
First Day As An Assistant - I

Xyno wakes up early in the morning. The sun was just up and the bright sunlight was reaching to his bed.

"I slept quite soundly last night. This bed was really comfortable to sleep on for some reason. Maybe I was too tired from everything that went down yesterday. I should get ready for work now. I am Professor Regina's assistant from today. But what would I wear? I can't show up for work in casual clothes."

Xyno goes up to the wardrobe and opens it. There are a number of clothes hanging in the wardrobe.

"Well which one should I wear?" After thinking for sometime Xyno picks out an outfit and starts getting dressed. "I'm sure they won't mind in any outfit I appear for work."

After Xyno finishes getting dressed a maid comes in and informs him that breakfast is ready. Xyno goes downstairs and sits on the dining table. He sees that breakfast is only being served to him.

"Where are Professor Regina and Miss Maria?" Xyno asks one of the maids.

"Oh they have had their breakfast already and went to the research facility. They came to see if you were up or not at 7 in the morning and when they saw you were sleeping quite soundly they informed us to let you sleep as long as you want." The maid replies to Xyno.

"Oh then I must be late already. What time is it anyway?" Xyno checks the clock hanging in the dining hall.

It was already 10:30 in the morning and Xyno realized he was too late to his job.

(Well no point in hurrying now. Might as well enjoy the breakfast.) Xyno thinks to himself since he was already late to the job, why hurry now.

The breakfast seemed quite familiar to Xyno. Toast with Fried Eggs and juice of a fruit that tasted similar to a mixture of Orange and Apple. The food and dishes seemed like were the same as the food on Earth.

(People's tastes really don't change. Even in the other world.) Xyno starts having his breakfast.

After finishing his breakfast Xyno goes out of the mansion to the research facility. On the way he realizes that the mansion is quite big, and the furniture looked expensive as well. There were maids to take care of the daily chores, but most of the cleaning of the mansion was handled by robots.

(The technology in this world seems more advanced than on Earth. There are those Artificial Inhabitators for example. I created the most advanced A.I. created on Earth and I don't think there would be something like Sasha in this world, but this architecture is really impressive. Earth's current technology doesn't even compare to the Artificial Inhabitator. Then these robots who take care of all the cleaning of the mansion. Even the gardener is a robot. And they have quite well made A.I. was well. Even though they can't express human emotions perfectly like Sasha can, but this is still impressive. Which means somewhere there can be an A.I. on par with Sasha. The robots on Earth made by other companies currently cannot compare to these.) Xyno gets amazed by the technology of Astra.

Even though the A.I. was not on par with Sasha, other aspects like the body of the machine, and the fact that they could be programmed to perform house chores was astonishing.

Xyno makes his way out of the mansion and heads over to the research facility. The research facility is a very big compound having different parts where different experiments are performed on Pokemons. Xyno makes his way over to the Artificial Inhabitator section of the research facility and upon entering he watches Maria reading the results of a scan on a Rattata. Xyno approaches Maria.

"Hello Miss Maria. I apologize for being late to work." Xyno apologizes for being late.

"Think nothing of it. Also you can call me Maria, no need to add the Miss." Maria smiles at Xyno.

"The Professor is in the Artificial Inhabitator area. Go meet up with her. Also deliver this report to her for me." Maria hands over the report she was reading just now.

"Okay Miss- I mean Maria. I will go there right away." Xyno walks over to the door out of the room and over to the field are where the Artificial Inhabitator was.

The Artificial Inhabitator was the biggest area of the Research Facility. Since there were a lot of Pokemons Regina conducted her research on, they were to live in an open area. The Artificial Inhabitator was a little separated from the other facilities so the Pokemon can live separately and would feel like were living in their home environment.

The Artificial Inhabitators were separated by nature of the land. The forest, plain and the lake area was one section. The rocky hills was which contained all the ground types and rock types, while the top of the hills where the Electric types lived was one section.

Xyno heads over to the forest area. He walks through a grass path passing many different bug type Pokemons. After walking for a while he meets Regina who was checking a Roselia at the spot.

"Hmm your leaves seem to shine more after you have direct contact with the sunlight. Seems like you have Natural Cure. There seems nothing wrong so it's fine." Regina watches Xyno approach her.

"Oh so you finally woke up? I had Maria check up on you but since you were sleeping very soundly she let you sleep for a while longer. Did you have breakfast already?" Regina faces Xyno as the Roselia goes away into the forest.

"Yes Professor I already had breakfast. Sorry for not waking up on time today. I will try to wake up early from tomorrow." Xyno apologizes to Regina.

"It's fine. You won't be doing much work in the start anyway. As you can see this is the forest section of the Artificial Inhabitator. Here we have Grass type, Bug type and some Flying type Pokemon who live in the forest. The lake is just next to this where the water types and those who prefer to live near a water source are located. The next to the lake area is the field where the farm Pokemons like Tauros and Miltank live. Your job would be to help me in the field area for today. I will explain your work there. But first let's head over to the lake to check on the Pokemons living there." Regina explains to Xyno while walking over to the lake area.

"This is all so fascinating. How does this Artificial Inhabitator works?" Xyno asks Regina.

"Oh the Artificial Inhabitator is made of special material that can be made into any type of terrain. The sky you see here is a replication as well. It is dome-shaped." Regina replies.

When they reach the spot Xyno observes that there is a huge lake in the middle with all sorts of Pokemon living there. On the coasts were more basic Pokemon like Poliwags, Poliwhirls, Woopers, Quagsires, Panpours and a lot other Pokemons. More at the centre of the lake were evolved and powerful Pokemons like Gorebyss and Milotic.

"This is really fascinating isn't it?" Regina asks Xyno.

"Yes. I haven't seen anything like this before." Xyno gets fascinated by the Pokemons and the environment inside the Artificial Inhabitator.

After they complete their work at the lake area, Regina and Xyno walk over to the field area where the farm Pokemon were. The farm are was connected to the main facility since the Pokemons provided needed more direct researching.

"Can you quickly go and give these papers to Maria for me? She asked for these yesterday but I forgot to bring them" Regina asks Xyno.

"Sure. I'll go give these to Maria now." Xyno grabs the papers from the table and heads over to where Maria was.

When Xyno arrives he watches Maria conduct a scan on a Rattata.

"These are the papers Professor Regina asked me to bring to you Maria." Xyno hands over the papers.

"Oh thank you Xyno." Maria grabs the papers and places them on the table.

Xyno looks at the Rattata as it comes out of the scanner. When Xyno looks closer at the Rattata he notices something.

(What is this?) Xyno thinks to himself as he looks at something that looked like an information screen.

Sup' guys. Xyno here.

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Dark_Xynocreators' thoughts