
Chapter 14

As Leon was lying on his bed, he recounted his experiences during the past two years.

I just had my 12th birthday and celebrated it with Prof. Oak, Mike, the three Monarchs and a few of my pokemon friends. We had a barbeque party in Teacher Chelone's place and it was a blast!

I have gotten a lot stronger since then…

Stats before:

Species: Human

Name: Leon Flyheight

Age: 10 years

Sex: Male

Ability: System Host, Aura, Psychic

Talent: Pokemon Affinity

Potential: -level to low-

Level: 1 (G rank low)


Passive: Aura Manipulation (F), Psychic Energy Manipulation (F), Calm Mind (I),

Reader (I), Mixed Martial Arts Mastery (A), Cooking (N), Tinkering (I) Kissaserry(N), Fire Resistance (F), Puppy Eyes (N)

Active: None

Stats Now:

Species: Human

Name: Leon Flyheight

Age: 12 years

Sex: Male

Ability: System Host, Aura, Psychic

Talent: Pokemon Affinity

Potential: -level to low-

Level: 60 (D rank peak), Aura Knight rank, 2 wave rank Psychic


Passive: Aura Manipulation (I peak), Psychic Energy Manipulation (I peak), Calm Mind (A high),

Reader (A low), Mixed Martial Arts Mastery (A peak), Cooking (I mid), Tinkering (A low), Kissaserry (I mid), Puppy Eyes (I mid), All Type Resistance (I high), Parallel process rank 2 (I peak), Aura Enhancement (I peak)

Active: Telepathy (A low), Telekinesis (I peak), Psychokinesis (I peak), Aura Sense (I mid), Aura Vision (I mid), Aura Transmission (I mid), Aura Manifestation (I mid)

Some of my skills are nearing Advance rank while my MMA Mastery just needs a little more to reach Master rank.

According to Teacher Chelone, aura guardians have five ranks; Guardian rank being the highest followed by Templar, Knight Commander, Knight, and Squire being the lowest. I am currently at the mid rank of Knight.

Psychics also have five ranks as mentioned by big sis Heqet; 5 wave mental capacity psychics, 4 wave MC, 3 wave MC, 2 wave MC, and 1 wave MC. The number indicates how many Parallel thought process a psychic can use with ease. I am also current at 2 wave MC.

The system also received an upgrade - the appraisal records now include the pokemon's life-like image. Other people might think that it isn't much but this function is exactly what I need for a certain pokemon to shine. Mewpedia didn't change as much.

One notable mindf@ck I experienced was that, people eat pokemon… I mean I could understand pokemon eating pokemon, but humans eating them? I almost hurled my lunch when Teacher Chelone told me. Luckily, my Calm Mind passive kicked in.

Teacher Chelone said that humans only eat pokemon under G rank. Any pokemon at that rank and below has no sense of "self", so they are no different from the usual animal livestock we normally eat.

I also found out that Ash, Gary, and the gang exist in this world. It has already been 24 years since they retired. I wonder if their personalities are the same in the anime? Leon wondered.

Leon fell asleep as he was lost in his thoughts.