
Pokemon: A New legend

A reincarnated boy , travelling the world of Pokemon , with a system . Join him in his awesome , thrilling and dangerous Adventures in this new world . Except the story and MC , I don't own anything not even the cover photo Its my first fanfic , Hope It will be too your liking

AlmightyDragon · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Start of the new legend

In a cold and chilly night , a young boy around the age of 10 years , was sitting on the rooftop of a 2 storey house , while being wrapped around a heavy blanket and gazing at the sky .

The boy's name is Arthur Leywins , and he is a reincarnated person who died during a Pandemic on Earth , at the age of 24 . And was reborn in the pokemon world with his memories of previous life .

Although ,it didn't took him too much time to accept the new truth , And having a caring and lovely family was a blessing in disguised for him .

His father is a hardworking man , he mostly stays in abroad due to his job and whenever he comes back home , he also brings back a storm of love and affection with him.

His mother have a loving and caring nature , She has long red hairs with a beautiful complexion and body . Mostly she is loving and a caring mother but sometimes when she gets angry , She remind him of a certain anime character from his previous life .

"Arthurrrr", His mother shouted as she walked out of the House and glared at Arthur who was sitting on the rooftop and continued ,"Didn't I told you not to go to the rooftop today".

"It's my last day mom , I will be going on a long journey tomorrow , so I won't be able to do this , So please let me enjoy the night mom", replied Arthur with a smile .

"So you are enjoying , then why are you wrapped inside the blanket", asked his mother.

"its.... Oh yes , I am practicing so that I could survive the cold night in the forest during my journey", said Arthur as he smiled and scratched his head .

"Go inside and sleep , you have to wake up early tomorrow , and if i don't see you in your room sleeping within 10 minutes , and if you don't, you know what may happen, don't you ?", said his mom and went inside the house .

Hearing that Arthur could feel cold sweat run down on his back . He silently nodded and immediately went inside his room through the window , as he don't want to make his mom angry and end up with an bump on his head .

Arthur's room was simple, it has a soft and comfy bed , a study desk full of books about Pokémon , a wall hanging L.E.D television , some huge books on pokemon history that his father brought for him from abroad and daily essential.

Slipping inside the blanket on the bed , as he looked at the ceiling and thought ,'So its finally gonna start tomorrow , I worked so hard and waited so patiently for this day to come'.

Arthur didnt wasted all those years doing nothing . Although ,he hardly did anything except sleeping ,eating , walking a little bit time to time , being carried around by his mom etc for the first 2 years ,

And the next 4 years he spent most of his time , playing with little Ash and Gary , enjoying the complement , on how cute he was from the neighborhood Aunties , spending time with mom and doing silly things , and the best times were when he get to eavesdrop on his mom bragging about him to Ash's and Gary's mother

And at the age of Seven he finally got serious as he went to Prof Oak and asked him to take Arthur as his apprentice . And When Prof Oak saw that young boy interested to learn about pokémon , he quickly agreed and took Arthur as his apprentice. And being Prof Oak's apprentice even made Arthur famous all over Pallet town.

He started from studying about pokémon at the lab , And slowly and steadily he moved on different topics like How to breed pokémon , Pokémon battle tactics , learning how to make pokéfood , learning about Pokémon nature , learning how to train pokémom etc. He learned everything , Prof Oak was capable of teaching him . As he knew that , the man in the white coat was , Once the champion of kanto region and he knew being his apprentice will only be advantageous for him in future so didn't wanted to lose this opportunity.

Next morning ....

Waking up Arthur , sat up on his bed and looked at the alarm clock , it was 7:30 am while he have to reach at Prof Oak's lab at 8 o' clock.

"Thirty minutes ,.... It should be enough", said Arthur and went inside the bathroom to take a shower.

After 20 minutes , Arthur finally went downstairs wearing his pokémon trainer outfit.

Look here to see the M.C

Meanwhile his mother was waiting for him , while holding the latest model 4D storage bag that Prof Oak gifted him on his 10th birthday and a gift box.

Seeing Arthur come down she approached him with a smile .

"Looking great , Son", She complemented.

"Thanks mom", replied Arthur and wear his bagpack .

"Anyway, here it's a from gift mom and dad , dad brought it for you from Kalos", She said as he handed the gift box to Arthur .

"Gift??", Asked Arthur as he peeked at the clock, it was already 7: 56 am .

"I will open it later mom , I am getting late", said Arthur as he kept the box in the bag and exited through the door.

"Breakfast", shouted his mother while looking at door Arthur open door , seeing no response ,She sighed as she knew that Arthur was always over excited when it come to pokémon .

Meanwhile , Walking towards the Prof Oak's lab , Arthur smiled at rising sun as if he was greeting it .

After 6 minutes , Arthur finally arrived at the Prof Oak's lab gate which leads to the stairs to climb the hill and then the lab.

Walking upstairs , Arthur couldn't help but remember the good memories he build here , while playing with pokémon , feeding them , taking care of them , Meaninglessly gazing at the clear sky with them etc.

'There are so many good memories here , I will really miss them', thought Arthur

"Hi Arthur", said someone from behind .

Looking back , Arthur could only see a familiar face with brownish hairs reaching the waist and innocent brown eyes. Wearing a light blue sleeveless shirt, along with red miniskirt. The person was non other than one of Arthur's childhood friends and Pallet town's infamous beauty Leaf.

"My greetings , to the most beautiful girl of Pallet town",teased Arthur .

Leaf knew Arthur likes teasing her so its no use arguing with him,

Leaf glared at Arthur asked ,"Why don't you keep moving , or do you want to make me late".

"Ladies first", replied Arthur as he cleared the way for her and gave her a teasing bow .

"Huh", Leaf ignored Arthur's bow and walked pass him.

'Hehehe ,it feels great to tease her', Arthur laughed inwardly and followed her.

Moving upstairs , they finally arrived at the lab. Moving forward Arthur rang the doorbell .

After a few seconds ,the door opened and they were greeted by a spiky hair boy , he was wearing a long purple shirt, dark gray pants, a yin and yang locket around his neck .

"Good morning Leaf ....., and u too", Greeted Gary ,as he forced a smile while greeting Arthur .

"Good morning Gary", Leaf replied with a smile.

Meanwhile Arthur was observing Gary's clothes .

"You really lack fashion sense Gary , ..... Why not come and take some classes from me", smirked Arthur.

"Youuu..", said Gary as he moved towards Arthur but he was stopped by Leaf.

Meanwhile , Prof Oak came from behind and asked ,"What are you three doing here ?".

Seeing Prof Oak , Arthur slipped passed them and greeting ,"Good morning Professor".

Prof Oak patted Arthur's shoulder as he smiled and said ," You look lively as ever Arthur ..... Anyway where is Ash ".

" That's loser , must have understood that he is not capable of becoming a Pokémon trainer , Anyway he is late why don't we start already", said Gary as he went inside the lab .

"Why can't he leave him alone", murmured Arthur as he stared at Gary's back.

Meanwhile, Leaf approached towards Arthur and whispered ,"Let it go Arthur , You know how your friend is right".

Arthur had spend most of his time playing with him , when they were around 4 and 5 years old , He didn't knew earlier , But Gary was kind and good back then and he was also Arthur's bestfriend , but after he started his apprenticeship at the lab , he didn't get much time to play around and somehow Gary became like this .

"I hope , he changed to his back self , someday", sighed Arthur as he Leaf followed Prof Oak and Gray inside the lab.

How was it , is it better or worst then earlier version ....

Btw I don't know what pokemon to choose as his starter.

Charmander ...


Squirtle ( for Gary )

AlmightyDragoncreators' thoughts