
Chapter 419 Reunion With Sabrina! Psychic's Battle

"Xiao Zhi, who are you talking to?"

May was frightened by Xiao Zhi's sudden move, and suddenly felt so nervous that she could no longer care about what Harley was saying in front of her.

Harley gritted her teeth angrily when she saw how Xiao Zhi didn't take him seriously at all, but then she put on a warm smile and said, "Xiao Zhi, are you not going to attend this Saffron Conference?"

Xiao Zhi looked at him, "Harley, you don't know that my waveguide power can sense the other person's thoughts and actions! Do you still want to lie in front of me?"

Just now, Harley actually told May that the Contest pass in Hoenn can also be used in Kanto, and the registration deadline is 11 o'clock.

Although Xiao Zhi couldn't know the real situation, he could sense that he was lying. The person from Saffron was calling him now. He was not in the mood to get entangled here. He just told May, "Hurry and register at the venue!"

With that said, he took Ralts, Pikachu, and Eevee out of the Pokémon Center.

But his figure suddenly disappeared, which frightened both May and Xiao Sheng14. On the contrary, Xiaogang recalled the psychological shadow of the past and quickly called May and Xiaosheng to register at the venue.

There is a terrible little sister in this city!

During the previous trip, both Xiaogang and Misty were turned into dolls, and they almost died!


A talented girl who can remotely control others to perform Teleport, who can achieve such advanced Psychic, is right in front of Xiao Zhi at this moment.

She was still sitting on a chair in the darkness as she had been when we first met, with a doll in her arms. Then, the doll spoke!

"Long time no see, Xiao Zhi!"

This young lady with long green hair crushed her predecessor to death, but later she recruited a Haunter from Lavender Town, which made this young iceberg girl laugh, and then she got the Marsh Badge!

In other words, the predecessor was never able to defeat the Trainer from the Saffron Gym, Ms. Natu!

But Miss Sabrina really cares about Xiao Zhi who helped her get out of the shadow of loneliness and brought a smile to her face!

In particular, she sensed that Xiao Zhi had also obtained Psychic. Although he was not as powerful as her and his abilities were not comprehensive, from an ordinary person to a Psychic, it seemed that Xiao Zhi had experienced a lot after not seeing each other for such a long time!

Facing Sabrina again, Xiao Zhi seemed calm and composed at this moment, "Long time no see, Miss Sabrina!"

As he finished speaking, a Haunter suddenly appeared next to Xiao Zhi. A real ghost face used the ghost face skill to scare people, but it could not scare Xiao Zhi.

"Hey, Haunter, long time no see. It seems like you are having a good time here!" Xiao Zhi could sense that Haunter's Contest Condition was very good [It seems that life here at Saffron Gym is very leisurely.

This Haunter was recruited by Xiao Zhi from Lavender Town. At that time, he was unable to conquer this Haunter regardless of its level or compatibility, but the Haunter was still willing to help Xiao Zhi deal with Sabrina.

Although later when he challenged the Saffron gym again, the Haunter was so unreliable that he disappeared, causing his predecessor to almost fall into crisis again.

Later, it appeared and made Sabrina laugh, making her lose her will to fight. Only then did it help Xiao Zhi get the Marsh Badge.

Sabrina, who was sitting in the darkness, came out, but first glanced at Ralts on Xiao Zhi's shoulder, "Xiao Zhi, how about you fight me again?"

This is exactly the purpose of Xiao Zhi coming to Saffron Gym!

Compared with the Contest competition, it is obviously more attractive for Xiao Zhi to challenge Miss Sabrina. The regret of not completing the challenge in his predecessor must now be made up for here!

"Starting now, Miss Sabrina from Saffron Gym will fight against Xiao Zhi from Pallet Town, using only one Pokémon!"

The young man who served as the referee, Xiao Zhi, seemed to have some impressions. He was the one who had to hold back his blush before bending the spoon. At the beginning, he boasted that he was not qualified to challenge, but now Xiao Zhi has stood at a place that he will never be able to reach. high!

"Come on then, Alakazam!"

The Yongila that evolved from Abra in the battle has now evolved into Alakazam, and its strength has naturally skyrocketed again, and its compatibility with Sabrina is very high [the bond value is so high that they can communicate with each other!

"It's up to you, Ralts!"

In fact, there is no need for Xiao Zhi to explain, Ralts has already moved in front of Alakazam, and it knows that this is its battle!

"Use Psybeam!" When the battle begins, Miss Sabrina transforms into an iceberg beauty again, with a very fierce fighting style.

Alakazam's eyes burst out with rainbow-like light, but there was no target in front of him!

Ralts has transformed Teleport into a subconscious movement mode. The reaction speed is very fast, and the position can be changed almost in the blink of an eye!

Xiao Zhi knows his fighting style very well, and is better at attack and speed. Of course, with his current level, he can also make good use of Pokémon's defensive capabilities!

This is the degree of compatibility. Whatever tactics the Trainer is good at, it should conquer the corresponding Pokémon.

Xiao Zhi, who is well aware of this, must of course use his strengths and avoid weaknesses, so whenever his Pokémon can use speed skills, such as Teleport and Extrreme Speed ​​skills, he will spend a lot of effort to make them skillful in using them.

The best thing is to be able to transform it into a subconscious reaction, so that you can respond with the shortest reaction time, ensuring that you can seize the moment when you can effectively attack without being hit by Rival!

"Shadow Ball!"

Xiao Zhi was not polite at all. Before Sabrina and Alakazam could find Ralts' position at 490, Psybeam had just passed by and he decisively used his skills!

Ghost-type skills are extremely effective against Alakazam, which is why the predecessor wanted to find Haunter in the first place.

Shadow Ball hit Alakazam firmly on the head. In terms of the Teleport skill, Ralts was better!


However, Ms. Sabrina is indeed a master of Psychic Pokémon. Not only does she have a very high Psychic level, she is also a very strong Trainer.

She actually used Disable to temporarily imprison Ralts' Shadow Ball, which is an attack with outstanding effects on Alakazam!

In this battle, the bonding value between both parties and Pokémon is very high, so the battle command for both parties is very simple!

Sabrina and Alakazam have the same heart, and Alakazam doesn't need Sabrina to encourage him!

"It's interesting, Disarming Voice!" Xiao Zhi smiled lightly and asked Ralts to sing again.

The beautiful singing sounded, like hammers hitting Alakazam's head with an IQ of 5000!

Seeing this, Sabrina's fighting spirit was finally aroused, and Xiao Zhi actually had the upper hand over her in the Psychic battle!

But she saw that she opened the necklace pendant on the doll in her arms, and inside there was a small marble containing a yin and yang fish!