
chapter 28

Hey, Hilda, wait up!" A cute and shy voice called out.

"Yeah, Rosa?" Hilda asked. "What's up?

"Are you sure you want to go around dressed like that? You know how I think about that outfit." Rosa said shyly.

"Oh you mean this?" Hilda teased, turning her butt to Rosa, giving herself a spank and a shake.

Hilda was wearing a pair of jean shorts that were high enough to cut off right above her very supple yet toned thighs. She also wore herself a simple white bikini top, showcasing her c cup chest and slim stomach.

"You know we're in Alola, right? This is the perfect time to get a tan." The brunette toyed around. "At least it's better than what you're wearing. Seriously?! That yoga pants and t shirt combo is not gonna give us the attention we want. At the very least, it with that attitude it isn't."

"I just want to be modest is all." Rosa replies under breath, blushing as her closest friend continued to tease her with her sensual body. "You really have much more confidence than I could hope to have."

"Don't sweat it, Rosa." Hilda said, reaching her friend around the shoulder, taking her for a walk down the hotel's sidewalk and out to the beach.

"Once we find ourselves a man or two out here for us, I think you're body will give you more than enough confidence." The ponytailed girl told her well endowed friend, staring down Rosa's D cup breasts jiggling as they walked.

"Why don't you give us a feel?" She asked, grabbing her friend's breasts in a teasing manner.

"What?! No way!" Rosa shrieked instinctively, slapping Hilda's hands away.

"With that attitude, how are we gonna find a man willing enough to spend time with us at the hotel?" Hilda pouted. "Going down on you is great, but I want to spice it up a little. What a better place to catch the eyes of men than on a beach?"

Blushing in silence at her friend's bluntness about their beneficial friendship, Rosa could only continue to look down as the duo threaded down the beach, making they're way northward.

The two continued their journey down the beach, only to realize how far they strayed from the main public area.

"Wow, this beach goes on forever." Hilda said. "Oh, I know something that could spice things up. What if we straight up did it on the beach? Like in a very quiet, very sensual area."

"I don't know about that..." Rosa argued shyly, never being assertive enough to truly confront her friend.

As the two continued to walk the northern side of MeleMele, they took a brake to look out onto the ocean and catch a breather.

"Mmm, the sea breeze smells so good!" Hilda said as she stretched.

"Hey check it out." Rosa said, pointing at an island a decent distance away. "You see that?"

"It's an island?" Hilda said, pulling out her map of the Region. "The map's says nothing about an island out there."

After saying that very sentence, Hilda paused a moment, only to smile mischievously, calling out her partner, Samurott.

"You know what's more sexy than doing on a beach? Doing it on an uncharted island." Hilda suggested her friend, forcing her onto the Samerott's back.

"Wait what?!" Rosa timidly asked, only for Hilda to jump aboard too.

"Onward, Samurott!" She commanded.

"Sam!" The Samurai Pokémon replied in response, using its Surf move to cross the ocean.

Thanks to the Water-Type's agility in the water, reaching the island took but a few minutes, but when the duo arrived there, it was far more populated an island than Hilda had suspected.

"What the? Docks?" Hilda said, her Pokémon approaching the harbor.

Getting off the boat and standing around more confused than aroused, Hilda began to call out.

"Hey, is anyone here! We're not intruders, we're just tourists!" She shouted aloud, only for her to be met with an opponent instead.

"Ah, a couple of attractive girls." Bonnie said, approaching the duo with a Pokeball in hand.

"What's up with her uniform?" Rosa asked under her breath, looking into Bonnie's adorned Team Rose Admin uniform.

Before the duo could make their statement as to why they were there, Bonnie called out her Pokémon.

"Use Thunderbolt on that Samerott, Dedenne!" She said, tossing her ball into the air.

As the Electric Type Pokémon, emerged, Samerott drew its arm blade, prepared to strike. However, the Electric Type Pokémon was swifter, bringing the Samerott to its heel.

Recalling her fainted Pokémon, Hilda was about to call out yet another Pokémon in reserve, only for Rosa to step in the way.

"Wait, no! We mean you no harm! Please dont hurt us!" Rosa pleased the blonde teen.

"Hurt you? Why would I do that? I intend to bring to my Master. He'll be so pleased that I found him two new slave girls so early after we formed our Team." Bonnie said with smug satisfaction.

"Wait, what?! Slave girls?! Team?! What's going on here, and why are you wearing that weird outfit?!" Rosa continued.

Her words reached deaf ears however, as Bonnie had already made up her mind to bring in the two girls.

"Dedenne, use Thunder Wave on them both!" She cried out, her Pokemon doing just that.

As bolts of lightning coursed through their nerves, Hilda and Rosa screamed out in pain, passing out as a result. Upon examining the bodies of the women who intruded on their private paradise, Bonnie gave the unconscious bodies a feel, gripping their firm asses and massaging their breasts.

"Oh yeah. Master's gonna have fun breaking you into his sex slaves." Bonnie snickered sinisterly, reaching for her radio on her waist.

After a period of time unknown to them, Hilda and Rosa both woke up, finding themselves in a darkly lit room, the two of them held in cages with their hands cuffed to the back. As the two knelt in place, a metal door opened up in the back of the room.

It's was none other than Ash, dressed in a custom made suit. It was a navy blue suit, a White Rose emblem stitched into the left breast pocket. He also wore a matching pair of navy blue dress pants and a pair of fancy made black dress shoes.

As he walked up silently to the caged duo, he took a chair sitting in the corner of the room, placing it down in front of the two, sitting down in it, so that he reclined him arms forward onto the back rest.

"My apologizes for the hostile treatment the two of you met on the beach there. I hope you aren't hurt." He began speaking calmly and comforting to the duo, his greeting only met with continued silence mixed with fear.

"Oh, please, don't be scared. I'm not going to hurt you." Ash said reassuringly. "I was hoping to act more casual to calm you two, but I suppose my formal getup might be a bit contradicting."

"Who are you?" Hilda asked, her vision obscured due to the faintly lit room.

"My name is of no importance to you, but since that response would only worsen our relationship, just call me Master." The raven haired man said simply.

Hearing what he called himself just then, Rosa recalled what the blonde teen had said at the docks.

"You're the Master that girl spoke of?" Rosa asked him.

"Yes, indeed I am. I'm the master of the island, and all of its beautiful inhabitants. We call ourselves Team Rose." He began to explain.

"It's a recently started faction admiringly, but if it's all the same, I'm truly sorry that you had such a unpleasant first experience on Providence. This island is suppose to be a place of pure happiness and peace." Ash continued.

"Providence? That's the island's name? Why isn't it mentioned on the map we had on us?" Hilda demanded.

"The previous owner of the island wasn't really too keen on the island's location being privy info to the public. I, too would like to keep it that way, lest I risk losing paradise itself." Ash explained bluntly yet eloquently to his captives.

"I'm sorry, I completely forgot my manners, your names are Rosa and Hilda, correct?" He asked the duo, faces of shock etched on their face once more.

"How would you-" Rosa began to ask, only for Ash to stop her.

"My faithful servants searched you before they brought you hear. They confiscated your trainer ID's and your Pokeballs. Rest assured, you'll soon receive everything back, so long as we get through the initiation." Ash said, standing from his chair to approach the cages.

"What-what initiation?!" Hilda asked in a panic.

"I think it's more appropriate to say invitation." Ash described, kneeling down to look to duo in the eyes.

"You two are beautiful beyond words. I would like to bring you into my glorious Team Rose." Ash offered bluntly.

"Team Rose is comprised of the most beautiful women in the word, all broken in to serve me and my whims. You're sole purpose in life will be to satisfy me at every stop, but in return, you're granted the gift of the freedom not to think. You'll never have to worry about a thing again." He continued.

"Troubles back at your home? Gone once you find this place your permanent home. Skeletons in your closet? When you serve loyalty to me, you'll never feel guilty over your sexual preferences again. You feel a lack of confidence and feel insecure about yourself? All of that will be erased once I break your mind to serve me." Ash said.

Upon hearing his words about insecurities, Rosa began to think to herself. She had always been a really shy girl, and she hated it. She always dreamed of being a more vocal and confident girl, but no matter how hard she tried to surpass her weaknesses, something always came back to return her to her old self.

She began so seriously consider the offer. However, going off of the man's word alone felt foolish to her. Desperate for some solid evidence, Rosa spoke up.

"Can you prove to me that you can get rid of insecurities?" She asked the man, now no longer struggling in her bonds. "If you can show me that you can control the mind so that it can no longer be timid and weak, I'll accept your offer."

"Rosa!" Hilda stammered.

"Hilda, you know just as well as I do, I can't change who I am! You even said yourself today that I lack confidence, so I see no harm in asking this man for proof of his claim." Rosa explained. "Besides, we're at his mercy anyways, since we stepped onto his island without permission."

Smiling at the will of the women started to bend his way, Ash agreed to her request, reaching for the walkie talkie on his belt.

"Bonnie, come in." Ash commanded his slave head of security.

As the blonde teen stepped into the room, the two gaged women gasped at the familiar being once more.

"I hear you have some hesitation about our initiation." Bonnie said seductively, her hips swaying as she walked over to her Sovereign.

"Ever since this great man here broke my mind to serve him, it's been nothing but heaven. He keeps us in great living conditions, treats us with great kindness, and gave us all the courage and sexual freedom we ever needed." She continued as she swirled around, humping Ash's leg whilst belting an erotic moan, turning the two chained girls red.

"All I've ever needed to do was submit my mind, body and all I've ever owned to him. It's a small price to pay for the eternal bliss his gives us with his powers." She finished, her jumping ceased, the teen now facing the duo as she wrapped her arm around her Master's hip.

After hearing all that she needed to, Rosa looked up at the man, who, now that she got a better look at, was incredibly handsome.

"I'm all yours. I submit." Rosa admitted, her resistance to her soon to be Master completely gone.

Hilda couldn't believe what she just heard. Her best friend and sex buddy had just up and offered herself to a complete stranger. She could only kneel there in her cage, her eyes wide and mouth parted in disbelief.

After seeing her friend had still not been truly convinced yet, Ash turned to his blonde slave.

"I think I'm gonna wait on breaking her after. Why don't you blind her for now so the Stone's light doesn't reach her eyes. I want her to see how much her friend will enjoy being a sex slave." Ash commanded.

"Yes sir..." Bonnie mewled seductively, taking out a cloth mask.

After opening the cage door and covering the brunette's eyes, Ash opened up Rosa's cage, cupping her chin in his right hand to raise it to meet his gaze as his left hand pulled the Mind Stone from his left pocket.

As the rainbow light flowed from the box, lighting the entire room in its essence, Rosa's eyes turned the same color as the stone, her body now going limp, waiting for its commands.

"Alright, slave, listen up. As of this moment, you are my personal sex slave and and object of my will. You exist to serve me and your Head Mistresses. You are now a member of the glorious Team Rose, a group who's sole purpose is to capture beautiful women, break their minds and bring them under my rule." Ash began declaring.

"As of now, the old Rosa is gone, and with her, all her insecurities and sexual inhabitants. You will enjoy the company of women and me alike, knowing that it pleases me. Upon the snap of my fingers, you will awaken as my devout sex puppet, forever faithful to my rule." Ash finished saying, his fingers poised to snap.

Upon the strike of his fingers, Rosa had awoken from her programming, her new purpose in life now right in front of her eyes.

"Thank you for freeing me of my inadequacies, Master." Rosa said with a smile. "I can only repay you for such a great deed through eternal servitude."

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear." Ash smiled contently, fetching a key from his pocket and unlock the cuffs that restrained his now servile visitor.

"Take off the other one's blindfold and leave the three of us be." Ash said to Bonnie. "I want to break her mind a different way than normal.

"Ooh, kinky." Bonnie hummed with a sultry voice, crawling back into the cage to rip off the blindfold that adorned Hilda.

Afterward the blonde teen left the room, leaving Ash, his newly broken slave and the soon to be dominated captive.

"Rosa, why?" Hilda asked her friend somberly.

"What do you mean why? I feel so great right now! All of my shyness, my insecurities about my body are all gone. I've gained freedom by becoming a slave!" Rosa replied in blissful ecstasy, her voice dripping with newfound confidence in herself.

"I think we should properly show our friend here how great it is to be a slave, shouldn't we, my newest fuck toy?" Ash said sensually, reaching his slave's body, feeling her up through her clothes.

"Yes, we most certainly should." Rosa agreed with a snicker, bending over as her Master commanded her to with his guiding hands.

Without a moment to waste, Ash ripped apart Rosa's clothing, leaving her now shredding clothing on the floor.

"Mmm, my Master is so naughty!" Rosa giggled. "How about it, Master? Do you want to claim this little slutty slave's ass in front of her friend?"

Upon giving her bubbly butt a seductive wiggle, Ash stripped out of his suit, leaving his garment sitting on the chair.

"Don't mind if I do." He said, now taking his fully erect member, throttling into Rosa's tight asshole.

As the familiar sexual moans of her best friend reached her ears, Hilda could only do her best to suppress herself. Her best friend being claimed right in front of her.

Normally when the two played in bed, Rosa was so meek and timid, embarrassed that she was even naked at all, and yet here she was, getting her ass plowed all the while echoing the room with moans that were filled with newfound confidence.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Oh that's so good! Keep fucking your cum dumpster of a slave, Master!" Rosa begged, her ass still being rammed by Ash's massive cock.

After a few more pumps, Ash began to slow down, his slave looking up at him with a smile.

"I'm glad your enjoying my body. It's everything I can give you as thanks. Being a slave to such a handsome man gives my life purpose!" She said through gasps of sexual ecstasy.

"Than I think we should let your friend share in the fun, shouldn't we?" Ash offered his slave, pointing at the still restrained Hilda.

"Great idea, Master." Rosa said with a chuckle.

With that said, Rosa now crawled into the cage, tearing Rosa's bikini top to shreds and pulling down her jean shorts and panties, leaving her naked form ready to be taken advantage of, her hands still bound.

"Oh, what's this?" Rosa teased upon noticing her friends wet pussy. "Oh you naughty girl."

After saying that, Rosa began to lap away at her friend's pussy, all while massaging her left breast in her right hand while squeezing her firm thighs with her left. As this assault happened on the defenseless Hilda, ash continued to pound away at Rosa, his cock now balls deep into her tight pussy.

"Rosa, please, come to your senses. We're friends." Hilda said, desperate to remind her friend.

"Oh please, Hilda. Be honest with yourself. You wanted this." Rosa chuckled, gesturing at the ponytailed brunette's dripping pussy. "Remember, you wanted us to have a threesome with a man, right? Well why don't you just become a slave to him like me and we can have this every day."

Thinking back upon it, Hilda really did want this sort of scenario to play out once before, and she did find Rosa's newfound sexual confidence extremely hot. As her will to resist being made a slave began to fade, hilda's grunts of resistance, soon turns to gasps of enjoyment, then soon enough turned into moans of pure pleasure.

"Fuck, I'm too horny to say no now!" She said with frustrated breath, struggling desperately to break free from her cuffs so that she could fully enjoy the moment.

Seeing how he'd finally broken her resistance, ash handed Rosa the key to unlock her friend's restraints. Upon her moment of release, Hilda jumped from the cage, pouncing on Rosa so the two could enter a Kalos kissing session.

Seeing the two new slaves sucking each other's face, Ash sat down in the chair, clearing his throat as a beckoning. Upon his command, the two broke from each other, placing their tits together so that he may slide his rigid cock between them.

As their warm and soft breasts ran up and down the shaft, the girls took turns giving their usurper head each time they slid down.

Placing one hand on each of their heads, ash moaned in pleasure, his seed shooting out, decirating the two girls' faces and breasts. Ash wasn't done however yet, as he took Hilda from behind, bending her over violently.

"Oh, fuck you're such an Alpha." Hilda teasing, turned on by being forced into a place by her superior.

As her Usurper pounded away at her friend's pussy, Rosa took the opportunity to slide underneath her slave sister's body. As her own pussy met Hilda's lips, so did Hilda's pussy to her face. As Rosa licked away around her friend's pussy lips, she took moments to lick her Master's shaft as well, cupping his balls with her hand as she did.

After another few moments of pumping longer, Ash finally grunted out.

"Fuck I'm gonna cum..!" He said, biting his lip.

"Cum all over your little slut's back!" Hilda pleased, her request reaching her new Lord and Master's ears.

Retracting his beating member from the soft and warm pussy, Ash blew his load all over Hilda's back, the very act causing Hilda to cum herself, her moans of pleasure causing a chain reaction, with Rosa cumming as well.

As the trio laid on the dungeon floor, gasping for air, Ash and Rosa looked to Hilda.

"So I guess that means yes, right?" Rosa asked her friend. "You'll be my slave sister and we'll have this kind of fun forever?"

Realizing what she had just done, Hilda came to the realization that her body betrayed her. However, considering how great she felt simply from watching how confident Rosa felt in that moment, every last trace of resistance vanished.

"Yeah, I'll be your slave sex toy." She said with a smile to Ash turning to Rosa to enter into another erotic kiss.

"Alright then. I'll just go ahead and program your mind for eternal servitude then." Ash said, pulling the Mind Stone's box from his pants on the floor.

"Make me your property." Hilda said opening up her arms in acceptance. "Master."

After the standard brainwashing happened, Ash got dressed, he as well his newest playthings emerging from the sex dungeon in the Villa basement soon after. Due to their clothes being ravaged, the duo were supplied with a couple of spare Team Rose outfits, just about their size, if a little small.

After the got dressed, Ash called a meeting for Team Rose. After all of his slaves gathered, Ash introduced the crew to their newest slave sisters.

"Team, I would like you all to meet Hilda and Rosa. These two have brought us capable Pokémon, their sharp minds, and their even more impressive bodies. They shall serve our Organization well." Ash began to speak.

"I decree that Rosa join Serena's maintenance team while Hilda will join the slave acquisition team run by Annabel." Ash further commanded. "Make sure you are real helpful with our newest slaves. Show them the ropes and give them a tour, because they are here to stay."

"YES, MASTER!" The slave troop saluted obediently in response.

As the sun once again set on the oceans of Alola, Ash looked out over his Villa balcony, wine glass in hand, wondering where his next conquest should come from.