
Chapter 022

'The queen sure looks strong.'

Arthur thought as he looked at the Beedrill queen in front of him with a slightly astonished expression. It was the first time he was seeing the queen from this close, so she looked even more imposing than before.

Green aptitude Pokemon were rare from the start and Arthur was sure that if the queen had been caught by a powerful trainer when she was young, she would have been even more powerful than before.

Maybe her aptitude would have even evolved.

Arthur thought that it was a waste of her potential, but there was nothing he could do about it. He focused on the battle in front of him and ordered Charmander.

"Charmander, this is gonna be our toughest opponent till date. Don't give any chance to your opponent and do your best!" He shouted towards his starter Pokemon.


Charmander also looked fired up as he glared towards the queen.

His intuition was telling him that the Beedrill in front of him wasn't like the others that he had defeated before. She was different — stronger than anyone else he had faced.

That actually made him more excited about the battle.


The queen also let out a loud buzzing sound and her red eyes flickered with anger and fury. The cat and mouse chase has ended and she can finally take revenge for the deceased kin of her community.

Without wasting any time, the queen launched her attack, signaling the start of the battle.


She let out a cry and her pointy stingers shined with an ominous glow. Numerous sharp missiles shot out of her stingers and aimed at Charmander like a shark rushing towards its prey.

The power behind the pin missiles was intense and the queen thought that she would end the battle quickly with them, but Arthur was already prepared for it.

"Charmander, use ember to block them!" He ordered the fire lizard who swiftly shot out small balls of fire towards the incoming missiles.

The queen sneered thinking that the embers won't be able to stop the pin missiles, but she was severely underestimating the power of a purple aptitude Pokemon.


The small balls of fires collided with the pin missiles and created a small shock wave in the air.

The queen was shocked seeing that, but this was just the effect of Arthur's and Charmander training.

For the past few days, Arthur had been explaining to Charmander how he can maximize the efficiency of his ember attack by focusing on creating a lower number of fireballs, but with more power.

This was an efficient method to increase the power of an otherwise weak move and it had worked wonders in blocking the pin missiles.

Realising that her attack had failed, the queen became more angry and her body started burning up and a light enveloped her, increasing her critical hit ratio.

Then, without hesitation, she rushed at Charmander while using fury attack.

"Charmander, focus on her stingers and dodge." Author shouted and Charmander nodded his head.

Under the queen's ferocious charge, Charmander tried his best to hold his ground. The queen didn't care about anything else, but to kill Charmander.

Wrath was the only thing in her mind and she was trying her best to attack Charmander's vitals.

On the other hand, Charmander kept dodging the attacks, albeit barely. Sometimes, a stinger would scratch his flesh and would give him immense pain, but he still kept dodging.

He kept dodging despite being in pain.

It was because he was waiting for the command from his trainer and that command finally came.

"Now, hold those stingers and use ember!!"

As soon as Charmander heard that, he moved his hands towards the stingers that were aiming at his head and caught them.


The queen cried out in confusion as her stingers were caught. She tried to shake her body to get out of Charmander's grasp, but it was already too late.

The next second, the fire inside Charmander's body ignited with full strength and he launched ember straight at the queen's face.

It was too close of an attack for the queen to dodge and she cried out in immense pain as burn marks appeared all over her body.


The attack took away most of the queen's health and she was barely able to even fly, but her fighting spirit was still there.

She shook her head and without caring about her injuries, she launched another pin missiles which were again countered by Charmander's ember.

Both Charmander and the queen were already exhausted already, but they still kept exchanging blows.

Their attacks collided with each other many times, creating dust clouds in the air, but they still kept going on. Even though she was severely injured, the queen has a lot of pride and rage in herself.

At one point, she gave up on defense entirely and focused solely on attack.

Seeing that, Arthur can't help, but look at her in admiration.

'She will rather die than lose. It's rare to find Pokemon like her, but sadly, she's already on her last breath.'

He thought as he looked at the queen preparing another poison jab.

Her wings have little holes in them and her whole body was burned. She was barely able to even sustain herself in the air.

Although Charmander was also injured by the pin missiles and the fury attacks, his condition was still way better than the queen who looked like she would pummel to the ground at any second.

Arthur was sure that this would be her last attack and she would soon fall.

That's why he swiftly ordered Charmander.

"Charmander, let's finish the battle with this attack. Go use dragon tail!"

Charmander focused the dragon energy in his body into his tail and with a scream, he rushed towards the incoming queen.

Both the Pokemon collided with each other. The queen's stingers tried to win over Charmander's tail as they both created shockwaves in the air.

Gradually, the queen started losing her power and the wrath in her eyes started to dissipate. Her body was already too tired to even function and Charmander's dragon tail was finally able to knock her out.

The battle ended like that!


A/n: Chapters will be regular from now on. Also, how is the new cover?
