
Transformers - Towards Earth

The Lamaria travelled through many constellations and galaxies as they made their way to planet Earth. On the way they came across a group of Cybertronians who had evolved as hunters who hunted in other planets for resources. The hunters had their own groups and settlements across the vast space and normally stuck to their own territory to avoid conflict. They were lead by four leaders a Femme named Asterisk, a wrecker like Mech called Oblivion, a very obvious Praxian descent Steeljaw and an Omnicron descent Ariel. The four of them were very much shocked to see the people from Cybertron all the out here in the middle of nowhere.

Ariel, "I'm surprised the Council actually agreed to allow a large ship to be commissioned.... I remember when we requested the same."

Steeljaw scowled, "They rejected our request point blank. We had to scrounge up our own resources to get anything done."

Asterisk, "Indeed."

Oblivion, "I'm more shocked they let a Prime and a High Lord leave planet Cybertron."

Optimus, ".... I see."

Megatron, "Our sparkling is waiting for us, I would love to see them try and stop us."

Asterisk perked up, "A sparkling? You have a sparkling? Wait you are going to your sparkling?"

Oblivion looked at them curiously, "Why is your sparkling not with you?"

Bumblebee grinned, "It's a long story."

Steeljaw looked at his group, "We have time, outside of hunting for resources and keeping an eye out for enemies, we don't have much to do out here."

Blades, "Great, Ash is awesome."

The group told their new friends the reason behind the travel and why the Council didn't try to stop them. Steeljaw was staring at them like they were something odd and out of the ordinary making Heatwave feel a little bit uncomfortable. The red Mech figured when spoken out loud, it was a bit of a crazy story to hear about. Pit, if he was not there, he would not have believed it either, but his youngest sibling Cool Aid already swore loyalty to his friend Ash.

Steeljaw, "You say Megatronus Prime went crazy after loosing his organic sparkling."

Jazz, "Basically."

Ariel, "You already deeply bonded with him didn't you?"

Megatron nodded, "Yes, he is very bright, kind, soft and I suppose he is easy to love."

Oblivion, "Sounds like you found yourselves the perfect sparkling."

Optimus smiled wistfully, "Yes, we have. He is perfect for us both. I cannot wait to see him again and properly announce he is mine."

Steeljaw chuckled, "Well brother! I hope I get to meet your sparkling one day. Seeing how smitten you both are with the little one, I have no doubt they are quite something else."

"Leaders! Leaders! We are under attack."

Ariel, "Frag! Must be the Sharkticons again."

Steeljaw, "Who is attacking Blackhorn?"

Blackhorn, "It's what not who, and it's Scraplets that are attacking us."

Optimus was alarmed, "Scraplets!"

Oblivion, "Respected guests, please don't be alarmed. Let us handle this."

Megatron, "Allow us to lend you a servo at least. Perhaps we could capture all of them and send them to Cybertron?"

Asterisk was confused, "Why would you do that?"

Jazz chuckled, "Well... Long story short... Our Prime here is what humans call a book lover."

Shadowsteel, "While going through the library he found the locations to a few hidden libraries."

Bluestreak, "In one of those hidden libraries it was written that Scraplets were originally created to punish those who stole sparklings from other Cybertronians for nefarious purposes."

Ariel was dumbfounded, "We... We would never hurt a sparkling... Why?"

Optimus placated her, "I think it's one of the pods that escaped from Cybertron. Truth be told, we didn't even know there was a reason they existed till we met Vector Prime."

Oblivion nodded, "That makes sense, very well, am extra servo is always welcome."

The group split up into four and followed the lead of the clan leaders to capture and incapitate the troublesome Scraplets before loading them to send them off. After a few discussions Blurr and Salvage requested to stay back and help the clans rebuild a stronger foothold. Windblade when she heard about the clans had become very curious and offered to be a liaison between Cybertron and the four clans. Despite being out in the middle of nowhere, it was very obvious the evolved Cybertronians belonged to the higher warrior class and it would be pretty much an insult to treat them as less.

Starscream was very livid at the treatment the clans had received from the Council as the leader of Vos offered the resources to help them first. Magnus was secretly relieved when he learned Starscream was helping them out, he had always liked Ariel from before she left Cybertron. Now she had become a full fledged warrior and even more attractive in his optics, he planned on wooing her to be his mate. His two friends Bulkhead and Wheeljack encouraged him to approach her in their own kind and boisterous ways.

Ariel was delighted to see Magnus again, she never told anyone but it was love at first sight for her, when she met the older bot a long time ago. She had met him at the Academy when he was in his senior cycle and she was still a junior aiming to be a part of the travel and discovery group. She missed him a lot after he cleared his education and joined the wrecker force and gained a lot of fame through his missions. She was stuck in the academy alongside many Mechs and Femmes who pinned for him. She was very delighted to see Magnus again and the lovely bracelet he gave her as his first courting gift.

Ariel, 'Primus! Holy one! My Lord! Are you testing me? Is this real? Am I imagining things?'

Magnus, "It's a ruby bracelet. The stones reminded me of your audio spikes a lot."

Ariel blushed blue and reached up to touch her audio spikes and realized he was right, "Th.. Thank you. I have something for you too."

Magnus took the gift, "A Star crystal, these are rare. Thank you. I suppose this makes us official now."

Ariel squeaked, "Official? You mean an officially courting couple?"

Magnus want to kiss her beautiful blushing face, "Yes."

Magnus was secretly very pleased with the improved condition of the miners especially with so many younglings developing an interest. They found many stone crystals that according to Optimus's sparkling were gem stones humans cut and used to court their love ones. He would have to thank young Blades for sharing that information with him and thank Ash for changing the thoughts of the people about mining. Magnus would make sure to woo Ariel properly and bond with her, it would take time but with patience and perseverance he would win her heart.

They decided to name the town Genesis indicating new beginnings for the clans folk who were mostly relieved to receive the extra help and resources. Lamaria left the colony after a few vorns of making sure the area was stable and a thriving town started to form. With Windblade and Starscream being in charge of being a liaison and source of resources, the small town was growing. But being the naturally independant group they were Megatron had no doubt the warrior clans would soon have no need to depend on Cybertron to provide for them. Or they just might continue their trade either way to keep the relations stable and going for years to come.

After a couple of vorns of wandering through uncharted space while keeping in contact with their old and new friends, they entered the Andromeda galaxy. This was the galaxy Vector Prime had told them about that held the young planet Earth, young compared to Cybertron anyway. As they entered the galaxy Bumblebee spied one of the Pokemon that Ash had told them about, a Deoxys. They were traveling in a group from one asteroid to another, it didn't seem like they cared much about there presence.

Bumblebee, "Ash mentioned that he was friends with a Deoxys once."

Blades, "They look like they are having fun."

Bluestreak, "It looks like they gather energy from the stars and turn it into their food source. How fascinating!"

Mirage, "Yeah, they can even cloak themselves too, look."

Blades, "I think we should move. They don't look happy to see us."

One ether Deoxys was glaring and making gestures at them to leave. The Lamaria started to move again from the spot it had been earlier and Optimus noticed the Deoxys were flying towards another star. Megatron was very amused by their attitude, they truly didn't care about their presence preferred to go about their lives without interference from others. They saw more Deoxys as they entered deeper into the galaxy and came across another Pokemon known as Solrock.

The Solrock were accompanied by another called Lunatone and the two group of Pokemon floated around the vast space peacefully. Optimus rumbled observing them as they moved from one place to another not giving any mind to the outsiders though one of the younger ones came close to the ship out of curiosity. Boulder was delighted and requested to go outside to greet them. The two Leaders allowed it but only if he had his team to back him up, after all just because the young ones are friendly, it doesn't mean the adults would be.

Boulder held out a servo, "Hello there!"

Solrock, "Sol sol."

Blades, "Awww! He likes you."

Chases, "I must confess, they are adorable indeed."

Heatwave nodded, "As sparklings yes, I wouldn't want to piss off the adult over there though. They have been watching us."

Boulder looked up, "Well they don't seem angry so I think it's fine."

Lunatone who was very large and at least five hundred Earth years old approached them, -Who are you all? I have never seen you here before.-

Blades perked up, "Hi I am Blades. These are my friends. We are from Cybertron."

Lunatone, -Cybertron? Hmmm... My ancestors told me about Cybertronians before. Do you require a safe house again?-

Heatwave, "Oh! Uh! No sir, nothing like that, we are actually on our way to meet a friend."

Lunatone, -And who is this friend of yours?-

Chase, "He is a human named Ash, he is a Pokemon trainer."

Lunatone hummed, -I see... Hmmm... Oh yes! Now I remember, my good friend Deoxys once told me of a human called Ash. The young one helped him find his way back to the stars.-

Boulder, "Really?"

Lunatone, -Yes, allow me to contact them, they can help you reach Earth safely."

The crew watched the curious looking Pokemon leave towards a star system and they decided to land in one of the distant planets from which they got an energon reading. Megatron led the group to search for the energon and found an untouched mine of energon with small crystals of red energon coming from the main vein. It reminded the gladiator of the Christmas tree his little sparkling had shown him once. The little one had gone into quite the detail about their winter celebration when the whole family would gather to spend the cold months together.

As Megatron and the group were mining the energon out, the gladiator thought back to the traditions that humans would practice with their whole family. He would never say it out loud but the idea of spending cold winter days with his Conjunx, younglings and sparklings highly appealed to him. It was not just him though, he noticed his Conjunx was taken by the idea as well and had rumbled very contently as the two of them had held Ash between them as he talked. The little one had questioned if Cybertron had any celebrations or traditions similar to their winter solstice and Optimus had answered yes.

According to Prime a long time ago before Cybertron had built large Cities, the planet was divided into different tribes. These tribes would travel all over the planet learning as much as they could about their home before meeting other tribes. The meeting was known as the Great Congregation, when the different tribes would be lead by their Alpha Leaders to the well of sparks. The tribes lived happily ignorant to the world outside Cybertron till the Quintessons attacked Cybertron and the people got together to fight back and protect the Allspark well.

This forced the tribes to join together and form different groups, they were specifically grouped to protect Cybertron. One was a group that called themselves Knights of Cybertron, one was the Guardians of Allspark, one was the scout and mining group and the last was the healers. Together they worked and fought to drive the Question invaders away from the planet. It is said the thirteen Primes were the descendant of the thirteen tribes of Cybertron and they were the ones who build the first City of Cybertron.

Soundwave commed him at that moment, "Lord Megatron, Deoxys has arrived to guide us."

Megatron, "Understood! Mechs, Femmes and younglings it's time to board."

Bumblebee whined, "Just a little more High Lord. I'm sure there is healing energon here."

Megatron, "What?"

Bumblebee, "Last time Ash and his group found healing energon, I scanned it's energy signature. I'm pretty sure there is healing energon here just behind this wall of energon."

Megatron, "Makeshift, help him, now. If there truly is healing energon, it will be invaluable for us when we reach Earth."

Makeshift, "Doesn't Earth have it's own mines?"

Megatron, "She does, but unless you are part of their mining group or a trainer like my sparkling, we won't be able to mine on that planet."

Breakdown, "Not even in secret my Lord?"

Megatron, "Especially not in secret. Mines on Earth are a trouble spot with many groups fighting over it. I can only imagine the trouble we would have to deal with when our mining activities are found. I have no wish to start another war."

Knockout, "Very well, understood. Stand back little Bee, allow us to do the heavy duty."

Bumblebee nodded and stepped away from the wall from which he was mining energon crystals and allowed the wrecker bot to take over. Breakdown made quick work of the wall and safely removed the crystals before carrying on digging. Soon a bright glow started to come through the wall and Knockout took over and started to delicately remove the healing energon crystal.

Knockout, "Very impressive baby Scout, well done."

Breakdown pat Bumblebee, "Good one youngling."

Bumblebee while happy with the praise pouted, "I'm not a child anymore."

Megatron bellowed, "Pack up everyone! Well done little Scout."

Bumblebee nodded his antennas fluttering pleased, "Thank you."

As they returned to the ship Megatron noticed his Conjunx was talking to Lunatone and a Deoxys that knew his sparkling. The High Lord had many questions he wanted to ask the Pokemon about his sparkling. He wanted to demand answers, any answers from the floating Pokemon, how was his sparkling, is he well, did anyone hurt him, did he have to hunt anyone? But refrained from doing so and instead guided his men to load the energon crates into the ship. Deoxys flew infront of the ship as they all prepared for another take off and followed the strange Pokemon to their designated planet.

Jazz, "Yessss, I got it."

Wheeljack, "It worked?"

Shadowsteel, "What are you doing Carrier?"

Jazz gave her a smug grin, "Oh nothing much just tapped into Earth's local channels."

Bumblebee perked up, "Really?"

Prowl sighed, "Jazz my dear Conjunx... Why?"

Jazz, "So we can stay up to date with the local happenings on the planet. It would be bad if we ended up in a tight situation."

Optimus was curious, "Put in on the main terminal for everyone to hear and watch."

Wheeljack, "Leave it to me boss bot."

The screen flickered and a female news anchor was on one of the thumbnail titled breaking news from Hoenn. Below it another news anchor in another thumbnail titled breaking news from Jhoto, those regions were placed Ash told them about. Another one was from Unova a place Ash said he planned on visiting in the future. Jazz being curious clicked the Unova one and they were lucky because in the background of the news anchor Megatron and Optimus saw their sparkling walking past.

Megatron, "We are on the right path."

Optimus, "Jazz stay on top of the news."

Jazz, "Sure boss! Oh! You'll be happy to know one of your little sparklings friend has a channel on this Poketube and he records and uploads your sparklings performances."

Optimus perked up, "Truly?"

Jazz, "Yup, want me to play those in chronological order?"

Megatron, "Of course! What better place then to start from the beginning?"

Jazz nodded in agreement and played the oldest clip which was under Kanto Pokemon performance and titled first contest. The younglings were noticeably excited especially Roadblaster who did not know much about Pokemon but was ecstatic to learn new things anyway. They watched Ash's performance one by one while keeping an eye on the news, turns out Unova was holding the Pokemon conference and trainers would start battling soon. Megatron was curious about the tournament and looked forward to it, inwardly he hoped they would reach Earth soon and watch Ash's battles up close instead.

[A. N.: Hello everyone!

I hope you all are doing well. Yup they are Earth bound.

Whether they reach in time or not is a different matter though.