
Pokemon: After killing the demon king

After being invoked in another world and killing their demon king, I got as a reward a nice retirement. I was reincarnated into an alternative pokemon world in a rich family. Now I tried to enjoy my life. Yes I said tried because some unforeseen circumstances might make it difficult. Warning 1: I do not own Pokemon. Warning 2: Their might be some references to sex but the scenes will not be described. Why? When I read, I usually skip those parts and I am sure I am not the only one... so let us develop the plot instead. Warning 3: I am thinking of writing each arc separately and post them each time I finish one. I do not want to promise publishing x chapters per week and have pressure... so the next arc will be published one day but I do not know when Warning 4: At the end of the first arc, the main character will not capture more pokemons! I think you will agree that he has more than enough already.

alex_carb · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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30 Chs

Why is writing harder than fighting?

After eating lunch with my brother, we resumed our journey. I thought there was Selina's sister here too but apparently she often leave for the whole day and come back only when it is time to sleep. What a strange woman.

"Are not you used to do the same?" Mia giggled while reading my thoughts.

We were actually both enjoying our break.

"Well... I was training"

"Did not he said that she was too? Maybe she could be your rival"

"Do you think so? Maybe you are right. Is she really practicing for battles? She could be doing many other things. Maybe she is a pokemon ranger and she was training herself"

"That could be… I should have read Selina's memories about it"

"No, you should not. She is pregnant and we do not know if there will be some effects on the baby"

"Come on! There is no risk"

"I said no"

"Since when do you think you can order me around?"

"So you decided to not have any dessert for the week?"

"Eh? Why? What?"

"Why? I wonder"

"Fufufu you could be my dessert"

"No! Not again" I said while running away. Of course she followed me. That woman! She leaves me no respite!

"Hey! Wait!" I said while stopping running suddenly. Something was off.

"What is it?" Mia said seriously while stopping suddenly next to me.

"Do you feel the tremors?"

"Oh yes, it is getting stronger and stronger. As if a big pokemon is running towards us"

"Or a horde. Let us go back" I said while carrying her like a princess and running away.

Once we arrived we call back all our pokemons, only to notice that Venusaur was missing.

"Fuck where is he?" I panicked while looking around. To my utmost surprised, I noticed him running towards me. He was the cause of all that ruckus.

"Venu-Venusaur" he said happily while I notice him wearing a strange stone.

"What the heck is he carrying?" Mia frowned.

"How I am suppose to know? I have been with you the whole time. All I can say is that he seems proud of it"

I went closer to my Venusaur and recognized what it was.

"Oh boy" I muttered while taking it.

"Venu Venu" he gave it to me proudly.

"A mega stone? Is that from your game? I thought he invented it since I never heard of it... I guess it really exist" Mia muttered.

"So i guess it is in order to mega evolve you... sadly I cannot use it right now"

"Do you think you need that counterpart? How was it call again?"

"A key stone" I remind her.

"Oh yes that is it!"

"I think we should go" I said before putting the stone in my pouch and then make sure that the pounch was closed. I do not want to loose it.

"Saur Saur"

"Good work" I nearly forget to praised him. I pat his big head gently.


"Now go rest! We have to travel" I explained before putting him into his pokeball.

"You must be happy" Mia commented.

"Yes I am. Now I know that stones truly exist. Maybe I should look for more of them!"

"Well that might be a good idea!"

"Does it exist for every pokemons? That is something I wonder" I asked myself.

"Well why would not it?"

"I do not know"

"Should we go?" Laura asked after coughing in order to get our attention.

"Yes yes" we both replied before getting ready for our flight.

"Or perhaps we should check where he found it. We might find others" Anna declared, surprising the three of us.

"Well... I guess my other pokemons would have go too if they felt something... like Venusaur did" I said.

"I guess ours would have done the same" Mia concluded.

"Perhaps" Anna gave up.

"However we could go there just to be sure! We will not have any regret by doing this" I decided.

Since they agreed, we followed Venusaur and it seems that he found the stone under a tree. We did not find anything else around. Same for our pokemons. Since it was like this, we left and resumed our journey towards Saffron city.

"Finally we arrived" Mia let out.

"Yes. I think we should rest for some days. It is getting tiring to always fly" I declared.

"Oh yes. I want to relax so much!"

However her telephone rang, interrupting her from complaining.

"Yes mom?"

"I am going to check out the other floors" I told Anna and Laura before leaving the bedroom. Since Mia was with her parents on the phone, I preferred leaving to give her some privacy. Who knows, maybe it was for work.

"A training ground? Let us check this out" I nodded as I noticed a good looking arena. No one was using it so I decided to have it all for myself. I let out my 88 pokemons and began training them. I divided them by seniority and gave them different instructions.

I decided to use my Kanto pokemons for the Kanto league. That does not mean that I was going to ignore the rest of my pokemons. I love them all the same, so there will not be any discrimination.

"I should hire someone to help me washing them at least... but who will not be afraid of them... the crazy old man? No, I will never ask for his help. But with what money will I paid the employee? Unless I become famous and one of my fan decide to follow me and help me... but that would be too suspicious... why is it so complicated? I could put it as part of my parent sponsorship"

After thinking of this great plan, I decided to call them while supervising my pokemon training. Their answer was clear. It was a full refusal with no place for negotiation. I wanted pokemons, I have to assume the responsibilities. What great parents I have. Then why do they paid for my brother butlers and maids?

"I guess I will have to earn more money with battles... unless the book I am writing will give me a lot of money" I sighed.

I then looked at my aromatisse which seemed to be struggling a lot in martial art.

"Aromatisse, I already told you to correct your stance. Do you want to nearly loose against that jigglypuff once more?" I remind her of the final of the fairy annual competition.

"ARO!" it yelled as she remembered those bad memories.

"Then stop messing with your stances. And that is also true for you Clefable"

"Clef, clef" she protested.

"Stop being stubborn. I am telling you that your stance is not correct. You are not better than aromatisse" I sighed.

"Being harsh once again?" Mia said while cuddling me from behind.

"I was not harsh. They need to improve. They also know it since they hate loosing"

"If you say so... well I have to go and well it should not be too long" she explained while being reluctant to let me go.

"Why do not you stop?" I asked.

"If only it was this simple…" she laughed nervously. Who would have thought that this fierce woman could be that nervous?

"Do you want me to talk to your parents?"

"I can talk to them by myself. Well I am leaving" she said before kissing my neck. I did not look back since I wanted to hide my worried face.

"Why is she forcing herself?" I sighed before looking at my two pokemons which were slacking off. "hey you two, your stances! If that continue, I will let Feraligatr give you special lessons" I yelled.

I could see them having goosebumps. That is the treatment received for not behaving well!

After training them for a few hours, I had dinner and spend my evening writing.

"To think it would take me this long to only write one chapter… I am never going to finish it! Why is writing harder than fighting?" I muttered as I looked at the size of my hard work. Just one chapter was wrote!

"Well let us begin the second one. I only have to work more" I concluded before writing again.

This time, the girls went back while I was still awake, reassuring me. However, I did not have time to finish the chapter number two.

I saw some blood stains on their clothes but I did not ask any question. I also noticed that they were far more clingy then usual. I deduced that something must have happened. Once they will feel ready, they will surely tell me about it.