful as shown in previous animes?

It would be of great significance to have a Pokémon in the team that can assist in healing.

It's a pity that Chansey and Blissey are basically exclusive to the Joy family. It is very difficult for outsiders to get one, which makes Xiaozhi feel regretful.

"There's nothing wrong with Pikachu. He's just a little tired. He's fully recovered now."

Not long after, Joy handed Pikachu over who had fully recovered.

"Thanks Nurse Joy."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do."


After some treatment, Pikachu was relieved of fatigue and full of energy, and he broke free of Xiaozhi's hands with a deft twist.

It climbed along Xiaozhi's arm and onto his shoulder, which is its favorite place to stay.

"You have a pretty good relationship with your Pokémon. You don't look like Rookie Trainer just starting out."

Nurse Joy smiled and praised.

"Maybe it's because Pikachu and I are more compatible."

With that said, Xiaozhi turned his gaze to Misty on one side.

"Misty, does your Pokémon need some healing?"

"No need, they are not fighting today, they are resting well in the baby ball."

"Okay, Misty, please help me check in together. I'll make a call."

Xiaozhi put the Pokédex into Misty's hand, and then quickly walked towards the green phone with Pikachu on the side.


"Hey, this is Delia from Zhenxin Town, eh, it's Xiaozhi!"

The call was answered not long after the call was made, and my mother Delia's beautiful face appeared on the phone screen.

Delia seemed a little happy when she saw that the call was from her son Xiaozhi.

"Mom, I have arrived safely in Joban City..."

Xiaozhi briefly told his mother Delia what happened during the trip and told her not to worry too much. He would call her every time he went to a new city to report that he was safe.

After chatting for a few more words, I asked my mother to pay attention to her health, hung up the phone, and dialed Professor Oak's number again.

"Hello Professor Oak."

"It's Xiaozhi, what's the matter? How many Pokémon did you catch with the treasure strip I gave you?"

"There is not one, and I haven't encountered one that is suitable for cultivation."

"Well, it's better to be inquisitive than indiscriminate. Many Rookie Trainers like to collect Pokémon randomly but don't breed well. Xiaozhi, you are right."

Professor Oak nodded affirmatively.

"Okay, Professor Oak, I called you because I have something to tell you. Do you know the legendary Pokémon?"

"Of course I know. This is one of the topics I have studied."

Professor Oak answered without thinking.

"Then did you have to look for clues and information everywhere at that time? Will it cost money?"

Xiaozhi asked with a smile.

"Of course, wait, Xiaozhi are you?"

Professor Oak immediately realized something, his eyes lit up, and an old face almost occupied the entire screen in front of the camera.

"Flash has a big mouth, no, Ho-Oh's photo, Professor Oak, please give me a price."

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