
Pokemon hentai : Starting in Hoenn with May.

One Lucky pervert got reincarnated as Ash in Pokémon in Hoenn region start. But he also meet God which gave him some perks as he wished. [ No sex scene will be written and it will be skipped .]

Rito_Mark · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

" Welcome to Hoenn region ash. I'm Professor Birch."

" Thanks Professor, I didn't think you yourself will come to Take me." Said Ash.

" That's nothing. After all you a rising star from Kanto right now travelling around the world. Ww are happy that your next region to challenge is our hoenn region" Said Professor.

" So Will you start With new pokemon like rumors or with you original Pokémon?." asked Professor.

" I will start with anew again with new pokemon from pokemon of hoenn with Pikachu Only being from my Main team." Said Ash.

Ash Pokémon didn't change but Only that those pokemon who didn't evolve in original evolve here.

As they didn't want to hold Ash back.

So Ash Balbasaur is now Venasaur.

Squirtle is now blastoise.

And Ash Lapras didn't left for his pack in orange islands.

" So how's the works Professor?" asked Ash.

" Well, Work is going easy now days as it trainers starter months. So new trainer come to get there starter Pokémon to start there journey towards there goal." answered Professor.

" Wow, So Is someone coming to get their pokemon today?" Asked Ash.

" Actually Yes. One Girl from petalburg city. She is Daughter of Petalburg gym Leader, Norman." Said Professor.

" Wow, Hearing that make me remember my journey starts. it was not peaceful at that time" Said Ash.

After some talking on the roads both Professor and Ash Arrive on there destination.

"Well, Here we are Ash to my laboratory " Said Professor.

" Wait!! Professor did you heard that voice?"

" Huh!? Yeah that poochyena barking and...there is girl voice too" Said Professor After hearing it nicely.

" I'll go and see what's going on Professor " After saying that Ash ran towards the voice.

Ash Found the source of voice after running for some times and saw that a girl in the age of 12 was hiding from poochyena pack.

Girl looks very abnormal because her breast don't match her age and body.

Her breast is so big that it's even with her tight clothes it's so big that Ash fell that it will jot fight his hand.

" Help! please help me!"

*Bark bark bark* from poochyena.

" So it's may. I didn't think her breast would be so big its atleast 30 or 34 in size almost comparable to mom size." Said Ash to himself.

" Pikachu go and use Thunder bolt on poochyena " Ash command Pikachu.

" Pika~"

After that Pikachu Thunderbolt poochyena.

Because of Poochyena Level are not even To standard they got knockout.

May who was look at Pikachu and Ash from side was stunt from Pikachu power.

But when she saw Ash unexpectedly felt that he saw her prince coming to save her.

And Just like that With Ash became her crush and prince charming too.

' Mom said you will feel like this only if you find your soul mate!... so is he my soul mate?... Have to try mom way of testing later. If It is then....eheheh~.' As may was thinking in her mind.

Ash already arrive in front of her.

" Are you alright lady?" asked Ash.

" Ah~ I'm fine thank you." May excitedly jump and Catch Ash hand.

May Felt that she is gonna faint from her heart going so fast when she touch Ash Hand.

' So this is what mom mean by expectation to be touched my your love one' May thought.

Although her mom may mean different but it's okay.

As May had already determine that Ash is her soul mate.

" Come let me take you to save place first" Ash said after seeing her face going red.

Ash Thought that his Body wish is in work.

Which is correct and not so in a way.

As that wish only make Girl have crush and later on make them love him.

But if Ash Force or make them do things which they don't want then their love for him will decrease and become normal again.

And This wish don't work on married and already in love girls so, abut Ash don't know this all.

So let him find it himself later on.

" Sure~ CAN you take me to Professor Birch laboratory " may Said.

" Oh! So it was you who was coming today to get their started pokemon." Said Ash.

" Yeah, As I was not think to be a trainer before but now that I found my goal I come to be pokemon trainer" Said may.

As It's TRUE, She was not thinking to be trainer but her father force her to get pokemon and find her goal.

but now that she found Her Soulmate. she thought why not follow ash and go on the journey.

" Then let's go~ " Said Ash.

May took Ash arm and follow him like she is his Girlfriend.

Ash was feeling his arm around may breast.

Ash thought ' It will feel good to get Some play with this big of breast right?' .

And May who felt Ash gaze on her breast felt happy and Shy.

' Does he like Big breasts?' though may.