
Pokemon Journeys (My Version)

This is the start of a young girl named Mew who begins her Pokemon Journey. A young girl raised and can understand Pokemon begins her journey to become a Pokemon trainer with Eevee and Pikachu. Together, they meet good friends, evil enemies, and adventures beyond their imaginations. See how the young girl and her friends, human and Pokemon across all regions in the world of Pokemon.

DragunovYT · Tranh châm biếm
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156 Chs

Prologue: The Life of Mew the Human

(Everyone has a dream that fills their heart, a journey they must take a destiny to fulfill.)

(As close as your imagination exists a magical place where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true.)

(It's the world of Pokemon.)

(People can capture Pokemon to be more than just pets.)

(Human trainers and their Pokemon compete against others in amazing contests of skill and strategy.)

(The best trainers one day become Pokemon masters.)

[10 Years Ago...]


(In a large forest just outside of a town called Pallet Town, there are many different Pokemon who live there happily.)

(Pokemon who climb on the trees, play on the ground, and splash in the water.)

(Some also gather to share food with one another and have battles in tests of strength and power.)

(On the trees, the Pokemon jumps on the branch, showing black fur legs and sharp claws on its three toes on each leg.)

(Continue to speed to reveal the black fur on the waist, and the upper legs, along with black fur on the arms with yellow fur with black zigzags on the forearms and thighs.)

(It also reveals to have tufts of light blue on the chest and longer on its forehead, lightning bolt-shaped blue whisker on each cheek.)

(A long pony-tail bunch of fur extends from it's shoulders.)

(The Pokemon soon reveals itself to be a powerful Pokemon that is known as Ruler of the Forest, a Pokemon that is called Zeraora.)

(A powerful Pokemon who is beloved by other Pokemon, it protects and helps take care of the Pokemon who lives in the forest.)

(Zeraora looks around to see the Pokemon living their happy lives, and make sure that poachers don't bring harm to them, and other humans who want to seek harm to them.)

(Suddenly, it hears a loud cry that is a short distance away.)

(Zeraora jumps on the branches through the forest and soon finds a river.)

(The Pokemon looks down to see something floating down the river.)

(The thing that is floating on the river is a basket that has a pink blanket inside of it.)

(Wrapped inside the blanket is a shock to the Pokemon.)

(It's a human baby.)

(The human baby has a fair color skin with a bit of dark teal color hair and blue color eyes, and judging by the appearance, the baby is close to a year old.)

(The baby in the basket is whimpering and shows signs that it has been crying.)

(Zeraora is shocked to see the baby human floating in the basket on the river, and all alone.)

(At first instinct, Zeraora jumps off the branch and lands on the ground.)

(After that, it walks into the river and picks up the basket with the baby inside.)

(Zeraora looks around left and looks right of the river.)

(It then hears baby sounds and looks at the baby who is now smiling.)

(The baby moves around as she giggles.)

(Zeraora is a little surprised to see the baby smile, but soon smile a little itself.)

(Zeraora then decides to leave the river, taking the baby with it.)

(Seeing the baby is alone and doesn't know where the parents are, Zeraora decides to raise the child as its own.)

[3 Years Later...]


(The baby Zeraora has been raising begins to grow as babies normally do.)

(She grows, she crawls, she stands, and now she is able to walk.)

(Zeraora watches from the front of his cave to see the little baby already three years old, and is wearing a dress that is made of large leaves, vines, long grass flowers, and sticky silk.)

(The baby continues to play with the baby Pokemon, like the Kangeskhan, Exeggcute, Oddish, Nidorans, and other little Pokemon.)

(One of the Squirtles spray the little human girl with water at the face.)

(She laughs and begins to tickle Squirtle.)

(Suddenly, something flies past through the tree catching the little girl's attention.)

(Like all children, they are very curious, and so the little girl decides to follow the Pokemon to see what it is.)

(The little girl continues to walk around as she tries to find the mysterious shadow.)

(Suddenly, something appears in front of her, surprising her and makes her fall down.)

(The little girl sits back up to see the Pokemon.)

(The Pokemon is a pink, bipedal Pokémon with mammalian features.)

(It has a rounded, wide snout; triangular ears; and large, blue eyes.)

(It has short arms with three-fingered paws and large hind paws with oval markings on the soles.)

(Its tail is long and thin with an ovoid tip.)

(The Pokemon tilts its head and replies.)

Mew: "Mew!"

(She tilts her head the same direction and says,)

Little girl: "Mew."

Mew: "Mew!"

(The Pokemon says, tilting its head to the opposite direction.)

Little Girl: "Mew!"

(The little girl says, following the same direction.)

(The Pokemon giggles and makes a small pink bubble appear in front of the little toddler.)

(She giggles with glee, and the Pokemon then bounces on it with glee.)

(The little girl giggles with a smile.)

(The little girl stands up and walks to the bubble and touches it with a smile.)

(The Pokemon stops jumping and looks at the little girl, and giggles.)



(Zeraora is searching for the human child it's raising and hears her giggling in the distance.)

(It walks past the bushes to see the little girl giggling as she's playing with the Pokemon.)

(Zeraora calmly smiles and walks over to the little girl.)

(The little girl turns to see Zeraora and walks up to it with a smile.)

Little Girl: "Papa,"

(The girl happily replies, and hugs his right leg.)

(She then points to the other Pokemon.)

Little Girl: "Mew Mew."

(The Pokemon flies to Zeraora and looks at it with a curious look.)

Mew: "Mew," (Hello.)

(The Pokemon replies.)

(Zeraora growls, (Hello.) in reply.)

(Mew then looks down to see the little girl who is reaching her hands out to it.)

Mew: "Mew Mew. Mew Mew Mew," (Hello there. I'm a Mew.)

(The Pokemon, Mew says.)

(The girl giggles and says.)

Little Girl: "Mew Mew."

Mew: "Mew Mew. Mew Mew Mew Mew. Mew Mew." (She's cute. She is also able to say my name. I think I'll call you Mew too.)

(Mew happily says.)

(Zeraora thinks a bit and begins to see, Mew sounds like a nice name for her, since it has never thought about a name for the little girl.)

Mew: "Mew Mew Mew Mew, Mew Mew Mew Mew," (I have to go now, hope to see you again someday.)

(Mew says.)

(Then flies away into the deep forest.)

(The little girl waves goodbye.)

little girl: "Bye bye Mew Mew."

(Zeraora then walks away, taking the little girl back to her friends.)

[4 Years later...]


(Time has gone by, and the little girl, now goes by the name of Mew, continues to grow up and live among the Pokemon in the forest.)

(During this time, Zeraora has been teaching little Mew on how to fight.)

(Even though she isn't able to use attacks like a Pokemon, Mew is doing the best she can to keep up.)

(During those past four years, Zeraora has been using branches and berries to help Mew with her training.)

(Zeraora tells Mew to observe it, to which she replies with a nod.)

(Zeraora jumps up and performs a low kick at one of the lower branches.)

(Mew then do the same thing, but with a berry.)

(She uses a low kick, but isn't exactly right.)

(Zeraora tells her to try again.)

(Mew jumps in the air again, and performs a perfect low kick.)

(Mew happily jumps with glee and Zeraora is proud of her.)

(Of course, Zeraora knows that she still has some training to do.)

(Overtime, many of the Forest Pokemon also decide to help raise Mew along with Zeraora and teach her how to live among the world they live in.)

(Pokemon like Primeape, Hitmonlee, and Hitmonchan help teach little Mew how to fight.)

(In the water, Squirtles, Horsea, and other water Pokemon also help teach little Mew how to swim in the water.)

(She learn how to swing on the vines and jump on high branches from the Mankey.)

(A group of Chansey, along with other Pokemon also teach little Mew about the berries and plants that can help with healing from Pokemon attacks.)

(Manley, Pokemon known as Chansey and Audino are mostly the one teaching little Mew.)

(Mew learns about the berries and plants, along with the values.)

(Then she learns how to turn them into natural medicine for the Pokemon.)

(She ends up using the medicine to help the wild Pokemon who are either sick or hurt.)

(She also uses Catterpie's String Shots to help with securing injuries.)

(For those years, Zeraora has watch as little Mew have become friends with the Forest Pokemon and how the Pokemon love her as one of their own.)

(He can see that the girl couldn't be anymore happier.)

(Zeraora lets out a sad sigh and knows that someday, she will need to be return to her own kind, and learn the ways of how to live with humans.)

[1 Year Later...]


(One day in the Forest, an grown man with gray color hair wearing a red shirt, a white lab coat, light brown pants and black shoes decide to walk around the forest.)

(He is known as Professor Samuel Oak, a famous Pokemon Researcher.)

(He is with a young boy, around eight years old.)

(He has mahogany, color spiky hair and dark viridan eyes.)

(He is wearing a long sleeve purple shirt, dark blue pants and brown shoes.)

(Professor Oak says.)

Professor Oak: "It sure is nice to have a walk after a hard day's work, right Gary."

(The boy, Gary says.)

Gary: "It sure is. I still can't wait to start my Pokemon Jounrey."

Professor Oak: "You're not quite there yet, but you'll become a trainer soon enough."

(Professor Oak says.)

(Suddenly, the two then begin hear a musical sound from the distance.)

Gary: "What's that?"

(Gary asks.)

Professor Oak: "It sounds like music. Maybe we're not the only ones here."

(Professor Oak says.)

(Gary then runs ahead of the professor to find the source of the music.)

Professor Oak: "Gary, wait!"

(Professor Oak panics.)

(Gary continues to run ahead as he continues to hear the nice and relaxing music.)

(He soon walks though the bushes and to his surprise, he can see a group of Pokemon from sitting on the tree branches to sitting on the surface water and grass ground.)

(They all relax and feel at peace to hear the song.)

(Gary is amazed to see so many Pokemon in one place.)

(He then turns his head to notice someone else.)

(A young girl that is close to her age.)

(He is amazed to see the girl who is wearing leave, grass, and sticky silk made clothes in different colors that is like a sleeveless dress.)

(She also has multiple colorful flowers around her waist and the rim of the bottom dress.)

(He also sees a flower in her dark teal hair that is long enough to reach her waist and her light blue color eyes as she plays music on a leaf.)

(Sitting on her lap, fast asleep is a brown and preach fur Pokemon known as an Eevee, the Evolution Pokemon.)

(Gary stares at the girl and is amazed to see so many Pokemon are with her, but is more focused on her most of all.)

Gary [thinks]: "Who... who is that? I don't remember seeing her around Pallet Town. So... where did she come from?"

(Gary thinks.)

(Gary decides to get a closer look at the girl and slowly takes a few steps.)

(However, his footstep is off and accidentally steps on a twig that snaps, causing the girl to stop playing and the Pokemon to become silent.)

(The girl turns to see the young boy looking at her with an astonished expression.)

(The girl is a little nervous, but curious to see the young boy that looks a lot like her.)

(Gary begins to step forward as the Pokemon stare at him, but the girl hugs Eevee and looks a little nervous.)

Gary: "I-It's okay. You um, don't need to be scared. I was well, I heard you playing music with your flute and I think it's um, rather nice."

(Gary says, feeling a bit embarrassed.)

(The girl soon calms down a little and even begins to show a small smile.)

Gary: "Uh, my name is Gary. Gary Oak. What's your name?"

(Gary introduces himself.)

(The girl feels a bit reluctant and looks at little Eevee.)

(Eevee smiles and says.)

Eevee: "Eevee. Eevee." (Come on. Tell him.)

(The girl nods her head and answers.) Mew: "M... Me... Me... Mew... Mew."

Gary: "Mew? Your name is Mew?"

(Gary asks, curious.)

(Mew nods her head in reply.)

Gary: "It's nice to meet you. Do you live nearby?"

(Gary replies.)

(Mew begins to feel reluctant and isn't sure how to answer.)

Gary: "Where are your parents?"

(Gary asks.)

(Mew answers.)

Mew: "Papa over there."

(Gary turns his head to see Zeraora who is standing on a thick branch in the three.)

(Of course, Gary is shocked and amazed because he has never seen a Pokemon like it before.)

(Suddenly, someone calls out.)

???: "Gary!"

(The two kids and Eevee look ahead to see Professor Oak running out of the bushes, and startles some of the Pokemon that they run and hide.)

(Others either prepare to attack or protect them.)

(Zeraora also stands in front of Mew who is holding her Eevee friend.)

(Professor Oak walks to Gary and says.)

Professor Oak: "There you are Gary. I was worried when you ran off."

Gary: "Sorry grandpa, but I had to come here to find out the source of the music."

(Gary says.)

Professor Oak: "Source?"

(Professor Oak says, confused.)

(Gary points to the girl.)

Gary: "The music came from her."

(Professor Oak looks to where Gary is pointing and is surprised to see the young girl holding the Eevee in her arms and Zeraora standing in front of her, being very protective.)

(Mew is nervous that she moves close to Zeraora.)

(Gary tells his grandfather.)

Gary: "Her name is Mew."

(Professor Oak begins to walk towards them, but Zeraora has its arm out and ready to attack.)

(Professor Oak stares at the Pokemon's eyes and with that, he can understand what Zeraora is feeling.)

(He says.)

Professor Oak: "I see. You really care about Mew and the Pokemon who live in the forest. You don't need to worry, I promise no harm will come to you, Mew, or any Pokemon."

(Zeraora glares at Professor Oak as he still focuses on protecting Mew.)

(But seeing the look in Professor Oak's eyes, he can sense that he doesn't have an intention to harm any of the Pokemon and the human he's been raising.)

(Zeraora's glare soon disappears, replacing it with a calm expression.)

(He then holds his paw out to Mew and the human girl reaches her hand out to his paw.)

(One her hand is on his paw, Zeraora allows Mew to move forward to meet the grown man.)

(Professor Oak smiles and says.)

Professor Oak: "Hello Mew, right?"

(Mew nods her head.)

Professor Oak: "I'm Professor Samuel Oak, it's nice to meet you."

(Professor Oak says.)

(Mew reluctant and confused, she answers.)

Mew: "He-Hel-Hello. I-it's n-nice to meet you, too."

(Professor Oak begins to ask.)

Professor Oak "Where'd you come from? I don't remember seeing you around Pallet town? Do you know where your parents are? Your family?"

(Mew then hugs Zeraora and says)

Mew: "Papa here. Pokemon my family."

Eevee: "Eevee." (That's right.)

(Eevee replies.)

Professor Oak: "You mean... you live in the forest with the Pokemon."

(Professor Oak asks, curiously.)

(Zeraora nods his head in reply.)

(Professor Oak and Gary look at each other.)

(They are surprised to hear it, a human girl raised by Pokemon.)

(Professor Oak asks.)

Professor Oak "Mew, will it be alright, with your 'Papa's' permission, will you both like to come with us back to Pallet Town?"

(Mew becomes a bit insecure about going with them, especially away from Papa.)

Professor Oak: "It's okay. Your papa can come with you too."

(Professor Oak reassures.)

(Mew turns to Zeraora and Zeraora nods his head agreeing to the request.)

(Mew asks.)

Mew: "Eevee come to."

Eevee: "Eevee. Evee," (Mew goes. I go.)

(Eevee says.)

Professor Oak: "Yes. Eevee can come too."

(Professor Oak answers with a smile.)

(With that, Mew along with Eevee and Zeraora come with Professor Oak and Gary back to Pallet Town and leave the forest.)



(Mew along with Zeraora and Eevee are inside Professor Oak's lab.)

(Mew is astonished and a bit skeptical to see how large the inside of the building is, there's a sofa with a staircase leading to a different floor, along with strange machines with monitors, and a lot of things Mew doesn't know about.)

(Gary notices her curiosity and asks.)

Gary: "You never been in a building before?"

(Mew shakes her head in reply.)

(Professor Oak walks yo Mew and asks.)

Professor Oak: "Mew, how long have you been living in the forest?"

Mew: "Long time. Eight seasons."

(Mew answers, slowly.)

Gary: "Eight seasons? What does that mean?"

(Gary asks.)

Professor Oak: "I think she means the seasons. If that's the case, that means until now, she's been living in the forest for eight years with the Pokemon, with no interaction with people."

(Professor Oak answers.)

Gary: "What Eight years?"

(Gary says, surprised.)

(Gary then walks over to Zeraora.)

Gary: "So, what kind of Pokemon is that?"

Mew: "That's papa."

(Mew says.)

Gary: "So what Pokemon is it?"

(Gary asks.)

Mew: "Papa is papa,"

(Mew says.)

(Professor Oak laughs.)

Professor Oak: "I think she means that to her this Pokemon is a father to her. I think Zeraora has been raising her."

Gary: "Zeraora?"

(Gary says, confused.)

Professor Oak: "Zeraora is an extremely rare Pokemon and not many people have seen it. I'm amazed that one lives in the forest outside of Pallet Town, and has been raising a human child with the other Pokemon."

(Professor Oak says.)

Gary: "I see. I wonder what happened to her real parents?"

(Gary wonders.)

Professor Oak: "That I don't know, but it plans to see that Mew and Zeraora are already a happy family, even the Pokemon accepted Mew as one of their own."

(Professor Oak says.)

Gary: "Yeah. It must be amazing to be surrounded by Pokemon."

(Gary says.)

Professor Oak: "Maybe, but it doesn't seem to have any interaction with humans at all."

(Professor Oak says.)

Gary: "Oh,"

(Gary says.)

(He then turns his head to see Mew relaxing on the couch with Zeraora as Eevee is sleeping on her lap.)

Gary: "What do we do grandpa?"

(Gary asks.)

Professor Oak: "Hmm, I might have an idea."

(Professor Oak says.)

(Professor Oak walks to Mew and Zeraora.)

(Mew smiles.)

Mew: "Hello Professor Samuel Oak."

Professor Oak: "Please just call me Professor Oak or just Samuel."

(Professor Oak says with laughter.)

(He sits next to them and says.)

Professor Oak: "Mew, I like to ask you and your father something. I can tell that you love Pokemon and that you seem to know of them."

(Mew nods her head.)

(Then the professor continues.)

Professor Oak: "But I like to ask if you ever interacted with other humans, or if you father allows you to."

(Zeraora begins to growl like it's talking, Mew translates.)

Mew: "Father said that he doesn't really let me interact with humans. I have mostly been with Pokemon all my life. He also said that he and the Pokemon trained me to fight, swim, climb, and all sorts to be ready for the real world. I even learned how to take care of sick and injured Pokemon, including making medicine that are found in the forest. He also says that he knows that someday, I will need to be with my own kind, but wasn't sure when I will be ready. I'm still young. We observed humans from a distance and I was able to learn to speak. Some of the Pokemon brings me stuff that are called 'books' and I was able to learn how to read and talk. We do make sure to remain hidden from humans."

Professor Oak: "Well, you don't need to worry. There are plenty of humans who love Pokemon and want them to be happy and protected. No harm will be brought to you, your father, or any of your friends."

(Professor Oak says.)

Mew: "Really?"

(Mew asks.)

Professor Oak: "Really."

(Professor Oak answers.)

(Then asks.)

Professor Oak: "If it's okay with you and your father, I like it if you can come to live with me in my lab.

Mew: "Live here?"

(Mew says, confused.)

Professor Oak: "I know it might be difficult, but it might be a better way for you to learn more about Pokemon and about humans. And maybe someday, you might be able to become a Pokemon trainer."

(Professor Oak says.)

Mew: "Pokemon Trainer?"

(Mew says, confused.)

Gary: "Yeah. You can travel around the world, catching different kinds of Pokemon, battle with other trainers, and have adventures."

(Gary says.)

Professor Oak: "And it will help expand your knowledge of humans and Pokemon. Of course, you already form strong bonds with the Pokemon around you, but it will help you grow and learn to travel around and meet new challenges and might help you learn more about the world around you. Of course, the choice is up to you."

(Professor Oak explains.)

(Mew thinks about it and wonders if traveling and living with the professor is the right decision, but she feels that she really wants to.)

(Mew turns to her father.)

Mew: "Can I papa?"

(Zeraora thinks about it a bit, and believes that it will be best for her.)

(To be able to travel and learn more, and to live with humans, she can have more possibilities she can learn if she goes on a journey.)

(And the professor can teach her as well.)

(Zeraora nods his head agreeing to the idea.)

Mew: "Papa says it's okay, so yes. I would like to."

(Mew says.)

(Gary asks.)

Gary: "Hey Mew, did your papa really say that? You can understand him?"

Mew: "Um yes, I can understand him, and all Pokemon. We do not know why. I have been able to since I was a baby."

(Mew says.)

Gary: "Really? It's kind of weird. A human who can understand Pokemon."

(Gary says.)

(Hearing the comment, Eevee sternly says to Gary.)

Eevee: "Eevee? Eev Eev Eevee!" (Weird?! Mew isn't weird!)

(Gary laughs and says with a smile.)

Gary: "I'm sorry Eevee. You must really love Mew a lot."

Eevee: "Eevee," (I sure do.)

(Eevee says.)

Mew: "I love Eevee too. Eevee is like a sister to me."

(Mew says.)

(Eevee smiles and snuggles her head against Mew's face, making the girl giggle.)

Professor Oak: "Then it settled, I'll fix up the guest room so you'll feel more comfortable. And don't worry, your family is also welcome to stay."

(Professor Oak says.)

(Mew smiles and says.)

Mew: "Thank you."

[Soon enough...]


(Mew along with Eevee settle into Professor Oak's home.)

(Gary introduces Mew and her family to his family, his mother, Adriana, and his older sister, Daisy, and welcomes her right away.)

(Professor Oak teaches Mew more about Pokemon, and learns there are more Pokemon than she can ever imagine, and more Pokemon that are waiting to be discovered.)

(Meanwhile, Daisy and Adriana fit Mew with some new clothes and teach her how to write, cook, and do some domestic work around the house.)

(Wherever Mew isn't studying or doing some shores, she along with Eevee play with the Pokemon in the forest.)

[During the time...]


(Gary also introduces Mew to some of his human friends, and Mew introduces her Pokemon friends to them.)

(They also spend time playing at the ranch of Professor Oak's lab and play with the wild Pokemon.)

(Zeraora watches Mew and her friends from time to time and is glad to see she is able to bond with the human children and a family who loves Pokemon.)

(He can tell she is in good hands.)

(One night, Mew, along with Eevee and Zeraora are fast asleep in the guest room bed.)

(Mew knows that she does have plenty to learn about being human, and more about the world outside of her home.)

(Living with the residents of Pallet Town is only just the beginning of an even bigger adventure.)

[To be continued...]

Author Note: What a heartwarming conclusion to this chapter of Mew's journey!

It's beautiful to see her embracing her new life with Professor Oak and his family, learning about both humans and Pokémon while continuing to cherish the bonds she shares with Zeraora and Eevee.

With her curious nature and kind heart, Mew is sure to make many more friends and discoveries in the days to come.

Stay tuned for the next chapter of her adventure!

Please support me with your votes and comments!

Love from odisha ❤️

DragunovYTcreators' thoughts