
Pokemon : Aura of Darkness

" Destiny is a gift, my dear human soul......... Never forget that fear is but the precursor to valor, that to strive and triumph in the face of fear is what it means to be a hero" muttered an unknown being as he held the soul that he chose to be his hero...his champion...his source of entertainment. Follow the journey of Aoki as he is chosen from the earth to reincarnate into the world of Pokemon. Will he follow the path that was laid down for him to follow or create his own path? #no system

Immortle_diablo123 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
198 Chs


I understand that it's been a while since I last updated this story, and I apologize for the delay. 

The truth is, I've been feeling quite burnt out and haven't been able to come up with captivating content to share. 

Unfortunately, the chapters I wrote didn't meet my expectations, which is why I decided not to upload them. 

I'm reaching out to you, my readers, for some creative input. 

If you have any ideas, I'd greatly appreciate it.

 My plan is to incorporate the most promising suggestions into the narrative before I continue with the main storyline.

 Thank you for your understanding and support.