
Chapter 437 Contest! Rival Is An Office Worker

Pokémon Contest Giruba Conference!

After receiving guidance from Dai Mei and learning that the Contest was about to be held here, Xiao Zhi and his party rushed here as quickly as possible after leaving the farm!

May began to adjust the Contest Condition for Squirtle and Combusken, while Xiao Zhi couldn't wait to seize the time to challenge and coordinate the Trainers. Now he can't keep the exchange points. He exchanged two evolution stones for Eevee before, and spent some time. Gengar's Spell Tag has been upgraded to the ultimate level.

Now, he has to scrape together some extra money to exchange for the Reaper Cloth for the evolution of Dusclops!

"The Pokémon Contest begins, with Pokémon and the coordinator Trainer playing a medley of love and dreams together! Today we are going to hold it for you here in Jiruba Town!"

"Everyone, please follow Lilian's footsteps several times!"

In terms of igniting the atmosphere at the scene, Lilian did a much better job than Vivian. No, Xiaogang has already fallen. "Xiaosheng will follow you to the end no matter where in the world you are!"

Heartbroken Spinda jumped out and sat in his arms, and he immediately became quiet. Eevee and little Vulpix who were sitting next to them immediately came over to play with the little bear.

After subduing this little guy, Xiao Zhi temporarily exchanged Gengar back. Its level of 14 is already quite high, and it has many skills that can be learned, such as the Ice-based Freezing Light, the Poison-based Poison Jab, etc., which can be greatly improved. The level must increase its possibility in battle.

"Then, let's coordinate the Trainers who participated in the Contest competition!" This is a part of every Contest competition, and the Alliance Conference is the same, that is, all the Trainers participating in the Conference will appear together.

Xiao Zhi and May were also among them. Seeing Xiao Zhi, little Vulpix immediately cheered.

"So, what kind of performance will they bring this time? Please give them a warm applause!" Lilian's response was the constant shouting from the scene!

But just when she was about to announce that the first round of inspections was about to begin, a staff member came to the stage and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I want to make some business contacts!"

This was an apology for the brief silence just now. She continued, "The coordinator who signed up for the competition, Trainer, seemed to think that he hadn't arrived yet! Mr. Ogata, the entry number 13, did you go to the wrong place and end up in the audience?"

With this sentence, the scene suddenly became heated again, and there was laughter from the audience. Xiao Zhi, who was standing behind her, secretly praised her, what an amazing young lady!

As soon as the words fell and no one spoke, Miss Lilian was about to disqualify Mr. Ogata from the competition and officially started the first round of review, "It seems that he is really not here, so there is nothing we can do!"

However, a hurried voice came from the entrance, "I am here, I am Ogata!"

But I saw a middle-aged man in a suit and tie, carrying a briefcase, rushing over panting. He came to Miss Lilian and opened his mouth and said, "I should have plenty of time. I'm sorry, minister, compared with the client meeting." The estimated time is .

Halfway through, he came to his senses and realized that the person in front of him now was the beautiful Miss Lilian, and quickly changed his words, "No, it's Miss Lilian..."

There was kind laughter from the audience, and Xiao Zhi and May also looked at each other and smiled. They liked this kind of uncle very much. Although he was burdened with the pressure of life, he did not give up on his dream and would try his best to come to participate. Contest Contest!

Lilian also smiled and said, "So that's it. Thank you so much for your hard work, but please hurry up and join the queue! There is no way to stop the game after it starts!"

"Yes!" Mr. Ogata bowed deeply and quickly joined the team of Xiao Zhi and others.

"So, the first review is finally about to begin!" This time the Contest competition did not encounter any familiar opponents. From the professional perspective of Xiao Zhi and May, everyone's performance was quite satisfactory, and no one stood out. performance!

After Bellossom, Exeggutor, Farfetch'd and other Pokémon appeared one after another, it was finally time for May's performance!

"Squirtle, take the stage!"

But I saw Squirtle jump out of the Poké Ball, and before landing, he was spinning and using the freezing beam that he could control freely!

The water vapor in the air was frozen and turned into little ice crystals that scattered down, which just added a charm to Squirtle's appearance. For a while, the audience cheered!

Xiao Zhi nodded secretly, "This is Squirtle's best appearance so far!"

"Squirtle, spread the bubbles!" May's performance officially began, using bubbles to perform, and both Drew and Xiao Zhi gave her many demonstrations!

But when it comes to the skill of blowing bubbles, Xiao Zhi actually knows that Popplio, a water master in the distant Alola Region, is an expert at controlling bubbles!

Xiao Zhi knows that Lapras, who is currently swimming on the sea, has the blood of Primarina, and also possesses its genetic skill, which is also an exclusive skill, Sparkling Aria!

At this moment, Squirtle spit out many bubbles around him, and these bubbles reflected colorful lights under the stage lights. Squirtle spit out another big bubble with a diameter of more than one meter!

"A huge bubble appeared in the center of the small bubble. What kind of performance is it going to perform?" Miss Lilian's timely explanation attracted the attention of all the audience!

"Squirtle, use freezing ray!"

The expected scene appeared. Squirtle bounced off the big bubble and nimbly jumped into the sky. The freezing light destroyed the surrounding small bubbles and turned into ice crystals.

At the end of the day, Squirtle used a freezing beam on the big bubble from above. The big bubble was broken and turned into water splashes, but was frozen in an instant, forming an iceberg of Contest. Squirtle just fell down and stood there. On the tip of this iceberg, this performance Contest comes to an end!

This will be the highest score so far!

"The cool and cute performance was a success!" Ms. Lilian also fully recognized the performance, "Next is the performance of contestant Xiao Zhi!"

Xiao Zhi high-fived May who came off the stage, "The decision is yours, Butterfree!"

This time he used Butterfree to perform. The purple Butterfree was enough to attract attention just by appearing on the stage. Xiao Zhi's performance was even more outstanding. He actually let it spread purple Poison Powder and yellow towards the entire stage. Stun Spore, and then ordered Confusion to build a huge Butterfree behind it!

240 This huge butterfly is so shocking, and it shows the charm of Butterfree without any reservation [These ten performances undoubtedly deserve high marks!

"Then let's meet everyone next, Mr. Ogata!" After Lilian finished speaking, the whole audience burst into laughter. Everyone was looking forward to this uncle who seemed unreliable.

What kind of gauge pressure can there be!

With May and Xiao Zhizhuyu in front, if the performance of this uncle is very different, the score will be even lower!

Unexpectedly, the lights in the entire venue were suddenly turned off, and the old man in a suit and leather suit actually changed into a rock and roll outfit and even picked up a bass. He was completely different from the submissive look he had just before!

"Everyone, come together!" This powerful ambiguity suddenly ignited the atmosphere of the entire stage, "Butterfree, use our unique charm to anesthetize everyone!"

Mr. Ogata actually also sent out Butterfree, "First use Poison Powder powder, and then use Paralysis Powder!"

His performance also uses two different colors of powder, but this ordinary Butterfree does not have such outstanding Psychic talent!

But I saw him using a whirlwind to sweep up the two powders, and then using a mysterious bodyguard in the center of the whirlwind. Although it was not as powerful as Xiao Zhi's Butterfree, it was still eye-catching!

"What a seamless and perfect match, Butterfree's beauty is fully expressed!"