
Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto

Being reborn was not part of the plan but neither was being killed in an accident. At least I have a second chance and a really sweet mom and an angel for a cousin and aunt now. It's not so bad I guess the only down side I was a woman now I'm a boy but I can get used to it. It helps I don't remember everything I suppose. Ah why are the names so familiar? Wait.... Pokemon are real now? Well at least it's not SnK or Death Note right? Hmmm Ah! Looks like the Pokemon world is a mix of anime, game and manga. Oh my! Holy macaroni they are twice as dangerous than what the anime, game or manga showed. I have been tricked! Trigger Warning for implied kidnapping, rape, murder and torture. Note: This is a work of leisure and completely self indulgent and a fanfic. I got inspiration from reading many reincarnation stories on fanfiction net. I just had to write one as well. As for the pairings, I'll think about it as the story progresses. Plus I write it during free time so I don't exactly have a schedule for updates. I'm writing this for my own amusement. And it is slow paced, like I can only put out one chapter per week. Pokemon is not mine. Trigger Warning people! Do people even read this? Enjoy fanfic lovers!

Ellora25 · Khác
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285 Chs

Kanto - Indigo League

Yellow, "Hey... You guys and girl.", she amended at Milotic's affronted look, "Can use this bed here. It is expendable and can hold the weight of two of you."

Lucario, -Thank you Healer Yellow!-

Charizard nodded, -Zankkkksssss.-

Milotic trilled, -We appreciate what you are doing for our partner.-

Yellow smiled brightly before her eyes softened, "It's not a problem. Now get over here, I'll tell Brock to send the others here too and inform the rest. This is a private room so don't worry about other humans barging in only Nurses are allowed. So only Brock is allowed in here."

Charizard nodded accepting that, Brock was another human who was turning out to be a fine healer. If there was one thing that was a constant in the Pokemon world wild or trained is that they all respected healers. Learning to heal takes twice the amount of focus and concentration for battle obsessed Pokemon who are not accustomed to healing arts like the Chansey line. He would know after all he watched over Venasaur and made sure he ate and rested well in order to master his new goal.

Brock soon came, "Here are the pokeballs."

Yellow, "Thank you Brock."

Brock, "He fell asleep? Is he alright?"

Yellow sighed, "Physically yes, he is fine. Aura wise is a little hard to judge."

Brock, "Ah! I understand. I'll tell the others he is resting. They'll get it."

Yellow smiled relieved, "Thank you Brock. I want to observe his condition for a bit longer and make sure he is fine."

Brock, "Umm.. Yellow, I was wondering, would you like to join me for dinner?"

Yellow blinked before smiling, "Sorry Brock but the girls and I already made plans for tonight."

Brock, "Oh! Never mind."

Yellow, "I'm free next Saturday though."

Brock brightened, "Really?"

Yellow gave a smile, "Yeah! A break from a hectic week will be good."

Brock grumbled, "No rest for the healer."

Yellow released the Pokemon from the pokeballs, "No there is not, everyone you can stay here for the time being. Till Ash wakes up, don't worry about getting disturbed."

The Pokemon trilled a thanks as Bannette joined Phantump who was quietly watching from Charizards shoulder. Muk and Togekiss settled down by Milotic's side and Beedrill buzzed questions towards Lucario. She had a lot of questions as to why Ash looked exhausted again and Lucario explained what he had learned. As it turns out Ash's aura was slowly but surely attempting to create aura bonds with all his Pokemon. At least with the older ones who had been battling beside him for a long time. Milotic and himself bonded with Ash as a child while Charizard had the luck of his dragon aura. The Charizard line's dragon aura as everyone knew was suppressed under fire aura. But when their Charizard's aura realized there was an aura user close by it leaked out and bonded with Ash allowing it to appear time to time.

Yellow watched over then as she cleared some of her paperwork and nodded when she realized they were talking in hushed tones so as not to disturb Ash. She left them to watch over the youngest aura user in their generation, as she had to attend to other responsibilities in the centre. Hiding herself as one of the Nurse Joys was probably one of the best ideas Riley had given her and it worked. She could heal Pokemon in the open and everyone thought it was just a Nurse Joy quirk nothing more. It was not as crazy as compared to when he decided to sneak into Team Rocket's base or even Team Galactic.

Yellow shook her head putting the pink wig and nurse hat on, 'Poor Diamond and Pearl almost got heart attacks on learning about that.'

Misty narrowed her eyes on seeing Brock with a goofy smile, 'Which poor woman did he disturb now? Never mind I'll deal with that later.'

Misty, "Brock where is Ash? We were gonna go have lunch."

Brock, "Huh? Oh hey guys!"

Ritchie, "We even got Paul to come with us for lunch. We saw Ash come here with Jessilina. She left with Jameson and Tomo to get us a big lunch table, but we didn't see Ash leave."

Brock led them out of the centre, "Yellow is watching over him actually."

Gou looked confused, "I thought their healing sessions were done."

Chloe, "Did something happen?"

Paul raised an eyebrow, "The healer Yellow?"

Brock nodded, "Yeah! The one and only and I'm not sure Chloe. I thought so too Gou, guess not yet."

Misty hmmed as her Dewpider played with Brock's Corsula, "His Pokemon are with him too right?"

Brock, "Yeah, you know how his Pokemon get around anyone who is not Ash, especially Togekiss. Ah! Here we are! This restaurant is getting popular the last few years."

Ritchie sighed, "Togekiss gets distraught, Banette gets suspicious and Beedrill gets stab happy. I can't blame them though."

Paul grunted, "Especially with half of the madness they went through. I'm just happy my Chimchar is doing better after her experience at the hands of the blasted poacher. That asshat even managed to hurt Reggie, I wish I could punch his nose in to return the favor."

Ritchie scowled, "They didn't deserve to go through that. I'm pretty sure that half of our Pokemon are either abandoned or victims of poaching. I know half of mine are."

Misty sat at the table, "Seventy percent."

Jessilina who had waved at them asked, "What seventy percent?"

Misty sighed, "Seventy percent of the Pokemon in Cerulean gym were abandoned or rescued from poachers. So you are not wrong about that."

Tomo widened his eyes, "That many?"

Growlithe barked, "Gaoooo!"

Brock winced, "I think that's a fact for many gyms the last few months, Jess and James busted many poachers and sent the Pokemon the in the gyms directions. They have all had their hands full of rehabilitating the Pokemon, sometimes I feel really bad for leaving Forrest in charge. He says the opposite of course but still."

Jameson, "Look at it this way Brock, you are learning about healing right now. It takes a total of seven years for any proficient Doctor to start healing. You have completed more then a year worth of needed practical experience in the last few months then anyone else. Yes, I keep tabs on your education."

Gou nodded, "He is right, you are already ahead Brock."

Chloe, "Just keep working hard and the next thing you know you'll be helping the gyms out in caring for the Pokemon."

Brock laughed, "Thanks guys. I appreciate the support."

Ash woke up late in the evening, "Hey guys!"

Charizard rumbled, "Arrrrrrd!"

Milotic, -You are awake!-

Banette, "Nette ban."

Phantump cooed, "Phaaaa."

Lucario, -Hungry Meema?-

Togekiss, "Toge toge?"

Beedrill, "Bzzzz?"

Ash, "I'm fine, in fact I feel very refreshed. And yes very hungry! Ah! Evening already?"

Lucario nodded, -Mn. You slept the day away, it's almost dinner time.-

Milotic, -Let's get out of here ash, and grab dinner.-

Ash checked his phone, "Oh man! I worried the rest. Fifty five messages asking if I'm okay."

Lucario, -You can answer them that you just had a well deserved nap. Tell them the details later.-

Ash nodded at that and left the room after returning some of his larger Pokemon to their pokeballs. Banette entered his shadow again followed by Phantump this time and Ash congratulated Phantump on learning how to enter someone's shadow. Phantump trilled from his perch as Ash and Lucario left the centre after waving at Brock who looked relieved to see him up and about. The older teen joined him to have dinner with the others who also looked tense before seeing him and relaxing. They asked Ash if he was really alright and the dark haired teen answered the questions as best as he could.

Misty frowned, "Do you guys think once we are able to do stuff Ash can do, we'll face the same problem?"

Brock, "If we truly go active then yes at one point."

Chloe, "Riley said we are all passive users right? So I think we are safe for now."

Gou, "For now definitely. Ah! Do you think Red and Silver?"

Ash, "They are passive. Riley explained more a few days ago. Trainers with Lucario as a starter can go active faster then trainers with a starter that's not Lucario. Actually trainers with dragon types can do the same except instead of the normal blue colour aura they access dragon aura."

Brock, "Does that mean Gary or even Lance and Drake?'

Ash, "I am not hundred percent sure about Lance but Drake certainly is active. They keep an eye on every Dragon starter based trainers, they have not implied that Gary is active. Even if he was I doubt they would tell us before Gary does."

Misty, "So over all we don't have to worry about going active any time soon? That's good, mostly because Lorelei invited me to train with her."

Ash blinked, "You won't come to Alola with us? We were planning on having a vacation there."

Chloe, "Don't worry Ash, it's after our vacation week. We'll be there."

Gou, "That's good."

Ash, "Mn! We are getting the day off tomorrow before the big battle. I think I'll take the time to rotate my Pokemon and groom them."

Brock nodded, "It has been a while since you did. I'll get you the best oils available here, you can pay me later."

Gary, "Ash! There you are! Sup guys and gals!"

Ritchie, "Hey Gary!"

Misty, "What's up?"

Gary, "Gramps wants a word with you tomorrow. You up for it?"

Ash, "Yeah, sure I am. What about?"

Gary, "It's about your book. A director is interested in bringing it to life apparently."

Ash blinked, "Ah! I see. That was fast."

Lucario, -Is it that fast?-

Ash, "I was expecting it to take longer, I'll admit. I wonder if they can actually do it though."

Misty, "Give it a chance, I guess. It's your book, if the movie satisfies you, it's all good, if not."

Gary, "Just meet him tomorrow for lunch, he is bringing the director with him."

Ash, "Oh! I thought I would just have to give an agreement."

Jessilina, "I'm afraid there are a lot of legal and paperwork involved before production starts that you need to clear. Or you might have to deal with plagiarism which is a headache and a half."

Jameson nodded, "True, I can help you out with the privacy and of course legal leg work. If you require, if not then just know the offer is open for the future."

Ash gave a smile, "I'll meet them and see what are the stuff that needs to be dealt with. If I can handle them then I handle them, if not I'll ask for help."

Chloe grinned, "Well I hope you are ready for dessert, I ordered the special tray."

Misty, "Special?"

Gou grinned, "You'll see."

When the waiter brought the dessert it was several tall glasses of ice cream sundaes, all different flavours. Jameson took the mint, Jessilina the raspberry and Tomo went for chocolate. Misty took the orange one, Brock picked pecha, Gou chose apple and Chloe took strawberry. Gary had left after telling Ash grabbing a litchie one making Ritchie pout but took the blue berry one. Ash grabbed the mixed fruit sundae which had Phantump jump on his lap and look at them sundae with bright eyes.

Phantump, "Phaaaa pha phaaaa."

Ash, "Course you can have some Phantump."

Lucario huffed, -Spoiled.-

Seeing Phantump Brock's Corsula and Misty's Dewpider decided they wanted some to and started climbing their human parents. Misty and Brock sighed and picked them up and shared their sundaes with the Pokemon, making sure to give fruits more. The night ended on a happy note as far as Ash was concerned. The next day Ash spent his morning and noon rotating hid Pokemon between himself and the lab giving them a good grooming. Brock shared with him the latest oils and care package that came out in the market making everyone's face brighten at the new stuff.

[A. N.: A little sneak peek of what the others are up to.

I am currently working on the six on six battle. XDD

If I miss a week just know its because the internet went down in my end. Nothing else.

See you next week, dear readers!]