
Pokemon: Darren's Path

The story centers around Darren Park, who finds himself reborn in a world of Pokemon, where Pokemon are portrayed in a more realistic way. Beginning in the Hoenn Region, Darren sets out on a journey of discovery that takes him to Sinnoh and beyond. Along the way, he gains strength and experiences the world of Pokemon in a whole new light. Breeder / Coordinator / Trainer Disclaimer: I'm not the Author of this Fan Fiction, I'm merely the translator. Translated from a Chinese fan fiction. Alternative Titles: The Garden Tree, Pokemon Garden, Pokemon Court Author - A gentle stream flows with resonant sound Link of the original - https://book.qidian.com/info/1009720842/

Rookni · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
68 Chs

Chapter 32 The End of Training

Having gradually adapted to living in the wild, Darren and Swablu began a new round of training.

Basics, techniques, practical combat, theory, tactics, emotions...

In order to prepare for the upcoming final assessment, Darren has been working hard, trying every possible method and training together with Swablu.

Since Darren entered Mt. Chimney, almost a month has passed.

Over the past twenty-odd days, Swablu's relationship with Darren has deepened, and this forest has witnessed the sweat and laughter they shared.


Marill jumped out of the lake, creating a splash of white foam.

Above the sky, Swablu exhales a blue breath and sent the Marill back into the water, effortlessly ending the battle.

"Well done!"

Darren catches Swablu, who flew towards him, and showed a satisfied smile.

The month-long trial period is about to end, and Darren has seen the progress made by Swablu. He felt a sense of accomplishment and happiness for Swablu's improvement.

After these twenty days of training, Swablu's strength has undergone a tremendous change.

Now, Swablu is no longer the weak little guy that just hatched from an egg. In fact, it's stronger than many of the beginner Pokemon distributed to new trainers.

Since its birth, Swablu has entered the fastest-growing period of its life. It has learned two genetic moves and mastered one of them, Feather Dance..

Driven by the Feather Dance, Swablu has successfully learned Cotton Guard.

Furthermore, it has become adept at utilizing the Agility move and is no longer prone to unmanageable crushes.

However, what Darren felt regretful about is that Swablu has not yet learned the powerful move "Dragon Rush". According to Master Shozo, even he is not confident about Swablu's ability to inheriting it through breeding. However, the slim chance is still worth fighting for.

On the other hand, due to Swablu entering the growth period, it has become more proficient in "sound" related techniques.

As for the "Peck" move, Swablu can easily pierce and shatter a large wooden stake, indicating its high level of proficiency.

However, these are not the most important things. During these days, Darren and Swablu helped an injured Nuzleaf, and to his surprise, the leader of Nuzleaf's tribe found him to express their gratitude and offered him a lot of help.

One of them is teaching Swablu a new move.

Hidden Power.

However, at the time it was a bit difficult for Swablu to learn this move. In theory, almost all Pokemon can learn this move, and the effects they can produce also differ according to their own characteristics.

But the wise Nuzleaf was patient in teaching, and Swablu was clever enough. After a whole day of training, Swablu was finally able to freely use this move.

Similar to what Darren had guessed, the attribute effect awakened in Swablu was "Dragon," which proved that his Swablu has a strong dragon bloodline inside its body.

However, Swablu, who had just learned Hidden Power, couldn't control it very well, just like the high speed movement and pecking attack at the beginning. Darren was also constantly thinking of ways to help improve it's proficiency.

Finally, Darren chose to try to combine Natural Gift and the Hidden Power together, using the dragon-type power inside a Leppa Berry to help Swablu adapt to the awakening power of the Dragon energy.

Although it is unknown whether it had an effect or if it was persistent training, Swablu is now very proficient in using Hidden Power, and at this moment, it has become Swablu's biggest trump card.

"Do you want to continue fighting?"

Recently, Swablu seemed to enjoy fighting more and more. Except for a few powerful Pokemon in this area, most of the Pokemon have fought with Swablu to some extent, and with Darren as the trainer, Rather than experiencing a lot of conflicts, they have formed numerous friendships.

"Chirp~~" Swablu confirmed with a cry, showing a strong fighting spirit.


Hmm? Darren was surprised.

"Do you want to challenge Seviper?" he was caught off guard as he remembered the promise he had made to Swablu when he first received it - that it would never be inferior to Seviper when it grew up. He hadn't expected that Swablu would still cling to that promise.

"Do you want to try?" Darren smiled. Although Seviper's level may be higher than Swablu's, if there is a trainer to command, it should be possible to try ti beat it. Swablu has made a lot of progress.

"Chirp Chirp"

Despite the harsh sunlight overhead, Darren and Swablu tirelessly made their way through the forest, darting back and forth without pause.

Unlike the last time with Lotad, this was not Darren's last encounter with Seviper. In this forest, they are bound to encounter various kinds of Pokemon, but when it comes to Pokemon like Seviper, Darren and Swablu usually choose to avoid them.

There were several times when they witnessed the battle between Seviper and a Zangoose, their archenemy, in different areas.

The battle between Swablu and a tiny Geodude on Mt. Chimney was the most daunting challenge that Darren and his team encountered to date.

At that time, Swablu had not yet awakened its Hidden Power, and Natural gift was only left with a Leppa Berry. No matter what move it used, it caused minimal damage to Geodude. In the end, Swablu and Darren had to give up their plan to fight and slipped away.

Now, with the assessment nearing its end, Swablu is looking forward to fighting Seviper, and Darren doesn't want to have any regrets.

So, after preparing some things when they returned home, Darren took some potions he had made and prepared to have a "full-on battle" with Seviper.

"Let's go!" Armed and ready, Darren and Swablu set out on their journey to find Seviper. Seviper's whereabouts are unpredictable, but Darren and this Pokemon often move in the same areas and have had several encounters with each other, more or less understanding each other's whereabouts.

There is still a long time before sunset, with enough time to find Seviper. Now walking in the forest, although they still need to be careful, Swablu and Darren have some confidence in facing danger.

Two hours later.



The sound of rustling grass caught Darren's attention. A long figure immediately caught their attention.

"Found you, Seviper!" Two hours is not a short time, and Darren and Swablu were already a bit tired from searching. But now that they have found Seviper, they immediately become energetic.

"Huh~?~" Seviper stared at them with fierce eyes, not understanding why Darren and Swablu team did not run away this time.

Fighting Seviper is not as troublesome as fighting other Pokemon. Darren didn't need to even ask for a battle request, as Seviper made an attacking gesture.

Darren stepped back and left the stage to Swablu.