
Everything is gonna be fine

After the match ended, Granule was almost left in tears. She who had practised since before going on a pokemon adventure had been defeated just like that!!

"You must have definitely!! How can I lose just like that!! Ray you were the refree. You must have definitely seen how he cheated right! Come on anwer me!" said Granule in a way where there was mix of anger and sadness.

"No, Luix hasn't cheated in any way. Accept your loss Granule!" said Ray as if he knew the anwer from before and also the way Granule would had reacted.

"I..I.am...ss..orry.." said Luix in his most timid voice.

"Why are you apologizing to me! If you were really sorry then you should had gone a bit easier on me. Next time I'm surely gonna win for sure!!!!" said Granule in her irritated voice.

"I...I amm..v.ver...rry sorrrrie!!!" replied Luix.

"Don't apologise !! Argh!!! You are so timid!!!!!...." said Granule as if she was gonna explode any time.

That was when Ray came in the middle of them shielding Luix from Granule

"Okay! Stop this childish act Granule. You challenged to him and lost. It' your loss and donot pour your anger on him." said Ray becoming the middleman between them.

"And pour your anger later! I have aquestion to ask him before. Luix, I feel like I have seen you on the way to lab so I want to ask are you the one who made snivy as his starter?" said Ray

Luix simply nodded with his head bowed down.

"Doesn't that mean your snivy evolved into servine that we saw earlier?" once again Luix simply nodded.

"Huh!! How did you evolve it so fast. Our starters aren't even seeing signs of evolving . I think that it surely must be the knockback of the moves granted to them through breeding and training." said Ray trying to figure out why his and Granule's starter can't evolve with all the training they are receiving.

Luix inwardly was mocking them for their inability but his outerior showed that he was feeling sorry.

"I..I th..hin..kk th..at.yu..yu.you s.sh.ould ff.eed.. the..m go...od fo...ood a..a.nd tr..tr.ai..n the...mm.I thi..hink yo..u.yur po..po..ke..mon a..also mu...mus..st be wi...lli..ng to..to. ev..vol..ve too." 'I think that you should feed them goof food and train them. I think that your pokemon also must be willing too.' said Luix stuttering as much as possible.

"Hmm. that might also be possible." said Ray falling onto a deep trance.

"What!!! Are you saying that my cooking is very bad." said Granule in an exclaming voice.

"Not about cooking but the pokemon being willing and by the way your cooking is like a roller coaster. It goes from sweetness to bitterness when it is just supposed to be salty!!" said Ray in an irritated voice.

"Oh yeah! then what about your bland cooking. It is not even half as good mine" replied Granule.

While they were bickering Luix thought that 'here they go again. I might age by 4 years if this goes on. I must stop them somehoe..' as he was gonna stop them a tiny droplet of rain touched his nose. He immediately thought that he must find a shelter fast!!

"Uhmm, I..It'ss G..go..nn..aa.rai...nn!" said Luix.

"Oh yeah we might get drenched if this goes on! Let's continue this later. Your cooking is very incarnation of an devil to be honest!! Let's take a shelter near the cave that we found yesterday. Luix come follow us but don't try to get lost while following us cause you also must judge that witch's cooking !" said Ray in a soothing manner used when trying to lure a kid to kidnap him.

"Ugh! You are acting like a you know a kidnapper" said Granule in a disgusted manner. Aftet saying that she started running while Ray and Luix followed her!

What will be the result of this special encounter! Is this be a play of fate or just a ordinary coincidence. To know about it tune in till then.



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