
Pokemon: Reborn as ash , Make up for your regrets and become stronger

On the first of his Pokemon journey, Ash/Satoshi awakened the memory of his past life and obtained A system will generate tasks and give all Pokemon related items. Knowing the trajectory of his future life, he decisively chose to make up for the regrets of his past life. Pokemon releaser? [You refused to release the pidgeot and received the reward: Potential Evolution Ribbon] [You refused to send the primape and received the reward: MewtwoX Mega Evolution Stone] Change the Region level and clear it? [You use Champion Pikachu to defeat Rookie Trip. The opponent doubts his life and gets the reward: full Mastery of Aura] Region competition companion runner? [You defeat the mystrious trainer Tobias and get the reward: One of three creation dragons dragon of antimatter giratina; title: Dragon Lord] Will you remain single* forever? [You have obtained the "harem protagonist aura", and the harmony of the harem +10] *Robbing Pokémon? [You break paul's leg and send him to a juvenile detention center and get the reward: "One ball into the soul" title (throwing a Poké Ball has a probability of directly recovering the mythical Pokémon) ] ... This is a Chinese translation fanfic I removed all the Chinese elements as mush as I can I fully rewrite the chapters with my own style if you like it please support

stromerthaha · Tranh châm biếm
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128 Chs

Chapter 85: Title :God-Given psychic.

[Task reward: Title: God-given psychic"]

[After wearing the title you will have extremely terrifying Psychic talent the Psychic level will naturally increase by one level every year with the upper limit being the Grandmaster level. ]

[Current Psychic level: advanced]

After seeing the terrifying hidden mission reward ash was stunned.

Titled "God-given psychic" Psychic pool will naturally increases by one level.

Equivalent to wearing the title ash will directly has a Psychic talent that is no less than his own aura talent.

As long as he wears the title ash will naturally possess the highest level of Grandmaster Psychic in next three years.

This level of Psychic is even stronger than the aura of sir Aaron who is known as the strongest aura Guradian.

According to ash's estimation it has already reached the level of a ancient level Pokémon.

It does not count as completing the task but progressing in advance.

Three years later ash will have Psychic and aura powers comparable to a ancient Pokemon.

After that he will become the humanoid Pokemon!!!

After wearing the title "God-given psychic" ash calmed down the excitement in his heart.

It can only be said that Duck God is indeed a Duck God more like a pure psychic-type Pokémon than a water-type Pokémon.

He just helped him to form a bond with Misty and the reward after completing the hidden mission was actually such a terrifying Psychic title.

Well done!!! duck God well done!!!

He was born with no Psychic talent so his Psychic level could only be improved by relying on the rewards obtained from system tasks.

It itself is extremely uncertain.

If the system never releases tasks to improve his psychic level he won't develope together with his wife Sabrina.

Sabrina noticed change in Ash's body is was as of his psychic shakels getting broken and was surprised but she don't want to ask him for her ash is more important than his own secrets she was not a bossy wife.

Misty then released her psyduck and knelt down to his level.

"Psyduck since ash and Sabrina said there is something outstanding about you it must be right. Come on show me the simplest Water Gun move!"

Misty pointed to a small tree in the distance that was as thick as an arm and said to Psyduck.


Psyduck still looked back with clear and stupid eyes and his look was exactly the same as that of a college student who had not yet gone out into society.

"Psyduck are you even listening to me?"

"See that tree over there? Use Water Gun to attack it ,Did you hear it?"

Misty was a little bit impatient so she stepped forward and knocked Psyduck on the head.

This time Psyduck finally understood the long reflex arc.

Opening its mouth a small stream of water that of a children's water gun was sprayed by him.

Just at this moment a strong wind blew by and the water column Spit Up was blown back not far away.

The water was splashed back at Psyduck's body which got quite wet.

The scene was very embarrassing for a time.

Misty felt like she was going to be embarrassed to see anyone.

Although he was already prepared for the fact that Psyduck was not proficient in the Water type skill ash still couldn't help but want to laugh.

Forced to hold back the smile on his face he patted Misty on the shoulder before morning.

Sabrina also wanted to laugh but composed herself but thought how can a strong psychic pokemon of this level can't use water type moves.

"Misty calm down psyduck couldn't use his water based attack due to the excessive psychic powers let's add it to our list train him in psychic attacks now no me and Sabrina will help"

"Ash! If you know psyduck was going to embarass me why do you left me you water type move " misty was angry due to the embarassing situation she just faced although she was not that angry it was like a children qurale by her.

"Then take a look at your psyduck's power."

Ash said and came to Psyduck's side.

The reason why Psyduck usually behaves so stupidly is that even his reactions are a bit slower than other Pokémon.

Mainly because it is extremely talented in Psychic and has a lot of Confusion in its head.

This part of the Confusion even brought pressure to Psyduck's head.

The most obvious characteristic is that the reaction speed is slowed down and the entire Pokémon looks a little dull and silly.

And when its head is attacked and stimulated by pain its control over its food supply will also increase.

So in the original plot Psyduck's head was attacked numerous times (not bad) in desperate situations.

Then he used Confusion to save the situation due to the headache.

After the headache returned to normal he returned to his original dull appearance.

Ash and Sabrina who possesses an advance level Psychic so they naturally does not need to use simple and crude methods such as headaches to force psyduck's psyshic powers to unleash.

At this time he used his own Psychic to guide Psyduck's Confusion to relax the oppression on his spirit.

Then Psyduck's dull eyes became obviously a little smarter.

"Psyduck use Confusion to lift that rock and show Misty what you're capable of."

Ash directed Psyduck to use Confusion to lift a boulder which was more than 5 meters long, wide and high weighing several 10 of tons more than 30 meters high and then let it fall freely.

The boulder hit the ground hard and under the effect of the terrifying Gravity it felt like the entire Ground was shaking.

At this moment Misty's eyes were glazed over.

What the heck is this the same stupid duck?
