
Relic Castle

Upon entering, Touya quickly regretted entering the castle.

There was an absurd amount of sand and heat, plus Touya's feet were sinking into the sand, making a very uncomfortable sensation.

"Why couldn't they hide his relics in a more comfortable place? You stupid masochists" Touya said as he wiped the sweat off his forehead and started looking for the Stone.

Although it seems impossible, there were some archaeologists searching and exploring the area with great concentration.

Touya kept walking around without finding anything besides some very suspicious quicksand.

"Come out Krokorok" Touya said taking Krokorok out to check his suspicions.

"Kroko" Krokorok said a bit impressed to come out so fast again.

"Sorry to bother you again friend, but I would like you to check those quicksand, I would, but not all mortal places hide secrets" Touya said a little embarrassed.

"Krokorok" Krokorok said with understanding.

Krokorok approached the quicksand and after entering and exiting them he gave the go-ahead to Touya.

"Thanks buddy" Touya said returning Krokorok to his pokeball again.

Touya stood in the middle of the quicksand and waited a bit while he sank.

"I wonder if a tornado will come out of these sands so I can reach the vulture with the star" Touya said thoughtfully as he was sunk to his shoulders.

After a few seconds, Touya completely entered the arena and reached the lower floor of the castle.

"There is sand everywhere, it's horrible" Touya said as he shook himself to try to get the sand out of his body.

After shaking himself, Touya realized that there was a sage from the team plasma dressed in a green robe in front of him.

"Greetings young man, I am Ryoku, one of the seven sages of the team plasma and I am here because Ghechis ordered me to check the extent of your strength" said the sage Ryoku with an arrogant and proud tone.

Touya for his part was just shaking his shoes while he olympically ignored him.

"Hey brat! Are you listening to me?" said the sage, losing patience quickly.

"Nope" Touya said as he wiped the sand from his ears.

"Now you must show if you can beat the team plasma!" Sage Ryoku said repeating his explanation aloud.

"Doesn't that robe give you too much heat?" Touya said looking at the sage with indifference.

The sage had a vein in his forehead because of that, but he just kept quiet and stood there, meditating.

Touya just shrugged and went into another quicksand to the next floor.

"I'd say the honey thing was worse, but this one isn't too far either" Touya said with discomfort from the sand on his body.

On this floor, Touya met the typical team plasma recruits, whom he beat up just like always, although one of them said something interesting.

"The world cannot change without pain" said a recruit from the plasma team with determination.

"I can feel a reference" Touya said raising his hand and feeling the changes in strength as the recruit looked at him in confusion.

After this, Touya had to enter the quicksand several times, causing it to become more sand than man.

And after some battles and various mistakes and successes in choosing quicksand, Touya came to a very large area of ​​the castle with an interesting scene in front of him.

In the room there were several sand dunes, but the most impressive was Ghechis in front of the champion Mirto looking at each other with intensity and making the atmosphere very heavy.

Ghechis looked away from Mirto and noticed Touya's presence quickly.

"Ohh, apparently we are all here" Ghechis said with an arrogant and calm smile on his face.

"Are you coming to witness the summoning of Reshiram Touya? Well, I'm sorry to tell you that the Light Stone is not here" Ghechis said with a sad tone.

'Apparently they already had everything prepared for the second invocation, if the Light Stone were here, it would be too late' thought Mirto, clenching his fists helplessly as he crossed his arms.

"But don't be sad Touya, after all now you know that you are important in this story right?" Ghechis said with a haughty smile.

"I don't need your pity or your false sympathy Ghechis" Touya said with disgust and annoyance.

Ghechis didn't seem upset because of this and just said.

"Not bad, it is impossible to manipulate you with beauty words, but if you long for a world where humans and pokemon can coexist you will have to look for Reshiram wherever he is, unless... you have doubts about your decision" Ghechis said with a calm tone and slow while maintaining a nasty smile.

Touya could only helplessly keep quiet because of this, after all, it was true.

"I had already heard of your ideals, that of freeing the pokemon or stealing them in simple words, did some pokemon happy with his trainer ask you? Or is it just another cheap excuse?" Mirto said interrupting the conversation.

"Champion Mirto, I know you lost a fellow pokemon due to illness a few years ago, but not everyone has as good a relationship as you did which even made you leave the league to 'discover yourself'" he said Ghechis with a respectful and calm tone.

Mirto had a grim gaze due to that memory, but that gaze only transformed into an angry one in no time.

"You even dare to use the death of my partner to weaken my thinking, that only makes you even more despicable in my eyes" Mirto said with an intimidating aura around him that even made Ghechis stop talking about it.

"Anyway, in a short time we will free the pokemon and make them have a happy life, all this thanks to our hero and his legendary pokemon who will defeat you without effort" said Ghechis, regaining his tranquility but still more alert with Mirto.

"I won't let myself be beaten, By all the pokemon who love their trainers and the trainers who consider them family!" Mirto said with great determination crossing his arms.

"So you say now, I really want to see your despair when you face Zekrom, that moment when your dreams and hopes disappear will be a delight" said Ghechis with a sick and chilling smile on his face.

Touya got a little chill from this, plus a bit of cold sweat.

"I'll see you that day" Ghechis said, changing his expression to a kind one suddenly and then leaving.

Touya approached Mirto and could see that even he had a nervous sweat on his neck.

"Mirto, do you know of any other place we can go?" Touya said trying to keep a little hope.

"No young Touya, there is nowhere else, and the worst thing is that what that guy said is true, I can't compete with a legendary" Mirto said with a slightly downcast tone.

"But I will still try my best, I can't let them separate the pokemon from those who appreciate them" Mirto said with determination, taking his usual energy back.

"Come on young Touya, I'm cooking in here!" Mirto said trying to ease the atmosphere.

But Touya could see through him easily.

'He's scared' Touya thought, noticing how Mirto's hands trembled slightly.

'Is this worth fighting for?' Touya thought a little lost and then followed Mirto.