
Chapter 353: The Biggest Winner Of The Quagsire Ceremony, Three People Take All

"Misty, Serena is up, our ball is probably going to float over now!"

Suppressing his racing thoughts, Xiaozhi woke up Misty and Serena, who were still a little drowsy because they were too tired.


The two loli girls rubbed their sleepy eyes and made cute and unintelligible humming sounds.

Reluctantly waking up from their sleep, they quickly realized what was going to happen this morning and popped Smelling Salts over.

He quickly got up and changed his clothes, washed up again, and pulled Xiaozhi to the river.

At this time, many citizens of Cherrygrove City had gathered by the river. Apart from those who had carefully prepared spherical objects picked up by Quagsire, "there were also some who came just to watch the excitement."

The entire riverside was surrounded by water, and Officer Jenny had to blow the whistle at all times to maintain order to avoid a vicious "620" stampede incident.

The three of Xiaozhi did not go to fight with others, but found a remote shore away from the crowd, sat on the soft and comfortable grass and waited quietly.


Someone in the crowd shouted, and everyone's eyes turned to the upper reaches of the river.

I saw a spherical object with only a vague outline floating on the river in the distance, drifting down the current.

People who saw this scene cheered up and stared at the gentle river, waiting for their own luck to arrive.

Clearly, Xiaozhi found that the hands of Serena and Misty beside him holding his arms became slightly tighter in response to their owners' excitement.

"This is my ball!"

"Hey~ this is mine!"

"Why is mine missing? Can anyone help me find it? It's a blue ball with flowers on it."

As everyone waited, they all got their "luck".

Misty and Serena's emotions became more and more tense as they sensed Xiaozhi's waveguide power.

Xiaozhi smiled slightly, put his arms around their slender waists, and then patted their backs gently to show comfort.

At the same time, the power of the waveguide unfolds and traces up the river.

As early as yesterday, he had already memorized the waveguide of the spherical object that several people had taken away from Quagsire.

After exploring for a moment, a look of surprise flashed in Xiaozhi's eyes.

Yesterday, several people encountered a total of 5 Quagsires, which means that a total of 5 objects were picked up by the Quagsires.

At this time, there were two of them mixed in with the large army, disappearing into the crowd.

The other three are hanging far away at the end.

There is even a sense of going hand in hand.

This is the rhythm for three people to get the most luck at this year's Cherrygrove City Quagsire Ceremony at the same time.

How lucky is he?

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling a little surprised.

He has no conscience, he has never done anything behind the scenes, it's just luck.

Maybe it has something to do with his title of "Son of the Sea", which has the effect of greatly gaining the favor of the sea?

Although this river in the suburbs of Cherrygrove City is just a river, it must eventually flow to the sea, right?

The more Xiaozhi thought about it, the more it made sense.

After all, among hundreds or thousands of people, the only three who had the ball taken away by Quagsire stood out and stayed at the end, which even seemed to mean that they were going hand in hand.

This probability is scary. The probability of Xiaozhi winning the lottery in his previous life should not be lower.

Apart from the role of the title "Son of the Sea", Xiaozhi can't think of any other explanation.

"Hey Xiaozhi, look, this is ours!"

While thinking about it, the two cannon fodder balls mixed in the large army had also floated down.

Misty and Serena were keenly aware of this as they kept their eyes fixed on the river, not daring to relax for fear of missing something. He immediately took Xiaozhi's arm and said excitedly.

Xiaozhi nodded and did not use Psychic. Instead, he followed the Romans and walked to the river with Misty to fish out the two balls.

Although the river in the suburbs of Cherrygrove City is long, it is not too wide, nor is it too deep.

Even though Misty and Serena are still a head or two shorter than adults because of their young age.

The deepest part of the river only reached below their necks.

In addition, with Xiaozhi by his side, the safety factor is maximized, and there is no risk of being washed away by the river.

After picking up her own ball, Misty Serena and Xiaozhi returned to the shore together, looking satisfied.

Although they did not get the greatest luck in the entire Quagsire ceremony, they were among the last to come down, so they can be considered to have good luck...

This was enough to satisfy them.

At this time, I still didn't leave, just to see whose family the greatest luck would fall to.

About 10 minutes later, under the nervous and expectant gazes of people.

The three balls hanging at the end floated down slowly, almost in unison.


At this time, everyone could not help but be a little stunned. This has never happened since the Quagsire Ceremony in Cherrygrove City.

Compared to others, Misty and Serena were even more confused.

Because the three balls floating down in unison looked familiar to them.

It was the three leather balls they bought from Liexinxi at a boutique in Cherrygrove City three days ago.

Misty's is orange with green patterns, Serena is brown with blue patterns, and Xiaozhi's is pure black.

Because they correspond to their respective hair colors and eye colors, they are very easy to recognize.

Especially when the three balls appeared together, they immediately recognized their identities.

Are they the most lucky?

Or three people together?

At this time, Misty and Serena were stunned.

This is too much of a coincidence and too lucky, right?

Seriously, isn't it true that Xiaozhi specifically used Psychic to make them happy?

In fact, it doesn't have to be like this. If 1.5 is enough to be like before, they are happy enough.

There is no need to get the biggest piece of luck.

Facing the confused and questioning looks of his two little girlfriends, Xiaozhi spread his hands innocently.

"Don't look at me like this. I have never done anything behind the scenes. This is just luck."

Misty and Serena have no doubts about the authenticity of Xiaozhi's words.

Seeing that he had said this, they all turned away their questioning eyes and looked at the three balls that were about to float down with great excitement.

A pair of eyes have long turned into bright loli star eyes.

The greatest luck belongs to the three of them, a whole year of good luck!

So cool!

[Ding, without interference from external factors, make Misty and Serena obtain the most lucky task of the Quagsire ceremony. Complete the reward: the best Mystic Water].